Thursday, 25 May 2017


Except those working in Govt organisations, for all others, job is not secured. They will 200% lose or change or forced to change their jobs at least two or three times. Some times they will remain without job also for some days or months. Imagine administering the family, expenditures, especially when the kids are in school/college!!
World over the situation will remain like this for a long time now on!! It is not only young people, even the oldies will lose their jobs!!...There are hundreds of extraneous factors that will make us quit or lose our jobs!
So, the strategy should be...
1. be multi-skilled with qualifications, experience in multiple jobs, different positions...different industries...
2. for an engineer, remaining connected with educational institutions, R & D organisations and corporate world will help to jump over to the other when one ditches!
3. Being like an ashoka tree (vertical and tall) is dangerous!...40 years of growth can be cut in few seconds!!...Being like a Banyan tree with branches and roots spread all over and invisible to others is the best strategy!...No one can destroy us!
4. Having rock solid savings in immovable property and in stable and sold investments which can be converted into money easily to live through the tough days and months is important!
Peacefully yours...rams...

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

A small analysis about our life and day-to-day living!!

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...Animals live their life through their body drives...eating, resting, reproducing and showing behaviours to attract opposite sex for reproduction.
Human beings are supposed to live with their sixth sense, winning over their body drives with this powerful tool of sixth sense, thinking about beyond the routine things we usually think and live...!!
Are we living like that?...we need to check ourselves!...Is our body driving our thinking, emotions and behaviours?...Are we living our life like animals?...Are we able to win over our body?...Or, has our sixth sense become a slave of our body?...
Body alone can not get its needs, wants and expectations fulfilled, without the support of the Mind...Is our mind totally surrendered to our body, totally busy with meeting its needs, wants and expectations fulfilled?...Has it lost its Superior Power?...Is it getting over stressed to meet the demands of our body that it is unable to, or lost its consciousness or capability to make your body and you live like a Human Being...who is The Powerful Organism on the earth with the Best of the Evolution and Most Complex Brain and Mind??!!...Plenty and abundant of wisdom and knowledge flow in front of our eyes evvvvvery day, every second...Is our mind not digesting and assimilating it?...Why?...Or we or our mind, does not know all the above???...
It is time to think all these and really really live like Human Beings, and not like Animals!!...Only when we do this, we will ourselves understand the amazing power of our own-selves!!
Till that time....we will remain to be animals and slaves of our own body!!...Can not achieve our own real full potential!!
Peacefully psychologist!!

Tuesday, 16 May 2017


An interesting (of course, common!) question from a parent...
Qn: Though we call ourselves as human beings, actually we are also animals in a way. Boys and girls attain age between 13 to 15. After this they get attracted to each other.
Many decades back parents got them married off at this age. So, there was no issue of LOVE and SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE. So, parents were not worried about these two important issues.
Later the age increased to 18. Then the problems of ‘FALLING IN LOVE’ and ‘SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE’ started.
Now girls and boys are getting married only after 28 or 30. So, LOVE, RAPE and SEX BEFORE MARRIAGE have increased. So, it is a big headache and worry-some issue to protect and guard the girl children as virgins till this age. They don’t understand that they are losing the prime age of enjoyment and fun in married life, like we enjoyed. They also don’t understand that after 25, they can’t get good match, young boys and all boys will get married in our caste before that. So, how can i get a matching boy for her and get her married off. It is a big burden and responsibility on my head which these girls don’t understand. They are not knowing about family and social life. They are only bothered about their education and job!...Woff, big head ache everyday at home fighting with these girls, explaining and convincing them for marriage!!
Ans: 1. During your time the opportunity for education and employment was limited. Predominantly only boys were culturally seen as bread-winners and achievers for the family and girls were seen only as house wives. Life and living were family centric, that you were born, got some education, got job, got married and worked only for getting money for family living. Girls were sent to school and some of them to college so that they can educate their children after marriage. They were married off to live their reproductive life with their husbands. There was no competition in education, skill development, jobs, salaries, surviving in jobs etc. Both boys and girls used their sixth sense only limited and mostly lived with their body urges.
Today you are driving your girl child right from age 5 to be first in the class, best in sports, outstanding in all skill related activities. You put her in best tuition, coaching, you keep telling her that she should excel and be the topper always and winner everywhere. So, she is always using her brain, sixth sense, dreams only being topper and winner, her passion becomes to be an achiever. So, body urges take back seat and less priority. They want to get 200 out of 200 in +2, join best of the colleges, study as much as possible, join the best jobs, compete, compare and keep running. They want claps, praising, the happiness of accomplishment, acceptance for their knowledge-skills-hard-work, awards, medals, certification of their talents, competencies etc. They sense fulfilment, contentment in being the winner. What was fun and entertainment for you is not for her. Her definition of life and living has become different. Fun and entertainment has become different. You are thinking all the time about sex. She is all the time thinking about being a winner and achiever. So, if you are worried, it is your ignorance. You lived with your body and animal instincts in your agrarian society and world. She is living with her sixth sense in the industrial society and world. For her sex is no priority, insignificant and not important at all. After driving her for more than a decade to win in life, if you ask her 'stop running and start your married life' when she is about to win or winning, obviously she feels screwed, cheated and loses the trust on her parents for this change in attitude!!
Who made her like that?...Youoooooooooooooo!!...The changing society!!...It is not wrong. It is right only. Human beings are supposed to live with sixth sense, and not sexth sense. They are supposed to win over their body urges using their brain, sixth sense, through changes in life style and eating habits. Whereas you still live like an animal only and not allowing her to live like a human being.
She will ‘settle down’ first in her world of work, passion, urge for being an achiever, and then will think about marriage, family etc. But her definition of marriage and family may be different from that of yours, to match her work, work place, society in the organisation and place of living. Your relatives will not be her relatives and if you are wise, accept her relatives as your relatives, as, TRULY SHE IS YOUR WORLD, and not your jealousy, lousy, useless relatives who can only criticize you and not going to look after you when you need help, love and affection, support for daily existence.
If you are wise, groomed your girl to be matured, self-dependent, capable of making decisions for life and living, make her own destiny in which she will be peaceful, happy and healthy, then you can peacefully go for a honey moon with your lady.
In fact, these days all girls are matured and capable of deciding their life and destiny as they face enough emotional relationship issues during their teens and later, that parents are less experienced than them!!
Your daughter's growing up is not similar to that of your wife!!...So, don't compare your wife and sisters with your daughter!!
Many marriages fail because the old, traditional, anxiety struck, sex-worried, ‘naalu per’ or ‘relatives’ worried parents force their girls and boys to get married when they are PHYSICALLY AND MENTALLY not ready.
Parents think that attaining age is the qualification for sexual married life. But for ‘achievement and passion’ oriented children, much more is needed.
So, parents, just relax and enjoy your life. Your perception of fears and responsibilities etc is all false, not matching with the present day. If you can’t, then keep worrying, screwing the happiness and peace of every one at home, eat pills and sleep.
You need counselling and therapy, not your children!!
Peacefully psychologist!!

