hai guys and gals
...how are we?
this is the continuation of the previous mail...i.e a chat with some college students...
i might have used some words which might sound odd in your ears, might make you feel shy etc...but issues are to be spoken with the right words...so i have used them, as, all who read this are adults with maturity!
this is the continuation of the previous mail...i.e a chat with some college students...
i might have used some words which might sound odd in your ears, might make you feel shy etc...but issues are to be spoken with the right words...so i have used them, as, all who read this are adults with maturity!
the crux of the last mail is
1. our culture has too many holes
our culture conceives a girl as a 'servant' and 'for fun'...it looks at
only the body and it's needs...what it can give to others!...it does
not look at her 'mind and its needs', 'feelings', 'emotions',
'aspirations' etc. She is expected to fit in herself within the shoes of
the society!
we blame 'foreign culture' without knowing completely what it is.
Considering 'foreign culture' as just 'sleeping with every one'. A girl
with revealing dress can walk in the US
streets safely, but in india a girl with all
closed dress can not walk safely in the night showing the great culture
we have inherited!
now we go...
films...make a great impact...all songs are only descriptions of the 'body' as to how beautiful it is...is there any song that adores or describes her intellect or skills or knowledge or her feelings or emotions considering her as 'whole human being'?
all films also portray the 'infatuated love period' of life...i.e teens and early years of marriage...which occurs due to 'attraction of the bodies'...is there any film which portrays a 'matured love period' of life that occurs at later years (after the body attraction is over...i.e after about 5 years) with 'attraction due to personality traits'? (other than 'muthal mariyaathai' movie)
all serials describe them as only 'pillars which take the 'burden''...people to cry...people with animal like attitudes of revenge, anger, frustration, self pity etc...we have heard many saying 'My son is all bads. I am planning to marry him off so that the girl will come and change!!!'
every one wants only to 'use' her...trying to give a little cozy feeling of 'everything alright and all for you only' so that she survives to be used...
so, what does our culture portray of a girl????...
now we go...
films...make a great impact...all songs are only descriptions of the 'body' as to how beautiful it is...is there any song that adores or describes her intellect or skills or knowledge or her feelings or emotions considering her as 'whole human being'?
all films also portray the 'infatuated love period' of life...i.e teens and early years of marriage...which occurs due to 'attraction of the bodies'...is there any film which portrays a 'matured love period' of life that occurs at later years (after the body attraction is over...i.e after about 5 years) with 'attraction due to personality traits'? (other than 'muthal mariyaathai' movie)
all serials describe them as only 'pillars which take the 'burden''...people to cry...people with animal like attitudes of revenge, anger, frustration, self pity etc...we have heard many saying 'My son is all bads. I am planning to marry him off so that the girl will come and change!!!'
every one wants only to 'use' her...trying to give a little cozy feeling of 'everything alright and all for you only' so that she survives to be used...
so, what does our culture portray of a girl????...
how many run behind girls for a 'life long friendship'?...because we know only one resource from a girl!...we don't know that she can give much more happiness, good health and success for a 'life time' as a 'good friend' than one or few screws!...as we are used to killing the chicken and eating rather than playing and enjoying with it keeping it alive...we see chickens only as 'tasty food' rather than 'a good friend' who can give immense happiness watching it eating, hatching, feeding its babies, playing with us...as our culture is to 'use and destroy' the nature and not 'enjoy' the nature 'for ever'....does our culture see this aspect of her as a good friend?...do we see girls as 'good friends for life time'?...does our culture allow her to be a good friend to others?...to men also?...does it allow all women to take decisions on their own regarding their studies, friends, marriages, freedom to go out, meet people, pursue her hobbies (first of all can she have hobbies too!!!), take challenges in society or organisations, pursue professions outside the city, state, country, pursue her passion...is there any girl in india who has not been objected for these at some stage or the other in her life?...how many have been allowed not to take 'compromises and sacrifices' in the above...
so, our culture teaches us to see a woman as a 'human body' and not as a 'human being'!
Now you tell me, is our culture good?...culture is not about arts and sculptures of kings...it is not about what we think...it is about what we do and how we live now, out attitudes, beliefs etc.
during the process of evolution, when the 'food gatherer' became a 'food producer'...a nomad to a civilized...when the unwritten division of labour was made, we created this damn bad culture of treating women as only bodies.
Anyway, gone is the agrarian society...here is the industrial society...where if you can't treat a girl with her mind, you can choose to live alone!!!...if you can't accept her as a 'friend', and think she is only a 'wife' (you now know the expansion!!
Parents, better wake up, or be ready to see your son or daughter a wounded divorcee!...many parents still live in their own wells thinking it is still agrarian society outside...thinking that culture is defined inside their houses!...what a bloody pity!...don't blame the youngsters for their messy life, blame that damn culture you have created!!!
Hope i have nailed it on your forehead!!!
Jai Hind!
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