Friday, 24 May 2013

the scientific way of keeping good health of the body!

hai are we?

Scientists have studied the movements of various parts of the body and have identified those which produce positive effect for the good health…and they have grouped them into five categories depending upon which part of the body gets the positive benefits…

So, if we do only one of them then only one part of the body gets exercised properly and others moderately or less.

This shows that we should not just do ‘only one exercise and should have a regimen comprising of all five or more than one or with few of them more and others less’…depending upon our need…some need more cardiac work up…some who want to reduce weight should take up more of walk…and so on.

These five are as follows:-

1.Isometric exercise….this is performed by contracting muscles against an immovable object. Eventhough the body does not move, muscles push hard against each other or against an immovable object and thus gain strength. This type can improve muscle strength which can be especially important for older people in preserving independent living.


2.Isotonic exercise….This requires contraction of muscles and the movement of joints. Weight lifting and many other forms of calisthenics (bending, jumping and stretching exercises) fit into this category. It can improve muscle strength and muscle endurance, if it is sufficiently lengthy. It is more helpful in improving appearance than health.

3.Isokinetic exercise….Exertion is required for lifting and additional effort is required to return to the starting position. This type of exercise requires specialized equipment that adjusts the amount of resistance according to the amount of force applied. It is superior than isometric and isotonic exercises in improving muscle strength and muscle endurance. It is inconvenient for many people and requires expensive and elaborate equipment. Its most important use is in physical rehabilitation.


4.Anaerobic exercise….It includes short distance running, some calisthenics, soft ball and other exercises that require short, intensive bursts of energy but do not require an increased, amount of oxygen use. Such short, strenuous exercises improve speed and endurance, but they may be dangerous for people with coronary heart disease.

5.Aerobic exercise….is any exercise that requires dramatically increased oxygen consumption over an extended period of time. The most common forms of aerobic exercise are jogging, walking, dancing, swimming, cycling etc.


Among all these exercises Aerobic Exercise is found by health psychologists as a sustained exercise that stimulates heart and lungs improving the body’s utilization of oxygen. Other exercises have less effect on overall fitness because they draw on short term stores of glycogen rather than on the long-term energy conservation system.

So, those who want to reduce the weight or obesity should do more of aerobic exercises so that the fat stored is burnt…when we run the body needs instant energy…but melting of fat and converting it into energy takes time…so, body uses the energy that is waiting in the ready use store…i.e the energy made out of the previous meal…once you run, this gets used and ready use store gets empty…so we feel very hungry…we end up in hogging…this gets converted to energy and gets burnt when we run next time…so, the fat never gets melted. So, running is not a good intervention to reduce fat.
keep rocking guys and gals...

Thursday, 16 May 2013

what should we enjoy in life?

hai friends...

During childhood our parents push us to be good in studies…so we don’t sleep, do lots of sacrifices, study in good schools and colleges…get good salaried job…make lots of wealth…

parents are happy about the ‘status’…many do not like their job…do not enjoy their job…they enjoy only the high salary and the status they get, as success of a man is measured in our society by his salary and the wealth he made…

as they have to work for long hours to get that organizational / social status and salary they don’t get time also to enjoy the wealth earnt…ultimately what do they enjoy?...what is giving them happiness?...that people at home and around are happy?

finally in forties they get ‘life style’ diseases and land up for courses like art of living…i.e learning ‘how to live’!!!

no happiness during studies…no happiness in office…bad health in forties…wife and children are not happy as they are unable to give value time for them...what we call as success?

So, enjoying our subjects and enjoying our job in a healthy way is the first and foremost as we spend most of our life in schools, colleges and offices.

