The following may be useful to any student here...
Hai friends,
Welcome to IIM and thank you for adjusting and adapting with the academics, food, climate, and the culture. All of you have come from different parts of the country to this place of unique climate, different academic culture and campus living. Many of you have been working for the past few years, away from books and classrooms. Few of you have stepped out of your native place/state for the first time experiencing new food, different social environs, unknown language, and surprises in classrooms. You might feel you are facing the toughest challenge in all dimensions of life and living. You might feel depressed.
Please accept that it is natural whenever there is a change. Just adjust, adapt, accept, and allow the changes to change you. You are being shaped for a better version of you that is much needed in the corporate world for your future assignments. You are no more a local, or regional or national employee. You are a global employee meaning you should be ready to work anywhere on this earth. You are not born to maintain whatever has already been created. You are born to create the future technologies, organizations, and human living. So, get ready to face all kinds of adversities and be strong enough to create. We are here to look after your well being and mentor, coach, help, support, and guide. Be with us. Let us together work as a team to make your dreams come true.
Thank you for the cooperation. Good night.

Dr M Ramasubramanian MBA, PhD (Robotics), PhD (Psychology), FIE, FIETE, SMIEEE (USA)