Saturday, 20 December 2014

Some questions to god about 'LOVE'?

Hai all...most of the problems that come to me for resolving are related to 'LOVE' here are some questions that came to my mind...QUESTIONS TO GOD...(laughs)...

Hey god...NATURE god...please think properly, if you have brain, and answer my questions below...
Love....why did you give this feeling to human beings?....

if you say you have given this for only procreation (i.e that life continues on earth) like you have given for other animals then human beings should experience only those types of loves which animals also experience (love between parents and children till the children become adults and independent and love feeling that brings sexual attraction between opposite sexes...these are the two types of loves animals experience for reproduction and grooming off springs)...why human beings experience more than these two types of loves?...(siblings, friends, relatives, love experiences beyond reproduction and grooming needs, love without expectations, love beyond death, loving all living and non living...woff, the list is endless!!!)
If your aim is only procreation then you should have only given the animal type of love feeling to human beings...i.e loving anyone and every one for procreation...why you did not give like that?...human beings are not able to love every one for procreation!!...many are able to experience this type of love with just only one person in life time, or only one person at a time, or may be just two and certainly not in an unlimited manner the way animals do (without any physical and mental health problems). They are not attracted to all people of opposite sex that way. It is not just the physical appearance or depends on how they feel about the other person in their mind.

By giving the SIXTH SENSE you have created the 'SEX'TH SENSE too and made every one's life miserable!!

1. one person loves but the other person does not experience SAME TYPE of love and SAME EXTENT of love all the time in the life cycle of both concerned. Even if the love does not have the component of sex both suffer or one suffers.

2. one person loves but the other person does not love. Here one person suffers. Other person also might suffer if the love of other person affects this person.

3. human beings experience obsessive and addictive loves too.

Effectively, for a defined number of human beings on earth, there are 'n' number of loves!!!...this has messed up the lives of human beings!

Above all this you have given POSSESSIVENESS too which is contradictory to your aim of variance between two different human beings.

Tell me, why did you create all this messssss?

You could have created human beings also like animals. Why are you creating and killing them while being alive?

Tell me, how many more variations (problems) you are going to introduce in your 'evolution experiment' and screw up the lives of all of us here?

Enough is enough boss!!! only created all this mess and now, you only solve the problems too!
Now tell me how are you going to solve this problem??

how are you going to make one person to fall in love with another (only one) who also loves with same type and same extent for life long?

i think this will solve the problem to an extent!

But how are you going to do this????

(don't talk all the bulls to me saying 'how family will form, how societies will form, how cultures will form etc, OK!!!...solve this fundamental problem which is making every one 'mental' health patients here...after that let us go to the next level of families, societies, cultures etc!)