  • Gopika Radhakrishnan your questions are valid. we cannot do anything about people who don't want to change their lifestyle. but for those who want to be happy and healthy, these courses are a blessing. nothing can shake you if you do and follow these courses. you have not seen nor know in depth about these courses nor the impact they can have on people. you are just generalizing and just using the term art of living courses arbitrarily. once you really get to know, you'll understand what i am talking about. there are lots of young people (lucky ones) who do these courses all over the world who are radiating happiness and spreading the happiness!
  • Manickarajan Ramasubramanian i am agreeing that such courses are be undergone by every one...i am not saying that they are useless etc...what i am saying is people should change their life style after that as per what they learnt...that is what is important...very few follow what they learn,t meticulously...many give sappai reasons for not following in their life and continue to is important for young people to attend these courses, so that their married life will be good...they can teach the same to their children right from their child that for these children it becomes a life style and not a course...any one who follows these lifestyles from day one of birth, childhood etc, the course will be new...they will say 'i am following this life style only...this is what my parents have taught me as nothing new here'...that is what i have said...
  • Arun Kumar A lovely topic with all parents either with grown up or growing up children, young or old , life needs changes and adjustments. To learn , to enjoy , what you are doing, to learn to appreciate that your body is your biggest worldly friend and you must look after it, to learn that how mind and body control each other, to learn to do time management , to learn to prioritise your task and lastly but not the least to learn to Love. Love yourself, love your body, love whatever you do, love nature, love your family and friends, love your country , love human kind, love this world. Asking too much? No it all comes automatically once you start in the understanding life and become a part of huge rolling wheel. Lot of youngsters have started realising it early in life, still lot of parents got to realise it early in life to bring up their children in stress free manner to let them enjoy the world as it opens up to them.
for more analysis of

keep rocking...


why animals are happier than us?

hai friends...
animals are generally happy...human beings are not...because animals give unconditional love...human beings give only conditional love...'if you give me emotional, physical, financial, social and legal support, i will love you...other wise not!'...this is the case between the spouses...friends...lovers...

is there any spouse who loves his or her better half if that person does not offer anything said above...loving just for the individual...treating that individual as a 'baby' and offering unlimited love? there any one?...

also, once you love a person, how can you hate him? have always loved that person...whom you hate is the changed person...!


why are we attracted towards infants and baby animals?

Hai friends...

is there any one on earth who does not love or feel happy looking at an infant baby? one!...why we feel child like when we look at an infant?...why we forget all our worries and melt infront of a baby?...why it happens when we look at any baby organism?...what is there in an infant which is not there in other grown up children or human beings?...INNOCENSE!!!...we also had it when we were small...where has it gone now? we grew we have lost it? and when?...what happened to us?...visit

keep rocking!


why two people are different?

hai are we?

We keep observing others consciously and unconsciously all the time. People differ from one another widely and wildly. Why?...No two persons are alike. Why?...At the same time people have certain common traits or characteristics. Why?...What are the sources of such individual differences?...or commonality? what extent they differ? what extent they are common?...Is it possible to predict how an individual may behave in certain defined situation based on certain theoretical assumption?...How far the specific source of personality differences are stable?...are they long enduring?...or transient?...why people are unique?...can you make wild guesses on these questions?.

Psychologists have followed different paths to find answers for these questions.

Evolutionary psychologists say that different human beings ‘adapt to the environment in different ways’. They follow different strategies. This is the reason for difference in individual differences. So, as per them, “alternative adoptive strategies followed by human individuals belonging to the animal kingdom” is the reason for differences.

Some say that ‘genetic inheritance’…i.e the complex interplay of the genetic components and the environmental influences is the reason for the differences.

When we view the human beings as one extending from lower species then ‘biological under pinnings of temperament and complex behaviour’ emerges as the reason for the differences.

Some say that psychodynamic factors such as ‘unconscious  mind’ is the reason. They say that instinctive drives and forces and developmental experiences shape one’s personality. Sigmund Freud says that the unconscious determines the thinking, willing and feeling of the individuals. He stresses that internal psychological processes are of primary importance for explaining the nature of the individual. Early child hood experiences have greater impact on one’s personality. Unconscious motivation contributes to various psychological phenomena. Rationality and morality sustain our ego and super ego. Individuals resort to defense mechanism to foster their ego. Even the ‘conscious’ experience and its interaction with the ‘unconscious’ matters. Social factors play a significant role in development of an individual.

Social cognitive theorists say that ‘socialisation and the effect of cognitive processes’ are the reason for the differences. 

Freud, in his classical psychoanalytic theory says ‘human behaviour is determined by the unconscious’. According to him the structure of personality includes (a) conscious (b) preconscious (c) unconscious.

