Friday, 16 March 2018

Why all of us are suffering here??

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
When i look at people, every one has some suffering or the other!!
Most of the spells of feeling of goodness people enjoy often or once in a while, are falling under the pleasure domain and therefore, the same feeling of goodness (the source...a person or place or life event or a life moment or a relationship or an organisation or a social system or an item) makes them to feel or fall for it urgingly and cravingly, and therefore, the source of 'feeling of goodness' becomes a source of sadness, dissatisfaction, sorrow, frustration, disappointment etc.
Why people are suffering?
Is there any knowledge or wisdom that is lacking on this earth or in this world?...No, the knowledge and wisdom required for a peaceful, happy, healthy, contented, fulfilled and self actualised living is very much available.
Then where is the problem?
It is the distorted or illusioned knowledge, wisdom or truth that is being considered as gospel which is making them to suffer.
People who want to become masters, keep others as slaves, who feel that every one should follow them, people with self motives and self interests...those who want to administer every one...i.e Type A personalities...are the people who distort the true knowledge or wisdom that can bring peace, happiness, health, contentment and fulfillment.
The entire corporate world or business community who provide products and services with profit motive, who are least bothered about the health of the people, morals, values and ethics are the people who are the distorters.
Today all these people read psychology, with a motive of 'How to topple human beings, with strategies which appear to be caring for them, good for them etc'. Truly all the people want to keep people under the 'kick' of the 'pleasure domain' where brain ceases to think, make them addicted to these, lose their physical, mental and social well-being so that their business flourishes.
So, today the definition of 'bad' has changed. Anything that is health compromising that is floating around us is bad.
If only our parents knew this knowledge and wisdom of 'How to live peacefully, happily, healthily with contentment, fulfillment and self actualisation, and taught us, we will not be living this type of screwed life!!
So, the crux is...
1. Let us first realise that all the knowledge and wisdom that we have are a big waste if we don't get the basics said above.
2. Let us first realise that the knowledge and wisdom that is required for getting the vitals above is the basic and 'first-to-know' knowledge. All other knowledge, intelligence, wisdom etc are only just add-ons.
3. Most of the knowledge and wisdom that is floating around and being followed by people are distorted and illusioned, which is the cause of all miseries.
4. The corporate world, administrators and all the rulers of 'all kinds' who are Type-A and who has self interests and business motives know the psychology of human beings and are using strategies to keep people always 'ill, with disorders, with ailments, with pain in body, mind and relationships so that their business flourishes and they are always able to rule and keep every one as their slaves.
5. They have created a way of living, culture, definition of life, habits, social system rules and regulations, belief systems etc in such a way that you will feel you are getting rich, enjoying life, your 'quality' of life or 'standard' of life is improving, good etc. You will feel money and wealth are coming to you. But the truth is these people have made it in such a way that the money and wealth will go away (to hospitals and other places), taking your vital wealth, i.e of of mind...healthy relationships...people...evverything. One day you will get the wisdom that YOU GOT CHEATED, ILLUSIONED, DISTORTED AND WASTED THE LIFE. So, it is better to know the correct knowledge and wisdom and follow in life, so that we save our body, mind, relationships, people, peace, happiness, contentment, fulfillment and self actualisation.
6. The general damage that is happening can not be stopped or prevented by single individuals. But certainly the damage to us, as individuals, can be avoided by protecting ourselves from these distortions, wrong services, products and strategies, life styles, beliefs and definitions of life and living, status, our value etc.
Peacefully yours...rams...psychologist!!

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