Sunday, 6 December 2020

"Sir, my friend is going behind a person. She says he talks all good philosophies of life and many followers are there for him. But i think he is not a good person. I think he uses drugs!!'

 Dear all,

One question...One answer...

Qn. "Sir, my friend is going behind a person. She says he talks all good philosophies of life and many followers are there for him. But i think he is not a good person. I think he uses drugs!!'


Never follow people. Never get obsessed with people. Follow what they say in your life, if you think it will give you life long, health enhancing life style to keep your body and mind healthy, happy and make life long healthy relationships with every one. Anything that does not give these is not correct, right and true. 

Anyone who uses health compromising life style with natural or man made chemicals is not good, not safe and it is better to remain away from him. Even if he has got many good things. 

When the body needs, urges and cravings are high, the body will not allow the brain to use sixth sense, think philosophically, to be in reality, to think logically and reasonably, to acquire and disseminate wisdom. It will only make it to plan the strategies, plans, exhibit emotions and behaviours to go closer to the source of pleasure, acquire or possess that pleasure, enjoy it, and once the need satiation is over, then the body is calm, cool and it frees the brain and mind to think about life philosophies, wisdom etc. i.e in the state of ecstasy. So, it is moving from pleasure to happiness. Going to a state of happiness through satiation of pleasure needs and wants. This is not correct, right and health enhancing. Because pleasure is addictive and anything addictive is not good for body, mind and relationships.

All these people are likely to use natural or man made chemicals or drugs to enjoy the pleasures, be in those feelings, relieve their body from the pleasure needs temporarily, remain in that mental state of ecstasy...and talk about all philosophies of life. Their philosophies may or may not be right. But certainly their life style is not right as it is not health enhancing and it is health compromising. 

These people live in pleasure fantasies, world of feelings created due to pleasures, out of reality, out of natural living, unhealthy for body and mind, use of addictive substances (natural or man made), in a state of unhealthy brain, unhealthy mind. So, they are not correct. Anyone pushing you inside pleasures, feelings that emanate out of pleasures, living in those feelings, all the time in pleasure fantasies, forcing you to listen to him or her, forcing you to follow them are not correct. They are not true gurus. 

In general human beings want to be in the feeling of goodness out of pleasures. They want to remain in that mental state. They want to repeat the cognition (thoughts), affect (emotions or feelings) and behaviours that will give them pleasure, or keep them in that pleasure well, as it keeps them away from stresses, fears, unpleasantness etc but only temporarily and not permanently. They want to be around such people who live in that life, who motivate to live in that life, who support to live that life by giving all the things necessary. So, it appears to them that all philosophies of life told by such gurus are right. But it is not healthy and right. 

Anyone, whoever it may be, saying 'I am right. Just blindly follow me!' is not right. He is switching off your cognitive part of brain, reasoning part of brain, reality part, the ego and super ego components explained by Sigmund Freud and making you a goat, blind follower, brainless idiot, one who can not think and take decisions etc. So, he is not right...He is only poisoning you, killing you slowly and steadily!!

Such states of happiness, blissful state of wisdom, free mind states, can be achieved by following health enhancing life style also. In fact much better and higher states of wisdom,  stable, cool and calm minds, without any addictions, urges and cravings, without passing through the states of pleasures, without dwelling in the pleasure wells and pleasure domains, without using any natural or man made chemicals. By eating natural, organic, boiled, healthily cooked, fresh foods, sleeping between 10 pm to 5 am, doing yoga, doing aerobic and cardiac exercises, breathing exercises, laughing and other therapies, living in natural environs, reading books of positive health enhancing knowledge, with a set of health enhancing life philosophies, with high IQ, EQ and SQ, meditation etc. Such gurus will not force you to follow them. They will not force you into pleasures. They may not tell anything. They will just live their life and radiate good health, send positive vibrations around them. Others will just observe them and follow their life style. No adoring. No celebrating. No obsessions. No identity seeking behaviour of being his follower. You will simply do the same health enhancing things and get benefitted. You will also get such healthy feelings, thoughts, philosophies, clarity, wisdom etc. No confusion. No urges of anything. No cravings for anything. No pleasure fantasies. But healthy, natural, caring and supporting fantasies similar to fantasies of a small baby child who is acting like a mother to the imaginary children.  The feeling of goodness is happiness here. No pleasures. No phase of passing through pleasure. 

Hope you have got the clarity. Hope things are clear.

Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

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