What one is presently aware of constitutes the conscious. Consciousness is riveted by our focus on what is happening at the current immediate moment, ‘here and now’

In preconscious state we are not aware of certain facts related to our past experiences. But they are available for recall

Unconscious refers to a state where the facts related to experience, especially emotional experience may not be felt at the ‘present’ moment. It can be voluntarily recalled by the individual. This material remains dormant and remains buried underneath in the mind.
Unconscious usually consists of the traumatic childhood experiences and tabooed sexual desires. The material hidden in the unconscious could hardly be retrieved by the awakened state of awareness. But the influence of the unconscious is felt in all aspects of behaviour.
According to Freud, mind is like an iceberg merged in water with 90% inside and 10% visible outside. Majority of our emotional experiences are buried under the unconscious and what we see as behaviour outside is only but a small portion of the mental structure. 

hope it has added more value to the knowledge you have about personality!


We have three people inside us. The third person is here!

hai are we?

I mentioned to you that every individual is composed of three persons inside. Id and ego are the two people.

The third person is super ego. Who is he? He is the one formed inside us when we were young children…he tells us the ‘dos and don’ts’. i.e. what we should do, how to do it and what we should not do!

How he was formed inside us?

When we were young children, we did many things. Our parents corrected us and told us many dos and don’ts. They also taught how to do an activity. It taught us the method of doing and the quality standards. They are the ‘values and ideals of the society’. Parents reward or punish when the children follow or don’t follow them. The super ego is developed in response to the rewards and punishments meted out by the child at the hands of the parents. During this process the children understand them in their own way and form their ‘principles of life or principles of their living’. This process is called Introjection.

Super ego is the last to be formed in an individual after the formation of id and ego. Super ego represents the ‘moral objectives’. It ‘stands for the ideal rather than for the real’. It uncompromisingly strives for perfection rather than operating at pleasure principle.

Whatever is regarded improper by parents and lead to punishment is shun in the conscience. Whatever is hailed by the parents and leads to reward are developed as values and ideals for the child. 

Introjection refers to the mechanism through which this incorporation of the indoctrination of the parents takes place.

The conscience adopting the doctrines of the parents would punish an individual when he transgresses them by invoking feelings of guilt. 

The conscience would reward the individual when he adopts himself to the doctrines of the parent by evoking a sense of pride in himself.
So, during the child hood parental control gives us the ‘super ego’ component. Once it forms properly as ‘principles of life’ inside the person, it takes over and gives the ‘self control’ component for the individual.

Super ego has several functions to discharge. It has to inhibit the id impulses, especially the id’s ‘sexual’ and ‘aggressive’ impulses. These two impulses are the ones usually tabooed in the society.

It has to influence the ego to substitute moralistic goals for realistic goals. It has to constantly strive for perfection.

The super ego is also irrational in its nature, like the id. It tries to exercise control over the instincts. The ego merely tries to postpone instinctual gratification. But, the super ego tries to block it once and for all. The super ego is evolved during the Oedipal stage (4-5 years of age up to 7 years of age) as well as with the resolution of the Oedipal complex (a boy gets possessive about his mother and remove the father and a girl wants to possess her father and remove her mother – this is called Oedipus Complex) on through adolescence.

So, now we know all the three people inside. Id is the mad guy, unavoidable guy, animal like guy inside who pushes us for many wants and needs with urges. He puts us in trouble. Ego is the guy who manages id, assesses the environment and goes by reality so that we don’t land up in troubles and at the same time meet the urge needs. Super ego is the self control, the principles of life, the value systems developed in us due to good parenting. 

If the parenting is bad, then the super ego component is weak and the individual is without self control, good principles of life and value systems. Id should be moderate, ego and super ego should be strong.

These three people constitute personality of an individual and we now know how to shape these three people and rear them inside us!

Hope it was a good and useful read.

bye guys and gals...keep reading...keep rocking...sometimes make some comments too!



Wednesday, 15 May 2013

we have three people inside us. The second person is here!

hai are we?
I said there are three people inside us…all of us are not one…the first dangerous but unavoidable person is ‘id’ (‘yid’). We saw about this person. If you have not read about that person…that post…please don’t read the following. First read about ‘id’ and then only read the following.

Next person is ‘ego’…the word does not carry our social meaning here...we say ‘he is an egoistic person!’…this ego is not that!...this is different.

He is not required to be there. But this id character and reality produce this person in us. Id wants us to do something immoral, unethical and illegal. But the reality is different. So, we are unable to do. But id is pushing us to do. This results in a conflict in the mind.

For e.g a hungry man should search and seek means to satiate his hunger along with adjusting his memory images of food. Only then his tension due to hunger could be relieved. The ego discriminates the things in the mind from things in the world of reality. Id cannot discriminate between ‘imagination’ and ‘reality’.

