Monday, 6 May 2013

another dimention of love!

hai are we? is little more explanation of what is love...all of us are involved in we are love ourselves! it is important to understand what it is wrong understanding will affect our health, happiness and success!
Let love be.
Do not give it a name.
When you give love a name, it becomes a relationship
and relationships restricts love." ….sri…sri ravishankar….
This is what the spiritual leader says….
Some one has made a comment like this….” Hard to swallow. No love in relationship? Can't accept this”…
An explanation given by some one is like this…
“he also says love is not an emotion and that we are basically made of love.

he did NOT say that there is no love in relationship!

He only said relationship may restrict love! that is all!

one example i can think of is:
once there is a relationship, then there are lots of expectations. then if these expectations are not met, then love may not flow freely in full force! it may flow with some restrictions when expectations are not met.

another example:

wives are always expected to cook great food everyday. whereas the girl may not like to spend too much time in the kitchen. if her husband expects her to cook and she doesn't cook, then there will be a problem. But if her husband is not the kind to have such formal expectations of his wife and lets her be who she is then there is no problem as there are no expectations based on their relationship.

hope i have not confused you too much! i am glad that you asked this question!

what i understand is: just love people. you don't need a reason to love people. also have not too much expectations on your loved ones so that love can freely flow by transcending the relationship expectations and requirements!

also sometimes we may not agree with everything said. but later it may start making sense to us! so i just hear everything with an open mind and leave it if i don't really agree or understand! anyway this world is full of mysteries. no one can understand everything in this universe including love and especially love!

My addition to this is below…. is nicely explained with examples...the explanation has cleared the cloud...

we understand many things in life the way we have been taught...the way we have experienced...the way others have experienced and explained and have convinced us...but it may not be actually true, happy-healthy-success giving...if some belief or experience is not giving us these three then what is the point in following it...

same way, love is understood by every one differently....what sri sri says is true...when we give it a restricted understanding then it leads to a relationship and affects it... with expectations, possessiveness etc....

i understand love as 'happy emotions'....a happy feeling...yes, we are made of love…(so, let us not make ourselves with ‘unhappy emotions’ or negative emotions)….it can come from any one or any place or any situation....we love that person or situation or place....moment we tie ourselves with that person that all the above said things will torture us and the source of happiness...the source of love will become a source of pain, sorrows, let the love be every life everything, every one has a positive element to give us happiness!

moment we tie up with people based on love then we give it a name we know like frienship, husband, wife, lover, sister, brother etc....some times we also feel 'dei! i don't what sort of a relationship it is is not is not is not is not is not is something different daaa!' we are unable to name it....let it not be named...moment we name with one of the above relationships, you will agree with me that there will be a restriction in exchange of love...i.e exchange of happy emotions....positive each relationship has a restriction of exchange of information, feelings, etc...each relationship has an envelope of everything in which the people concerned dwell....sri sri says, don't name it...let it remain without any that there is no restriction of exchange of love...and the source of happiness remains to be a source of happiness for ever!

hope i have added more info to it and not confused more...this is my understanding of love paaa....'sex' is an element which pollutes the meaning of love...we always understand love with a bit of sex...we are unable to understand love without sex....and we have given lots of sacredness to sex....also nature has created many forces of making opposite sexes to get attracted to each other...and we call it love....whereas sri sri says love can exist between any two human is beyond gender etc....avvalavu thaan paa...and i agree with sri sri....!
ok guys and gals...keep rocking!

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