hai guys and gals
...how are we?
here is another new thinking about life, our own selves and things around!
you ever seen a hen's den with few babies? It is so cute and refreshing
to look at the babies...they
remain inside the wings of mother with heads popping out. When we go
near, the mother pushes the heads inside for safety. If an eagle or some
animal tries to take away the baby birds, the mother fights it out and
ensures the safety of its kids.
when we study the behaviour of such less evolved living organisms what do we observe?
they have natural urges for
eating, defecating, protecting and reproduction.
have emotions related to only reproduction (they mate only during the
mating periods (unlike human beings) driven by their inner systems),
feeding the babies, protecting them from enemies, teaching them how to
protect, search, kill and eat its prey. That is all. Apart from this
they have no 'emotions or related behaviours'.
after the rearing cycle is over, during which time the kids become
independent, the mother forgets the baby and baby forgets its mother. If
any enemy attacks the kid, the mother does not go and fight with the
enemy to protect the kid, as both of them have forgotten each other. No
more 'mother-child' emotions or relationships, the 'limited' emotions
that existed earlier between the two. The kid cock mates with its own
mother. Mother also accepts it as it does not recognise the kid cock as
it's kid. It recognises it as yet another cock!
after the rearing cycle is over it again gets emotions for mating
with the male, any male, produces children, again gets attached to the
children, teaches them, protects them and again forgets them after the
rearing cycle is over...and it goes on!
3. they don't experience any other exhaustive emotions as human beings experience.
So, all such other species have only limited emotions for a limited time only. They
don't have many relationships, almost no emotional relationships, don't
go unstable while experiencing emotions. Therefore, they don't need any
or much of emotional support!
experience a number of emotions...happiness, anger, sorrow, fear,
frustration, exclamation, disgust, guilty, shame, anxiety, envy, ...the
list is really long!!
beings have emotions every moment and all throughout life. They never
forget relationships and always feel emotional with all the people
involved in emotional relationships. We also feel emotional with others
with whom we are not having any emotional relationship e.g when some one
is hurt on road we feel sympathetic and help.
have a large number of relationships (friends, mother,
father, sister, brother, uncle and a biggg list!) and we experience
varieties of love and all types of emotions and behaviours related to
these relationships.
just love itself we experience varieties and a large number of
behaviours related to this like cuddling, hugging, kissing and what not!
the flat naked truth
is that 'human being, a highly emotionally evolved species, remembering
relationships, forming a large network of ever expanding varieties of
relationships, experiencing complex and multitude of emotions, goes
unstable while experiencing emotions...and therefore, needs emotional support all throughout his life and without which he will feel lonely, land up with all mind related problems and might end his life!
is not gender specific and therefore, it is the need of girls also. In
fact, child bearing, rearing and by construct girls are more emotional
than men and go unstable more and
therefore, need more emotional support than men.
And all human beings need
MOTHERLY LOVE all throughout his or her life and his or her search for a
true motherly love goes on and on and on......never ending...and ends
only when his or her brain dies!
wonder he or she exhibits all the behaviours we exhibit with our
mother, with the person or thing with whom we experience the motherly
so, what is changing is the quantity and quality of the need and whereas the need is always there every moment in a human being's life!
the crux is nature has given COMPLEX EMOTIONS to human beings to
experience and enjoy the different dimensions of life, relationships,
derive happiness out of everything, even sorrows.
let us enjoy the positive emotions, learn only lessons out of negative
emotions, not suffer with negative emotions, cry out, cleanse and purify
ourselves for the emotional losses and be happy, healthy and successful
in life!
for more visit funnyrams.blogspot.com and The Psychology Network on LinkedIn.
all the best
...keep rocking
peacefully yours....
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