💐💐...Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...a frequent question that comes to me…
Qn. Who created this universe and all of us?...who is god?
Ans. No one can answer this ever!!...Every one has a sifferent answer. Different answers will be convincing to different people!!...Generally people end up in arguing (not discussing, because mostly people are obsessed or emotionally attached to their God, Religion etc) on this issue and will only waste time, energy, increase BP, spoil the relationships, bring-in hate, anger, frustration, fights, destructions and spoil their physical, mental and social well-being and valuable non-returnale life-time. No one can prove or disprove to the other about what he is convinced or not convinced about, leading to only endless argument!!
This universe has only two things…1. Proven…2. Unproven. Generally no one has a different opinion about proven things. But many of them can be proved wrong as and when science and technology improves.
When people talk about unproven things, they will only describe felt experiences, feelings, opinions, perceptions, hear-say statements, some documental evidence that is not proven. All these differ from person to person. People will argue that everything cannot be proven by science etc. Some of their arguments might converge to some conclusion too but without proof and valid evidence, but offering some surprises.
Inventions and discoveries are a never ending continuous process. This universe will have always people who will talk negative, keep saying something or the other is not possible ever, researching on such things is a sin and god will punish them etc. But few things get proven over a period of time, and researches on few things will continue forever. Hundred years back no one felt that an aircraft of mammoth size carrying several helicopters inside can fly in air, or we will go to moon or mars etc. Several examples can be quoted in the history of development of science, humanity, technology etc which were felt impossible.
So, the crux is…
1. Everyone and every answer is right, till such time they are proven wrong.
2. Any answer, which makes a person happy, peaceful, physically and mentally healthy, energetic, positive, and motivated to live and to help others to live, helps that person to make enhancing, flourishing, life-long, strong relationships with people, without hate, anger, discrimination etc is right for that person. All others are wrong for that person. How does it matter whether some one accepts our views are not and who is or what is right or wrong?...Aim is to live. People and our relationships with them are more important than these philosophies which is seen to bring in hate, fights and conflicts.
3. Any answer that unites humanity and keeps the earth green, clean, maintains eco system balance etc is right.
4. Anyone who gives an answer that divides people, brews hate, exploits people, enslaves others, makes others weak and to lose their self-confidence, makes others parasitic and lazy, is a wrong person to be kept away from humanity.
5. Anyone who helps human beings to think, find their own answers through guidance that gives all the above is a right person.
6. God is a tool for us to live peacefully and harmoniously. Our perceptions should not destroy us.
7. So, don’t waste time and energy on this. Scientists are on the job. You may also join with them to find a solution in a systematic way. In this universe, everything is systematic, orderly, stable etc and therefore, only through systematic study one can find way ahead towards the answer, whether the answer will be found out or not, but certainly a headway leading to several break through researches in many directions will happen!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!