Sunday, 5 September 2021

"Those who know how to think Positively need no Teachers, Gurus and Gods"...Sir, Why do you think that Gurus and Gods are not required?

 Hai all,

One Question....One Answer....

Qn. Sir, today is Teachers Day. You have put in your status the following lines:- 

"Those who know how to think Positively need no Teachers, Gurus and Gods"

Why do you think that Gurus and Gods are not required?

Ans: For thinking, we should have had the freedom to think, express our feelings, opinions, thoughts, perceptions, rights, wrongs, correct, incorrect that appear in our minds, the confusions, the right social environment to discuss all these and learn through these our home, schools and colleges. (Organisations want us to think so i have not included organisations here). At other places we are told to 'just follow'... 'obey'....'copy'.... 'memorise'...'keep quiet'...'don't talk'...'talking and asking questions is disobedience'....thinking is a bad habit... We are ordered to fear at parents... teachers... gods... educated... learned...police...elders...gurus....and we are scared at everything and everyone. There is no Love. We are not taught how to love and express our gratitude or feelings of love. These always create a distance and wall between us and all these significant people of our lives. All the time we are worried. We don't like all these, as we are not created to be like this by Nature. Sixth sense is Natural and makes us to think!!...But we are told to shut down this natural instinct. We never learn the correct meaning of love and how to love. We learn to hate. We are taught to hate. We are taught to worry and always look for something or someone to lean-on. We are made parasitic. This is our culture here!!

Even some religious perceptions and preachings are like this. Master-Slave, Boss-subordinate, Leader-follower are primitive concepts created by egoistic Type A personality men....rulers...which are still existing here. So, insecurity rules all the minds. In this environment they are not strong, mind is weak, no self, they look for someone to think for them...make decisions for decide their decide their decide their the way...the be be be be exist....!!...So, everyone thinks that he or she needs a etc. They think it is impossible to live without these two. They can't imagine being peaceful without these two. They wonder how is it possible for anyone to be alive without these two. But there are many who are successful in family life without these two. Successful in profession without these two. There are many good human beings without these two. We can always end up in a never ending arguments whether these two are required or not, exist or not etc. 

On the contrary, if we are taught to think, encouraged to express, discuss, ask questions, learn from Nature, groomed in our observation skills, if our parents were good role models and taught us how to love, how not to hate, how to make life long friendships, how to face the challenges of life, if our parents, close relatives and teachers had been our good mentors, guides, coaches on life skills, professional skills etc, if they themselves knew all these, if they themselves were not requiring a guru or god, then we would have been self learners, got lot of wisdom through experience of self and others, that we are confident to plan our future, we are confident to decide our destiny, we are confident good decision makers, good leaders and managers. We would not be dumb and brain dead slaves in organisations, at homes and social environments.  We would have learnt positives and stored positive mental structures to think and make positive perceptions about everything and everyone!!

We would not have become mind-blinded that we need some guru to show the path...or god to give us self-confidence and lean-on!!

All those who have got the above have become gurus...and all those who did not get became the followers. 

Of course, i do agree that our body and brain may not be healthy all the time for entire life. There will be times of physical health impairment, depressive feelings and thoughts, weak mind, low self-confidence etc. But they will not occur frequently and their impact may not make us totally shattered. We will be able to recover back quickly through our health enhancing behaviours, habits and life pursuits, wisdom and positive thinking friends around. All those around us which/who teach us, keep us physically, mentally and socially healthy become our teachers, gurus and gods!!...There is no need of seperate gurus to teach about life and gods to give us confidence. We create our own destiny through our deeds. 

Sadly, everyone is not born with good, healthy brain. There are many who are born with deficiencies in body and brain. Both high intelligence and low intelligence are abnormal intelligence and such people need support to live peacefully, happily, healthily and be successful in all domains of life. So, many have impairments and need support whenever they go down or every day or every moment or for life long. For them, we need gurus and gods to lean-on, to feel confident, to be obsessed with, and to face the challenges of life. Impairments can happen before birth, after birth, due to diseases, traumatic life experiences etc. So, anyone may need a guru or god anytime in life. Therefore, it is all circumstances in life whether we can boast of being strong or become weak. 

Hence, as long as a person is able to remain physically, mentally and socially healthy, able to think positively, groomed and mentored towards becoming an ideal human being, he or she does not need a guru or god!!

Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

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