Sunday, 25 May 2014

let us be less emotional about anything in life!

hai all...

emotional attachments are directly proportional to the sufferings.

The 'more' and 'more in number' our emotional attachments are i.e people, places, items, events, things (religion, region, caste, languague, gods, gurus) the more is the suffering by intensity and period of suffering.

so, let us be less emotional about anything in life.


who are those who are important for us?

hai all...

we are all are fine, happy and ticking because there are some people in our life, whom we love the most, consciously or subconsciously, are there in our lives or in our sub conscious minds...which tells our inner mind that 'he is there!' or 'she is there!', we are confident and happy.

if you take a paper and write down the names of those people you will be able to figure out who they are...they need not be physically with us...some are not known to us, if they really play a key role in 'feeling of rejection'...

only when they leave us physically or tell us 'i am not there for you!' etc we will come to know who they are, how much they are meaningful to us in our lives etc...

till such time, we take them for granted and it does not matter for us whether they are there or not, talk to us or not, be with us or not...

every one has some one or the other...or more than one...less the number, more the agonies...more the number, less the agonies...

they are the most significant people...others are only significant or insignificant in our lives...


is it possible to understand the problems of elderly people?

hai all...

I saw a middle aged man shouting at his parents in their 80s...the parents were saying 'hmm...we are old people...can't you understand us!'

all of us have crossed the adolescent period of life...but still we are unable to understand and accept the behaviours of adolescents...

we have not experienced the feelings (ourselves) of a person who is aged 80 and knowing that they will not survive longer and any time their breath can stop...

so, how can one understand the feelings of an oldie?

unless he or she reads Geriatric Psychology with an aim to understand the world of people at their brim of life it there?

hai is a might be there all around us...but if we are not in a mood to appreciate it then it is as good as not our sensors should perceive it's presence...

also at different ages we perceive love in different our needs differ...and there are different types of love and we want to experience all these loves at different percentages all the time every is a dynamic state of mind...

keep rocking 


all the laws and rules of ours that screw us!

haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii are we?....due to some ifs and buts i have not been here for past few days....thanks for all those who enquired about......i keep typing something or the other....looks like it has attracted some is one for the day...before reading this read this saying by Immanuel Kant...("two things awe me the most...the starry sky above me and the moral law within me" Immanuel Kant 1724-1804)

my opinion is....

as long as the moral law matches with social / legal laws and both these match with the law of the nature (after all, we are part of nature and we are supposed to function as per nature's dictate) peace within oneself and harmony with others will exist...otherwise only conflicts both in the conscious and subconscious harmony....


something which i read and found correct...

hai all...

what should we have to live on this earth peacefully and happily...

1. ability to keep the mind in balance, whether pleasant or unpleasant situations.

2. To accept people and situations as they are (as they surface), and then act on it. Not just simply accepting and being inactive, no! Accepting, and then taking appropriate action.

3. Not seeing intention behind others' mistakes. If a mistake happens through you, what do you say? ‘Well, it happened. To err is human', and we excuse ourselves.
When a mistake happens through someone else, you think that they did it intentionally. You don’t see that it just happened through them. They didn’t mean it.

Not to see an intention in others mistake is a good virtues. It is one of the qualities of a well educated human being.

So, when mistakes happen, see it as a happening. Through whom it happened is secondary. If you adopt this approach, it makes you very centered, and you feel connected with everybody. The mind becomes free from anger, jealousy, greed, and all these negative imperfections.

Read complete post:

Friday, 23 May 2014

golden rule of a happy married life

hai all...this is again from pandit sri sri ravishanker...which i agree with...but there is more to it which i will add later...

Q: What is the golden rule of a happy married life?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: Well, I am not qualified to say anything, but let me think. Why don’t you sit with those who are happily married? What I have heard is:

Before marriage: A couple is mad for each other!

During marriage: They are made for each other!

And then: They are mad at each other!

After while: They are mad because of each other.

Somebody here has formulated this!

One thing I know, marriage is an institution of patience, sacrifice, caring for each other and sharing. If one is upset, other should keep quiet and wait for his/her turn to get upset.


why are we bored with relationships after some time?

hai all...this is worth reading...

"Relationships: - [ Amazing words that resonate deep, deep within us. ]
Most people look elsewhere for a perfect relationship, but few look within themselves;at the place from where we relate. What is your relationship with yourself? Who are you to yourself?
People think, ‘Oh, I’m single. I’m so bored being by myself. I need a companion. I need a relationship.’ If you are so bored by your own company, think how much more boring you must be for someone else. And two people bored with themselves getting together, will completely bore each other!
If your relationship is based on personal need it may not last that long. Once the need is fulfilled, on a physical or on an emotional level, the mind will look for something else and go somewhere else.
If your relationship is from a level of sharing, then it can last longer.
When you’re looking for security, love, and comfort from your partner, you become weak. When you are weak, all the negative emotions come up and you become demanding. Demand destroys love. If we just know this one thing, we can save our love from getting rotten.
It’s the limited awareness of yourself and the limited experience of love that encapsulates you in a tiny compartment where you start suffocating.
We can’t even handle the love we are asking for because we have never probed into the depth of our own mind; our own consciousness.
- Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