Id adheres to only ‘pleasure’ principle. But ego adheres to ‘reality’ principle.

Ego examines whether an experience is real or not…whether it has objective existence or a subjective existence.

Id only considers an experience whether it is a ‘pleasurable’ one or a ‘painful’ one. It does not think about life or the dangers involved in experiencing the pleasure. When a person is drunk only the id guy is dominant…the ego person conks off due to the liquor…so the individual loses the cognition part of analyzing the environment…he goes out of reality and ruled by only instinctual pleasure drives…so he lands up in committing rapes, murders, thefts and all illegal and antisocial activities and lands up in trouble for life!

So what is the paramount task of ego? is ‘mediating between ‘instinctual’ requirements of the individual and ‘conditions of the surrounding environment’’

What is the main aim of ego?’s main aim is to ‘uphold the life of the individual and ensure progeny are reproduced to sustain the existence of the species’.

Therefore, ego is regarded as ‘the executive of personality!’ It controls the gateways to action. It decides the features of the environment to which it will make the individual to respond.

It is the ego that determines the following:-

(a)       Which instinct to be satisfied

(b)      Which means is to be adopted

(c)       In what manner

So, while discharging its executive functions ego has to integrate the conflicting demands of id, super ego and real world. All these three demand three different and conflicting things. So, it is a tough task for ego to tell the individual as to what he or she has to do!

This is a stupendous task and places a great strain on the ego.

It is very important for us to know how much ego one has got? case we want to know the maturity or balanced nature or morals or values or human nature or godliness of an individual then we need to measure his or her ego component. So, we use a term called ‘ego strength’ in psychoanalysis. Ego strength refers to ‘the capacity of ego one has got to successfully cope with the id, super ego, and the real world’.

The ego is rational, well-ordered aspect of personality since it has to deal with reality effectively. It is the ability of the ego for organizing, for being critical and for synthesizing something that makes the life of an individual meaningful, as a life tempered with reason, despite his fundamental animalistic nature.

It is important for all of us to know and implement the ways of improving our ego. As parents and siblings, we have a great responsibility to rear our children and siblings with a strong ego component and moderate id component so that they are in reality always and not conquered by the id component.

Why moderate id?...why not low id?...because if low id he or she will not have urge for water, food, sex etc which are basic for healthy physical, mental and social living and life to go on here.

The point is ‘always ego should be stronger than the id’. If id grows gigantic, ego should also grow gigantic. The individual has to have that strength.

This not only comes by value systems learning, moral learning, but also with ‘healthy natural’ food (as food has a role to play in secretion of neurotransmitters (which create emotions) and hormones (which control the organs)) and a good ‘exercise regimen’ which exercises all organs, joints, muscles and brain in the correct way. (e.g yoga, meditation etc).

This is the reason why in olden days children were reared in ‘natural environment’ by rishis in gurukul…to learn moral values…to eat natural and healthy food…to learn yoga and meditation…all other things like learning self defence etc were given secondary importance.

It was believed that anyone who lives like this will become a strong man, physically and mentally, a real human being with empathy, a good administrator, a good manager, a good leader, one who can take the right decisions in life for self and others etc.

This is what our culture is. The true Indian culture. i.e Indian way of living.

But are we living like this?...No!...That is why we have life style diseases, negative emotions, failures, sadness, depression and death.

You might say ‘you want us to live like sanyasis? we have so many things to spice up our life, tongue, mind and body. Should we not enjoy these pleasures?’…I am not telling to live in both the extremes…I am just saying that we should live in the middle!!!

study well…you can even join an IT company…get up early and have a good exercise regimen…eat natural and healthy food…eat junk food also…but little…in small quantities e.g eat one vada for half an hour!...make one chappaathi into 15 or more small pieces and with each small piece take hand full of subji or vegetables…do yoga and meditation…it will help to perform better on job…to be a good boss liked by seniors, peers and staff…to be a good human being liked by all everywhere!

So, ‘he is a very egoistic person!’ is a bad comment about a person. ‘He is a person of strong ego!’ is a good comment about a person!

Hope you spent some useful time today and feel this read is worth!

keep rocking!...byeee!


why a middle aged man behaves the way he behaves?

hai are we?

why a middle aged man behaves the way he behaves?

