Monday 20 May 2024

Sir, How to become a Nobel Laureate?

 Dear all,

When we observe the Nature, when we question its actions, processes, creations, undertake a life long journey of understanding, researching, and finding the truths and philosophies of Nature, formulating the theory, discover and document the way Nature functions, describe the detailed nano and micro activities undertaken by Nature, work on the tiny substances it creates, revealing the time precision with which it works and the coordination of time and activities/processes, the amazing speeds with which it works without our realization, the way it works without creating any noticeable sound, and unravelling the complex phenomenon, bringing out the underlying facts, predicting it's future evolution, is the way to become a Nobel Laureate.  

Yours peacefully...Rams...

Dr.Prof.Captain (IN).M Ramasubramanian, IIM Kashipur (Retd).
BSc (AS),BTech, MTech, MBA, MSc, C. Eng.(India) 
PhD (Elec. Engg), PhD (Psy), SMIEEE (USA), FIE, FIETE, MISTE, MAeSI

Sunday 26 November 2023

"Sir, why relationships are failing?"

 Dear all,

The human relationships worldwide are failing because human beings make Transactional Relationships. They look for something from the other person, either openly/directly or in subtle ways. In Live-in relationships and relationships-with-benefits there is a give-and-take, a kind of business relationship, an unwritten contractual terms and conditions in the relationship. Therefore, when the conditions are not met or when the needs are no more existing, then the relationship fails. 

If it is a Transformative Relationship then one is interested in transforming the other person...there is no self interest...our interest is there on the other person...generally it is well accepted, received, and recognised by the other person...i.e we are in the giving mode...transforming mode...the person can probably feel the changes, developments, improvements, growth, in them in different dimensions of the self, life, career, happiness levels, peace and contentment levels...and the relationship may not break or weaken...

So, covert all your Transactional Relationships into Transformative Relationships!!

Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

Thursday 16 November 2023

"Sir, How to become a Genius?"

 Dear all,

How to become a Genius?

Read one page. Think Hundred pages. Ask thousands of questions. Find answers scientifically. Use eyes of Nature. Understand how nature works. Find solutions in the Nature's way!!

Peacefully yours...


Sunday 5 November 2023

Reversal of Role Modelling....

 Dear all,

20 years before i was a Commander in Navy. So, i was a Role Model and Inspiration for few students. They wanted to become like me!! 

Now, they have reached such high levels in life that they have become Role Models and Inspiration to me. I want to become like them!!🤣

Peacefully yours...Rams...!!!

Saturday 22 July 2023

"Positive deviants are the individuals using unusual tactics to achieve success"...Dr Gary Klein...


  • Positive deviants are the individuals using unusual tactics to achieve success, and we can learn from them.
  • Their tactics may be subtle, and they might not even understand what is working.
  • Expertise is needed to spot positive deviants, diagnose the reasons for their success, and spread the message.

Saturday 8 July 2023

Dream Big!!


Hai students and scholars,

Usually we aim to become something taking those around us or those whom we met in our school or college as rolemodel. 

Most of the times this aim becomes much lesser than our true full potential.

I watched and listened to the speech by Professor Deborah Prentice who took over as the 347th Vice Chancellor of University of Cambridge. She started her life as a simple psychologist and grew up to become an administrator of educational institutions and now the VC of the prestigious University of Cambridge!!

When i heard her speech i felt 'Why no one guided me to become like this when i was a student?...Why i did not think like this before?' i thought let me share so that you also don't think later the way i think now!!!

So, think Global....aim high...rule the world!!

Listen to her will redefine and rewrite your life goals!!!💪

Peacefully yours...Dr M Ramasubramanian...CAO, IIM Kashipur!!

Friday 7 July 2023

Grow to a level that your CV is just one line!!......'I am a Nobel Laureate in Economics'!!!


Hai Students and Scholars!!


🙋‍♂️...We write so much in our CV to describe about our qualifications, experience, skill sets etc. Why not we grow to a level that we just write one line in the CV which describes everything about us!! (e.g 'I am a Nobel Laureate in Economics')...or may be CV itself is not required for us...We need to think differently!!!🤔

Few years back when i superannuated from Navy, i felt miserable correcting my CV every day and uploading some 27 experience details etc in job applications....somehow i travelled through that when i think about superannuating from IIM Kashipur the nightmare of again correcting cv suiting every job description is, when i asked myself why i have to undergo this pain, the mind said 'You have not grown to a level of not requiring a CV or not grown to a level of making a simple or one liner cv!!', i feel it is comparatively easier to become one rather than undergoing that painful process of cv correction!!..I also feel i should have known or someone should have told or guided me like this earlier during my student only i shared so that it may be useful for someone here!!

Dr M Ramasubramanian, CAO, IIM Kashipur.