Wednesday, 22 April 2015

How mothers spoil the life of theirs and their children?

Hai all...many girls get married...but when they don't click well with the husband they get attached to their children...children become their life!!...they derive all their emotional needs from them. Later when they become adolescent and need love and affection from people of their age and opposite gender also, then they spend more time on real and virtual relationships...the possessive mother does not get her needs fulfilled...this frustration is shown by her in various types of behaviours...then fight starts...the mother becomes parasite of the children and her entire life becomes dependent on children...she plans the marriage, her further life etc consciously or subconsciously weaved with the children...this affects the married life of children and also the mother...many mothers with teenagers suffer due to this....the children also bang their, mothers, beware!!!...girls and boys, check out if your mother is attached toooo much affecting your life...if yes, take them to a counselor, or else your life is doomed!!


What will happen to socialisation of human being and social systems like family, marriage

Hai all...what will happen to social systems of marriage, family etc?...what will happen to human socialization?...may be it will be like this...

Earlier it was agrarian society which was family, family relationships, relatives centric...
Now it is industrial society which is self, friends, advancement in career, achievements, wealth centric, profession centric where maximum time is spent at office physically and even 'office at home' mentally....

This will give more stress...

Stress will decrease the physical needs...

This will result in late marriages or marriages on compulsion or for name sake or no marriages....achievement motive will over rule this need...

Many will live single...and derive emotional needs satisfied from office friendships, virtual relationships, live-in relationships, pet animals, nature (e.g gardening), art forms, simulated relationships (e.g with robots, softwares, apps that simulate human emotions/equivalents)...

Population rise (rate) will reduce...

Marriages and families will reduce...old type of relatives will reduce...

More researches in robots and software simulations to bring in videos or people who can replace human beings in relationships and emotions...

More people will live in fantasies and imaginary relationships...

What next?????.....let us wait and watch....


what is religion and what is spirituality?

Hai all....lot is spoken about RELIGION and SPIRITUALITY...every one has his own opinion...i also have my own...

Generally religion and spirituality are defined based on God and beliefs based on god ('God Centric').
I think they should be based on Human beings ('Human Centric').

God centric definition leads to fear, low self confidence, parasitic dependence on god, obsession, division of human beings, emotional attachment to god leading to fights between different sects/religions etc.
Human centric definition removes all these negatives and leads to happiness, peace, good physical-mental-social health and self actualisation.

The center of any definition related to HUMAN BEINGS should be PHYSICAL-MENTAL-SOCIAL well-being of ALL human beings.

so, my definitions are as follows...

Religion - A way of life. This will define the way we live. The activities, beliefs, rituals, hobbies, way we relate to others and social systems around, dress, food, all mind related issues etc. This will be different for different people living at different places in the world with some commonalities. Any religion which is based on 'love and care for ALL human beings' only will survive and prosper naturally.

Spirituality - Any physical act or mental act, place, person, item, life event, social situation, belief that gives life long physical-mental-social health to that individual. So, this also will differ from person to person with some commonalities. Being in the present, enjoying what we do, accepting people and realities as they are, having a physical and mental exercise regime is Spiritual living.

Spiritually yours