hai all...do you agree that SELF CONFIDENCE is the most important thing required to live on this earth?
the basic of life to be alive is ability to get food, water, air,
protective clothes, shelter and ability to protect from threats
(recently sex also got added...i.e reproductive need...procreation (not
recreation!!)). One should be able to get
all these by own self. One should not depend on others for any of
these. If this ability is there, then SELF CONFIDENCE WILL EXIST.
Otherwise the individual WILL NOT HAVE SELF CONFIDENCE. This can take
any turn from living a slavery life to committing suicide.
Self confidence emanates and increases in us as we grow...develop...through gaining of:-
1. knowledge
2. life skills
3. professional skills
4. experience in life and profession
In the past, girls were not given this by our culture and society. They
were only taught house hold chores. They were not given education to
seek a decent employment.They were made dependent on husband, mother,
father, brothers, in-laws (father in law, mother in law, brother in law,
sister in law...and all such laws), relatives etc. It was convenient to
the men as they felt she can not run away or has no scope for any act
to go against the system or away from the family. Even the social
justice or customs and traditions of the society was keeping the women
submissive. So, they lacked self confidence.
They had only
their body and knowledge, skills related to house chores only as the
asset to get the basic needs fulfilled. They only had professional
skills related to making of things of use at home. Their life skills
were related to managing the behaviours of all at home in a combined
family system.
As she lacked self confidence she was all the
time having fear in the mind. She perceived every one and every thing as
threat. Parents and brothers were threats. Though she had confidence in
them (as there was no otherway for survival and dependence), she also
had a fear of 'hope they don't ditch me!'...'they don't show
partiality!' etc...
this continued with husband...being
suspicious...checking everything...other day one of my friend's wife
told me 'i know each minute where he is what he doing and whom he is
talking to!'...what does this show?...poor lady was feeling proud of
so, they were always parasites, scared each second,
perceiving threats from every one, every thing, every life situation
from all directions and in all dimensions...this is what is depicted in
TV serials...so, they can never breath freedom, can never have
happiness, peace, harmony, good social relationships, feel like
committing suicide or running away...
total dependence and
total parasitic living leads to destructive possessiveness...because the
organism does not want to leave the person or place or life situation
that is giving feeling of comfort for it...so it wants to possess
that...in such an environment the person will have very low self
confidence, low self esteem, will not be able to do any job
properly...mind and body will always be stressed to the chore and higher
limits...they are always slaves, feel caged, trapped, no escape...they
live in 'learned helplessness'…they had to accept that ‘this is the way
life goes on here!’…the other ladies also counselled them to accept
things as they are and change as per the demands of others around
quoting their own lives.
then how they lived???....how they
felt happiness???...because they physically got the basic needs like
food, clothing, shelter, air and sex (though for few seconds or minutes
and the poor ladies perceived the ‘approaches’ or ‘attractions’ or
‘warming up’ behaviours as love!!!).
Their biggest strength for
psychological or emotional support were their kids!!!...they showed
love to them in abundance and got back also from the kids. So, their
psychological needs got met to an extent. Animals, gardens or fields
were there at home to which they got attached so much that their
unconditional love needs got met. So, though there were tortures,
uncertainties, fear of unknown, they could live or survive because of
nature, animals and kids.
So, the crux is
1. Self
confidence is the most important thing required for a girl..i.e ability
to earn all the basic needs, life comforts and live a life of dignity,
freedom and equivalence without differentiation and discrimination.
2. The society is changing and it is beyond anybody’s control. So,
there is no other way other than to change our culture, life styles,
beliefs, customs and traditions.
3. We can not live or expect our girls to live in an isolated manner insulating from the society or people around.
4. Education, job, professional and life skills of working and living
anywhere in the world needs to be given to them by providing them such