Dear all,
One Question...One Answer...
Qn. "Sir, i am not like other common women. I am different. How to select my husband and how to live a peaceful, happy and healthy family life?...I am unable to decide. Parents are shouting at me that i am rejecting every alliance for silly reasons. They say i have to change, marry someone and adapt to him and his parents and siblings. I think i will not be able to do. I want to have a family and at the same time i want to pursue my dreams also. I want to go all around, meet people, do lots of reading, pursue careers of my interest, groom my children as per my choice and want to be a role model achiever. I want to be successful both in family life, my career and passions and goals. Please, don't talk like spiritual leaders and other culturally obsessed people around sir. Also, don't talk the crap of unconditional love and bla bla. Be practical and guide me how to go about.
Ans: Hmmmmmmmmmm. This is the biggest issue in the life of all girls and boys between 20 to 30 years of age as to how to select their spouse who will support them and care for them in the way they want. It is also a major issue after marriage as to how to strike a good relationship with the spouse and make a successful family life and career aligning with their goals, dreams and passion.
Sadly, in our culture created by the ancestors, the spouse is liked and loved based on what he or she can offer to him/her rather then who she or he is as an individual...i.e their personality traits, talents, potential, human qualities, knowledge, wisdom etc. All men and average women support this culture as the best as their knowledge and exposure are limited. Truly not. This kind of a relationship based on dependence will not lead to a healthy life long relationship.
Oldies think that only needs, wants and desires, dependency of one on the other for satiation of these make them to remain attracted, attached and keeps the relationship going for life time. But i differ in this. One should like a person for what he or she is. Relationship should be for friendship and companionship. Once this is achieved, then care and support (Love) will automatically spring in one for the other. This will keep the relationship going for life time. Desire to fulfill the needs of the other person, the feelings of love, care and support to the other person should emanate out of the attraction to the other person for his or her human qualities...who or what he or she is!!...This part gets totally eliminated in the primitive concept.
You have a big list of needs, wants and expectations. Please take time and list them all. You have your boundaries, limitations in adaptations, compromises and sacrifices you can do. You can make adjustments to whatever extent possible by you. But whether all these restrictions and inabilities / abilities, efforts of yours to satisfy the other person's needs, wants and expectations are ok with the prospective alliance boy or not is not known. But you should write down these clearly. So that you can talk it out. In the same way, the boy also should write down and both should see if you can satisfy each other. If both of you think you can meet each others needs, wants and expectations, then you can go ahead with the committed relationship of marriage. Similar discussions can be held with the in-laws and siblings also to check if you are compatible with them too.
We change continuously and our likes, dislikes, wants, needs, expectations, boundaries, tolerance, patience, adaptabilities etc also change continuously as we develop, grow, age, mature, evolve and move from one stage or phase of life to the other. Almost, every 05 years we change considerably and changes can be noticed by all. Also, before marriage, after marriage, after children are born, when the children are infants, children, adolescents, adults, before marriage, after marriage etc the duties and responsibilities as a lover, as a husband, as a father will change...these changes in social conditions also change our desires and levels / type of needs and wants. This changes our expectations too from others.
Therefore, at least fortnightly or monthly both need to sit together in a relaxed, conducive environment where both are not stressed, have time to patiently listen to the other, and discuss the new list, discuss the satisfactions, thank each other, bring out the shortfalls in the expectations, suggest and help the other person as to how the shortfalls can be fulfilled. So, heart-out talks, discussions, helping and supporting each other with the ways and means as to how the other person can satisfy us is a must. If required, help of specialists and therapists can be sought.
Sometimes, agreement /understanding / acceptance of the proposals or requests or suggestions will not be reached in one sitting. So, you might have to sit many times to come to an agreement or common understanding of decisions or need satiation.
In our actual present life the husband and wife do not do this. As a result unfulfilled dreams, desires, wants, needs, expectations, differences that slowly set-in in the likes, dislikes, interests, obsessions, truths, corrects, incorrects, beliefs etc and both of them become totally aliens who can not match and gel with each other, walls get formed between them, then frustrations set-in, cold wars start, then physical fights start, hurting and abusing words get exchanged, wounds do not heal, trauma continues, then they feel that it is impossible to continue with the relationship or live together, then they decide to seperate, or remain socially isolated or live seperately inside the house etc.
1. Make your lists and ask the other person also to make the lists, sit and discuss with the stake holders, and go ahead with the marriage if it works out.
2. Such complications do not arise with the girls who do not have employability skills or big career dreams etc and from economically weaker sections of the society. So, they understand that they have no other choice and adapt to everything with the other person and his people around.
3. Open hearted fortnightly or monthly discussions regarding various issues of self and family need to be held and repeated sittings are to be done till some implementable and mutually acceptable / satisfying solutions are arrived at.
4. This is a life long process and when this process stops, then the relationship issues are likely to start.
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!
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