Have you noticed a child?...what it does? does only those which gives happiness…pleasure!...when parents tell them to do something ‘responsible, serious, does not give pleasure or happiness to it’ it does not do it…or does it for name sake with resistance, hate, anger, frustration etc…without quality…without productivity…it is not their mistake…it is because their brain is developed only that much.

An adolescent also is a child but at times behaves responsibly with most of the time doing only those which give happiness and pleasure. The brain is still maturing.

It is sad that nature matures the body first for reproduction but not the brain.

A young adult to a middle aged adult…i.e from 20 to 40…when the body becomes ‘matured reproductive body’…when we start indulging in reproductive acts…when children are born…nature knows that he cannot behave irresponsibly…he has to look after the children…rear them...teach them to live…teach them behaviours to live…to protect…to identify enemies and friends…to identify good and bad…to identify dangers…so, it does not allow him to behave childish…the secretions are such that he behaves responsibly…only responsibility rules us…we do many things that does not give us happiness or pleasure…because we want to behave as a responsible husband, wife, father, mother etc…as we want to look after the small children…as it is a socially acceptable, appreciated and respectable behaviour…also our brain is matured…it is driven and drives the body towards achieving all the levels of hierarchy of needs (read maslow’s need theory)…so our thinking, talking and all visible and invisible behaviours are with responsibility…at this stage we feel ‘happiness and pleasure’ is achieved by fulfilling our responsibilities…anyone who does things which give only happiness, does not do things which have the element of responsibility is identified or referred by us as ‘irresponsible’ and ‘childish’ person…

When we reach 40s and 50s, (for some it is 60s) the ‘middle age’ syndrome strikes, most of us get struck at one level of (3rd or 4th level) maslows levels, menopause stages (even males), the brain undergoes lots of changes in secretions, reproductive system undergoes change towards less activity…so, the body slowly starts moving towards the adolescent stage…mind also behaves similar to an adolescent…secretions In brain are such…so, we start doing only those which give us happiness and pleasure…the lady at home or parents tell ‘don’t be childish. Behave responsibly’…’you have many responsibilities…but you are not doing…earlier you were responsible…now you are getting mad!’…we also at times feel ‘I have to do these things. I know that. But my mind is not telling me to do. It feels it is not happy in doing that. It tells me to do something else as it gives me happiness!’…the lady at home has to yell many times and keep telling him to do that something…responsible thing…which he had been doing on his own earlier…now he is not doing it…e.g some adults play cricket or country games with children on road…more than the usual…they like playing some instrument and spend more time than usual…they start spending more time with friends, more than usual…so that ‘more than usual’…’something which he has not been doing all these days’ is the one which identifies him that he is moving towards childishness…he has to be ‘reminded’ of his responsibilities…

This only increases with time, and when they reach 70s or 80s they really become a child…no responsible behaviours…get up late…do routines late…lethargy in doing things which they did with lots of energy and importance during early ages…loose teath…body crushes…muscles melt…shout at their adult children if they shout or beat their kids ‘children are children! Don’t scold or beat them!’…forgetting that they did the same when they were adults!...

Slowly they become an infant…an infant is always on bed…they also…an infant can not hear or speak…they also…an infant can only produce sounds…they also…it cannot see, hear, smell or identify people…they also…it only gives innocent smile…they also…infant needs constant attention of adults…they also…infant urinates and defecates on bed…they also…infant always needs physical support…they also…infant cannot walk…they also…infant cannot eat on its own and someone has to feed…they also…

Only thing is an infant lives. They die!

The aim of this post is to bring out ‘child-adult-child’ stages of life…identify the significant behaviours ‘happiness-responsibility-happiness’. If we know these then we know ‘why people behave the way the behave’ and not to get angry or frustrated…accept people as they are!...that is all!
ok guys and gals...enjoy...keep rocking!







Monday, 13 May 2013

a conversation about orphan girls!

hai are we?...i had shared the above photo in the facebook...there was a comment...and i had commented on it...the conversations are below...hope you enjoy the conversation...

