Wednesday, 21 January 2015

need for a course and training for adolescents on 'love' and 'relationships'

Hai all...

The adolescent age is in search for the mate without their knowledge as the body has matured. It is an age of adventure, forming new relationships and falling in love.

As the social networks have flourished on internet the opportunities for forming new relationships across the continents, cultures, religions and castes is easy.

The issue in front is neither the middle aged or old aged people of the past have undergone a proper course on 'love' and 'relationships'. They only have the experience which is a limited knowledge. They are able to only scare or control or threaten the adolescents which is not having the desired effect.

The adolescents feel freedom on net in forming relationships wildly and widely without knowing the consequences. They don't know the various stages or phases of love, relationship forming and the effects of these on mind, body, daily chores, work, the significant people etc.

It is like jumping inside a whirling lake without knowing the currents inside.

They feel that they are the masters in assessing and evaluating people without knowing the subconscious drives which make people behave in a particular way for satiation of the needs.

Human beings being social animals can not live in isolation. The love which involves physical relationships has been the biggest brain killer for people of all ages.

The adolescents freely share pics of their body and their body itself with the people in relationships and land up in obsession disorders, possessiveness, multiple sexual relationships etc and realize after a while that their brain has got damaged so badly that they need prolonged treatment and counseling.

Reproductive need is  a basic id need which is subconscious and makes a person to say anything and do anything to gratify the need without bothering about legal and social implications.

1. Has anyone got satisfied with one hug or one kiss or sex once with their mates?...yes, it is addictive.

2. Physical relationship brings in too much of attachment, possessiveness, feeling of love which collapses a person in case the relationship breaks for any reason.

3. People of distant places fall in love madly, unable to meet and keep crying as the gratification of the need is met.

So, 'love' and 'relationships' are though basic needs, but dangerous too if they do not work out well.

Knowing the dynamics, phases, effects of these will at least make us aware what is happening while falling in love or being in a relationship so that we can take precautions to avoid the damage to our brain, life, career, living and other significant relationships we have at home, relatives and society.

keep rocking
