Wednesday, 16 January 2013

மண்டைய நல்லா பிச்சுக்கோங்க! more mailllllllllll!


--- On Sat, 30/10/10, M.RAMASUBRAMANIAN R.MANICKARAJAN <> wrote:

Subject: [MIT-36THBATCH-ITIANS] மண்டைய நல்லா பிச்சுக்கோங்க!

Date: Saturday, 30 October, 2010, 11:36 PM

hai atleast the last three lines!


--- On Thu, 15/7/10, namita singh <> wrote:

From: namita singh <>
Subject: [IndianPsychologists] Brain and Behavior: Some queries
To: "IndianPsychologist" <>
Date: Thursday, 15 July, 2010, 8:56 PM

To all esteemed group members who have enhanced this discussion on mind/brain explanations, here are few very raw queries & comments.
  1. How is the MIND working when it is not able to express itself? Why can’t it be said that the thought processes are working, which is different by-products of the sub parts of physiological brain?
  2. How does one interpret the MIND entity in swings of a severe chronic manic-depressive patient, or a frequent relapse case of poly substance abuser, or a depressed case of few suicide attempts?
In case of brain it can be defined and demonstrated as the neuro-chemical changes, in case of tumors, strokes behavioral changes can be inferred depending on the brain area affected.
How does one explain that the mind is not working well in this area so a particular odd behavior is happening for e.g. Compulsive cleanliness procedures in OCD?
Yes psychosocial factors do hv a very important interplay. BUT in majority cases of patients and clients, we as mental-health professionals cannot change the psychosocial conditions/situatio ns to an optimal best condition. Yes we can counsel/do therapy for CBT, family therapy, BM etc. to help in adjusting/comprehen ding the situation from different perspectives as per the clients level.
  1. It was said, “thoughts do not proceed from the neurons, it is the other way around. the thoughts fire the neurons. (i seek clarifications from our cognitive behavior psychologists. ...:-)  ). neurons dont fire on their own, do they? they need a stimulus and an impetus to fire)”. By Shilpa Datar
Where and how does the thought originate? Could we compare thoughts & perception of a visually handicapped individual, a hallucinating schizophrenic and a university graduate on being shown and explained a simple flower vase?
We perceive a stimulus, depending on previous learning, we infer the information from the memory systems and respond as per the need and drives of our physiological/ psychological/ emotional processes. Thoughts do Not happen in vacuum. Even in a newborn of any species there is a blueprint in the genes to survive: to suckle, to cry. It does not think abt finding the mother for warmth but just cuddles towards the mother. As the organism grows, its brain development helps it to think, plan and adapt better day by day in the whole life span, in case of normal life conditions.
Lets re-look at the life formation sequences from the cell level. In human species a particular egg does not think to fertilize with a specific sperm from millions of sperms. This may be a very crude e.g., but one can read abt the first life formation on this planet earth. Thoughts & mind DID NOT start life production; biochemical synthesis, fusions & fissions did it. Over few million years of life’s existence we hv developed to this stage that we can talk, think, reason, display emotions, creativity, learning etc. This has been a long evolutionary process through the enhancement of our cortex. This may be one of the reasons that we are surviving through the millions of years till date!
Some member mentioned abt dissecting the mind!! Pls refer to few interesting researches in the neuroimaging techniques specifically functional brain imaging in diseases. Depending on ones interest one can be informed in all areas related to behavior, mind, brain.
Some member also mentioned abt reading on parapsychology. Other than occasional reading on this topic, I hv had a client who has survived four heart attacks, in one severe one, he was medically declared dead & he revived after sometime. He also explained his after life experience in vivid details.
In this life and times anything and everything is possible, who knows sooner than we estimate the human cloning will start. It would be interesting to see the MIND working then.
   Tnx again for the different input. Time permitting may be someday we will hv this discussion in person.
Would like to conclude with a quote from Charles Darwin, "It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change".

With Regards
Namita Singh

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