Arun Kumar I am not sure about reality of this picture,

 but message through it, is very clear appreciate what you 

have! Lovely , yes it breaks your heart too. May I ask Mr 

God for the fault of this child to get such punishment? Or

 on behalf of all orphans what is the mistake of child in 

being born? By religious beliefs god is the creator, god is 

the supporter and god is the destroyer? If that is correct

 where is the 2nd step missing?
Manickarajan Ramasubramanian Yes sir…valid point…

god creates and destroys…supposed to support too…why 

god misses on this for some? fact I wrote a story

 many years back about an orphaned teen age girl who is 

gang raped and struggling for life…at that time she asks 

many questions in her mind to her mom…’Mom! Where 

are you?...I have never seen your face!...never had your 

warmth!...i have not sensed how it is to be on the mom’s

 laps and hugs…but I have seen others getting it…even 

birds and animals…I want to see you mom!...doctors say I

 may not survive…Can’t I see you once in my life?...what 

sin I have committed?...people say the sins of parents 

affects the children!...what sin you and dad committed?

...why should I be punished for that! god there? I

 a criminal? I worst that an insect?...why should I be 

punished like this?...i am sure you must be very beautiful 

and fair skinned mom!...why did you give your beauty and 

fair skin to me?...why am I not dark?...why I am not ugly?

...look at my condition now because you hve given me 

your beauty!, tell me, why did you leave me?...was

 I a burden to you?...did I ask for money or wealth?...i 

would have drank only few drops of milk and would have 

remained safe in your hugs and cuddles? I not 

deserving that?...even a small insect gets these from its 

mother! I worst than an insect?...did you think I will 

be a burden for you?...if I am not required for you, why 

did you give me birth? could have killed me same

 time!...look at me now…I have been suffering, suffering 

and only suffering all throughout life!...cried any time I 

saw a bird feeding its baby bird!...had I got your hugs and 

cuddles, today I would have become the strongest girl on

 earth…would have looked after you nicely…no one would

 have exploited me like this…can you see my condition?

...can you understand my pains?...can you see what has 

happened to me because you are not there with me?

...why did you leave me?...did you sell me?...was I a

 commodity? I not your flesh? I not your dream

 kid?...did you see my face after birth? can a mother

 leave her child, after bearing her for 10 months and 

giving the birth, which is ‘life and death’ for a woman?...did

 you throw me in a gutter?...or in a dust bin?...or on the

 road?...where did you throw me? this it goes on sir 

and slowly she can see things getting blurred in front of

 her eyes…her vision becomes blank…her eyes close…

nurses put cotton in her nose and close the face with the

 bed sheet…there she leaves this earth!...beautiful earth!!!

Though our ancestors have analysed such issues…why a

 good person has to suffer?...why a bad person flourish?

...why a hard working person does not get his due?...and

 have given answers like…karma…previous birth sins…sins

 of his or her parents…etc…I think ‘nature is the god…it

 has produced all of us like any other living being…has

 given advanced brain…sixth sense…to be the

representative of god…representative of nature…so 

protect all living beings…to protect nature…to be good…to

 be happy…to radiate love and affection…but we have

 become worst than animals…there is a post in my blog

 which compares human beings and other living organisms

 on earth…which clearly brings out that we are the worst

 animals…whereas we are gods…gods are no different

 than us or other organisms or nature…but we have 

understood god wrongly as ‘a powerful, magical thing that

 can give us what we want, produce and destroy’…I

 think the primitive man was right in worshipping ‘nature’

 as god…living without any sort of discriminations…but 

evolution has produced orphans and many other things…

more in my blog…

Arun Kumar Subbu, i must say you have reached

 enlightenment, you understand and analyze answers in a 

manner which is done by somebody with lots of self belief.

 I will try and post my small submission on gods and

 religion. with change in time a lot has to change and we

 cannot keep hiding in garb of soothing words of nothing.

( like our rulers of today).There is no previous birth if no

 body knows about it , all justice all answers have to come

 for this life in this life only. Keep writing it is all worth in


Manickarajan Ramasubramanian thank you so much 

sir for the nice words...there is nothing great in these 

writings of mine. Any one who thinks in reality, not live in

 imaginary world, keeps asking questions about everything

 that is happening, without emotions, with a cool mind, 

without provoking others, i am sure will get only these

 things as the are right in saying that we

 have deviated too far away from reality, humanness, 

peaceful living, healthy living, the real meaning of 

successful living during the process of evolution...during

 the process of inventing things for happy and healthy

 living..If this trend continues i am sure the earth will not 

have its natural death. It is time to come out of evolution 

and revolutionize our life with the way the primitive man

 lived, but with the healthy and happy comforts we have 

produced with science...thank you sir!

hai guys and gals...hope you enjoyed the conversation...

keep rocking...byeeeeeee!
