Dear answer...THIS IS FOR ALL PARENTS...
Question: Why should we go to other countries for work or to study??...What is not there in our country??...Did not Kalam and many others become great by studying and working here?...Why should girls be sent abroad for studies by spending so much of money??...anyway they will finally become house wives only one day!!
Ans: First of all let us come out of this concept of birth, study, compare, excel, work, earn, marry, children, save and die.
This earth is sooooooo big. World is full of many wonders, beautiful places, people, organisations, oppurtunities and so many things to eat or enjoy or live, see, experience etc.
Why should we lock up ourselves in just a few hundred square feet place or see only not even 1% of the land, when the oppurtunity to live on this earth is only once?
What is the remaining land, water, forests, rivers, lakes, grass lands and mountains for?...Whom are they for?...Truly everything is created by nature for us only!!...So, if we die without seeing or experiencing them then it is only a loss for us!!
If we or our children are worth to study or work or live in better places, then why not??
Study, work and Research at the best of the places for the betterment of humanity and contribute for the growth of your country also...who stopped??
Go around everywhere, learn, bring all the wealth, resources, technology, processes, education etc from all over the world to your country and improve it...why not...who stopped??...Why are you happy being inside a well and shouting that 'well is my beautiful world and it is the whole earth for me!'
When we go all over the places to 'learn', work with people from all cultures, languages, race etc to 'learn', then we evolve, mature, understand the life better, multi-skilled, universal and become better human beings. When we are stuck at one place we are likely to be immature, less adaptable, with high sensitivities and with limited vision of the sixth sense.
Ask all the patriots who shout sitting inside their houses as to what they have contributed to their country??...Tell them to take a paper and write down!!...Being emotional or sensitized is of no use...Ultimately what we have done to the country, Nature and humanity is what matters!!
Are all the Indians abroad not contributing to this country??
Why don't you produce more human beings, give them good food, health, knowledge, wisdom and send to America and China, flood these places with Indians and turn these places into India??
Let us think differently and out of the box to create better places on earth for Indians to live and make them into India!! (of course, not spoil those places!!).
Till such time we come out of this gender bias, this country can not improve and the families can not live happily. In fact all these selfish patriots inside the houses are not useful in anyway and why they have locked up one person (their wife) inside their house to only service them and not the country!!...Can any country improve if nearly half of the country is inside the kitchens and toilets??...
If these patriots are really interested in improving the country and working for the humanity then they should look after their needs themselves, do their chores with out depending on others, send their wives and daughters out of their houses, liberate them to learn, study, think, work and contribute for the country's growth...Come out of their sensitivities of religion, caste, race, language etc and help people to unite and live together harmoniously, happily and peacefully!!...Ask them if they can do??
Why should one best and effective human resource of the country should be wasted to cook only for one or two when one lady can cook for many and few can cook for few hundreds and even machines can take over their monotonous repetitive jobs. Anyway, over a period of time all these primitive thinking people will go back to the earth and get buried with their primitive thinking!!
so, the crux is...
1. Send your children to different states and different countries to live in different cultures, families, languages, land terrains, challenging places to survive and live as a 'traveller' (not tourist) during their school days and college days.
2. Let them do all types of works for a week or a month from what you term as mean jobs to the white collar jobs, not to earn, but to learn about the life of different people, to learn the intricacies involved in their jobs.
3. if you are really really bothered, interested about the country then come out of gender bias and liberate your girls at home to contribute for the country.
4. if you are really interested in peace, happiness and good health of humanity then burn and bury your caste, religious, racial and other feelings that differentiates people and kill each other....come out and do things to unite people at least in your village, town and city, if not in the country and in the world!!
5. Your own Bharathi said 'go all over the world and bring all the resources and wealth to this country'...resources and wealth not only includes money but also knowledge, wisdom, technology, processes, science, developments etc etc...All these emotional patriots can tell where all they went and how much resource they brought for this country!!
6. While all of us belong to a particular caste, religion, language, race and born in a particular community/ culture to differentiate and work for the improvement of these small groups etc we need to integrate to the state and country to become one entity, united for the growth of the country and betterment of our own selves and the community. In the same way though we belong to different countries and work for the betterment of our country, we need to integrate together as one humanity for its betterment and growth of the country too!!...Differentiation only will not result in benefits without integration. Differentiation and integration go together hand-in-hand!!
Peacefully yours...rams...Psychologist!!