Most of us land up in petty or serious crimes, illegal activities, or guilt feelings, regretful thoughts, fears, depression, sadness and all such related negative issues of life only when....
1. We are under pleasurable activities
2. When our body urges and cravings are high
3. When our brain is unhealthy...mind is weak...obsessive...insecure...
When we are under pleasurable activities, then our realistic cognitive ability gets suppressed. Therefore, we land up doing all unsocial and illegal activities. After our needs are met, when we are out of the effect of pleasures, when the stress caused in the body and mind are removed due to pleasurable activities, then we come to reality and realise the danger we are in, and end up doing things which further complicate our life.
When our body urges and cravings are high, then again to supress the cravings, to come out of the stressful situation, we end up in pleasurable activities, because everything related to the physical ie body are in the pleasure domain, animal domain, or lead to pleasure related activities and put us in serious troubles as mentioned above.
When our brain is unhealthy...mind is weak...obsessive...insecure...then again we land up at places, people, items, life situations where we land up in pleasurable activities and all the issues above.
Because physical proximity is a must to gain pleasures for the body. So, the brain produces thoughts, ideas, solutions, it controls the body and issues directives to mouth, legs, hands and all muscles to do things to gain proximity to the source of pleasure. So, here again we land up in serious troubles as mentioned above.
When we are in these three body and mind situations, the exploiters of body and mind...the cheaters....the animals...find us to be vulnerable targets and destroy us!!
To avoid all the above three states of body and situations....we need to do the following:-
1. Every day sleep from night 10 pm to morning 5 am.
2. Healthily cooked moderate carbohydrate food in the morning and more of protein and protective food during lunch and dinner
3. Avoiding spices, non veg and oily foods.
4. Walking, yoga, meditation.
5. 20 long breathes whenever we are driven for pleasurable things in a non conducive environment.
6. keeping the body and mind stress free...
7. avoiding pleasurable chemicals, pleasure places, pleasurable activities, pleasurable thoughts etc.
The simple fact is, when our body and mind are not stable and wanting pleasures in an unsocial or illegal way, then it is an indication that it is stressed and we need to do the 7 points above. If we do the 7 points above daily, then it is more likely that we may not end up in stressful situations of body and mind.
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!