Tuesday, 2 May 2017

'My lover went abroad and brought such a cheap gift! When i can give my life and everything why my lover is like this?'

Dear all...THIS IS FOR COLLEGE STUDENTS...of course, for married people too!!
Qn. "My lover went abroad and came back with two gifts for me. I did not like them! When i inquired the cost worked out to be the cost of one lunch we have together for which i pay every day!...I felt too bad!...Especially when my lover can afford to spend much more than that easily and that it was the first time the lover went abroad!...Though i felt good when my lover was selected to go abroad, i felt, how i am going to live without seeing for one week!!!!....And when i was soooo expectantly waiting to see, if the person comes back with such a mean gift....It hurts me!!....When i feel so much for my lover and ready to do anything and give everything of mine, why my lover does not have the same feeling and love for me?...Why on this earth i should be treated like this?..."
Ans: In today's world the Life time of a Relationship is much much less than the Life time of an Electron at upper energy level!!...So, if we keep comparing and 'costing' people and relationships, we can not have people and relationships in our life. No peace. No happiness!...We have to consider every small act, every small gift, every small or rare phone call or msg as highly valuable. Else we will miss the bus!!...of course, there are enough buses for every one to board and travel for what ever time they want. So, finally....
1. Every relationship or person in our life depends on our decision. If we want to continue, continue. Else leave and move on!...We also need to know that this freedom is with the other person too!!
2. If we are possessive and comparing, we can never have life long relationships. We can never be happy, peaceful and healthy!
3. If we want a person or relationship, then we have to accept that person as he/she is, that relationship as it is and consider everything, every act as highly valuable and we have to tell and express this in all possible ways. e,g when the other person gives a call, tell 'Whavvv! Thank you sooooooo much paa!...Soooo nice of you!!...Thank you so much for calling. It means a lot to me! I was missing you a lotttt!' the relationship will strengthen. Instead if we tell in the normal way 'You bloody cheat, got time only now, is it?...You logged on fb and whatsapp hundred times today, telling me 'busy', and finally when no one is there you have called me up!'...this kills us and our relationships too!!
4. So, if one needs to be successful in a relationship, if one wants to retain a person for life long, then very high level of maturity, patience, spirituality (understanding people and live and keeping the mind cool!) etc are required. Else it is not possible!!
5. Every relationship is spicy at the beginning and becomes a curd rice after some time and breaks or becomes only an acquaintance, if it goes to the third stage of possessiveness!
6. Mutual trust is the vital back bone of a relationship. But the easy oppurtunity to have multiple relationships makes one to lose the trust in the other quickly and easily!...So, no relationship losts more than a month!
Peacefully yours...rams...Social Psychologist!!

What is important to have good, healthy social relationships?

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...most of us say we don’t have time for caring the health of our body and mind. But we put in all our efforts and time to care for our social well-being...and mess them up also nicely...without knowing that ‘without good physical and mental health, it is not possible to have good social health!’. Sound body and sound mind is the bedrock of sound social relationships!!
So, those who want to have good relationships with everyone should focus on their body and mind!!
Peacefully yours...rams...Health Psychologist!