Sunday, 7 May 2023

"Sir, it has become difficult to get a job and retain the job for a life time!!"

 Qn. "Sir, it has become difficult to get a job and retain the job for a life time!!"

Ans: Yes. The reasons are follows: -
1. The fast technology development is changing the machineries, products and processes very fast. The life cycles are reducing drastically. The R & D has to be fast. The money invested has to be taken back with profits fast. Continuous upgrades and changes in Technology which is getting complicated day by day requiring high intelligence to create, operate and maintain poses new challenges every day for organisations, market and employees. These things have effects on lifestyle, culture, economy, definition of life and day-to-day living. The rate of change is so fast but the change in the mindset of people to adapt, adjust and change in health enhancing ways is too slow, i.e cultural change is too slow, creating a gap and increasing the physical, mental and social stress levels at home, office and social settings.
2. Continuous training, upskilling, re-skilling, learning the latest, undergoing an experience, are important. When the new skill required demands a low or average intelligence, many people acquire that knowledge and skill by doing a course or undergoing the training required and in a short time the supply become more than the demand. Then that new skill becomes a generic skill in the job market and loses the value of being a Special Skill.
3. In today's technology driven world generic skills can fetch only a blue collar job and of course, blue collar jobs will remain for a long time as AI may not replace all the blue collar jobs. Specialist Skills and experience/high competencies in these special skills and being current are important to get white collar jobs either at the Intelligent-worker level or managerial level. When the special requires only average intelligence and easily affordable then many acquire it fast and it becomes short-lived-special-skill and turns into a generic skill, loosing it's employment value. If acquiring the special skill requires high intelligence and not easily affordable then only few acquire it and it remains a special skill of high demand in the job market for a longer time, at least till the completion of the life cycle of the product or process. It may get highly paid also. If someone joins an organization where that skill is required for the KRA functions then you might be in the lime-light/attention, paid highest, get promotions faster, get all kinds of those good oppurtunities of travel, learning, being the boss, bla bla.
4. Therefore.....(a) Understand that INTELLIGENCE REVOLUTION is going on. Undertake health enhancing lifestyle changes, training, learning etc required to increase the intelligence. (b) Get married to people with high intelligence, high morals-values-ethics, high health enhancing lifestyle, good-human characteristics, who want a family and ready to undertake the responsibilities associated with spouse, children and family life, and has the interest, need for family, time, energy, emotions, efforts to rear a responsible human-citizen for the world. (c) Be conscious and closely monitoring for the changes in the skills required on the job, predict the future requirements, learn them and be the first person to learn and meet the demand before it arises. (d) Find out the skills on high demand in the job market continuously, and acquire them to be the KRA employee all the time.
If you do the above you will easily get jobs even during recession times and will never lose your job.
All the best!!
Peacefully yours....Rams....Psychologist!!

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