Tuesday, 27 June 2017

Qn. 'How can we be successful without comparing with others when the schools, colleges and organisations admit or recruit or promote by comparative merit??'

Dear all...some questions and some answers...
Qn. In schools students are given special care and attention based on comparative merit, Universities make merit list based on comparative merit. Organisations select people for jobs based on comparison with other candidates. Organisations promote or send abroad or give oppurtunities to grow for those who are better than others. So, comparison always exists and how can you say that we should not compare.
Ans...1. When our aim is to score 100 out of 100, or 200 out of 200 or best or first then where is the question of comparing with others in schools or colleges or organisations?
2. When we don't know how much the other person is going to score, his or her health state and environments, what is the point or need to or in comparing with that person?
3. When we don't know their mission or further journey in life or destiny or fate or the profession they will take up or course or college they will join or place of living or person with whom they will live etc what is the point in comparing with that person??
4. When we don't know our our fate, destiny or journey of life how can we compare with the other person?...Are we going to go in their life path when both do not know what destiny is going to be??
5. When we 'look at others to learn' positive things that they follow or have that can give us growth without spoiling the peace, good physical-mental and social health, happiness etc then we can learn those from them, follow or modify-and-follow in our life. But 'comparing' will only give anxiety, no peace and bad physical and mental health.
So, comparing is not good. Learning from others is good.
Peacefully yours...rams..Psychologist!!

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