Friday, 25 June 2021

"When we fall in the well of obsession and sink in feelings, then we might lose the opportunity of exploring and feeling the universe!!"

 Dear all,

I find almost every one is obsessed with something or the other. People, places, religion, language and many such bla bla. All the obsessions are for some wants, needs, desires and expectations. For love and affection or care and support or motivation, money, wealth, physical-mental-and social security. We are sure that all these will not be met at all the times and therefore, frustrations, sadness, anger, depression etc affect the health and peace of everyone.
When we fall in the well of obsession and sink in feelings, then we might lose the opportunity of exploring and feeling the universe!!
So, it is better to pursue exercises, yoga, meditation, health enhancing life style with eating, balance in work, rest and entertainment, so that we come out this 'pleasure and comfort well' and start facing the life ahead with a strong mind and not in the coziness of false security with obsessed and weak minds.
Everyone feels a goodness in the pleasures of obsession. They feel it is dangerous and not safe and good to come out. But those who have come out feel liberated, more happiness, more joy, more freedom, more air to breathe, more strength, and they feel bad that they were pushed and got stuck inside the obsession due to lack of guidance, knowledge and exposure!!
So, let us liberate ourselves into freedom!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

Monday, 21 June 2021

"sir, both me and my husband are from different religions....which religion my child should follow, in your opinion??"

 Dear all....One Question...One Answer...

Qn. "Sir, i am an orthodox Christian. My husband is an orthodox Muslim. In your opinion, which religion we should teach to our children?"

Ans: There are already enough chaos and issues related to religions, religious faiths and beliefs. Most of the people who come for counselling have physical, mental and social health problems due to their convictions and orthodox nature related to their religious faiths and beliefs. Some of their beliefs contradict with some of their other interests, likes, convictions and beliefs. So, they suffer a lot in their life. All the religions, their associated beliefs and faiths originated for a healthy, happy, peaceful and harmonious living of human beings with others and nature. But religions and associated beliefs have divided them and ruined the life of many. 

So, you just groom your children to be good human beings who have common sense, adaptability and decision making skills. They will identify those good things in all the religions, select those suitable for them and live happily, healthily, peacefully and harmoniously. They will not have any religious identity, but, will have a good human being identity. There is no point in having any identity by losing this basic identity. 

Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!