Wednesday, 15 May 2013

we have three people inside us. The second person is here!

hai are we?
I said there are three people inside us…all of us are not one…the first dangerous but unavoidable person is ‘id’ (‘yid’). We saw about this person. If you have not read about that person…that post…please don’t read the following. First read about ‘id’ and then only read the following.

Next person is ‘ego’…the word does not carry our social meaning here...we say ‘he is an egoistic person!’…this ego is not that!...this is different.

He is not required to be there. But this id character and reality produce this person in us. Id wants us to do something immoral, unethical and illegal. But the reality is different. So, we are unable to do. But id is pushing us to do. This results in a conflict in the mind.

For e.g a hungry man should search and seek means to satiate his hunger along with adjusting his memory images of food. Only then his tension due to hunger could be relieved. The ego discriminates the things in the mind from things in the world of reality. Id cannot discriminate between ‘imagination’ and ‘reality’.

Id adheres to only ‘pleasure’ principle. But ego adheres to ‘reality’ principle.

Ego examines whether an experience is real or not…whether it has objective existence or a subjective existence.

Id only considers an experience whether it is a ‘pleasurable’ one or a ‘painful’ one. It does not think about life or the dangers involved in experiencing the pleasure. When a person is drunk only the id guy is dominant…the ego person conks off due to the liquor…so the individual loses the cognition part of analyzing the environment…he goes out of reality and ruled by only instinctual pleasure drives…so he lands up in committing rapes, murders, thefts and all illegal and antisocial activities and lands up in trouble for life!

So what is the paramount task of ego? is ‘mediating between ‘instinctual’ requirements of the individual and ‘conditions of the surrounding environment’’

What is the main aim of ego?’s main aim is to ‘uphold the life of the individual and ensure progeny are reproduced to sustain the existence of the species’.

Therefore, ego is regarded as ‘the executive of personality!’ It controls the gateways to action. It decides the features of the environment to which it will make the individual to respond.

It is the ego that determines the following:-

(a)       Which instinct to be satisfied

(b)      Which means is to be adopted

(c)       In what manner

So, while discharging its executive functions ego has to integrate the conflicting demands of id, super ego and real world. All these three demand three different and conflicting things. So, it is a tough task for ego to tell the individual as to what he or she has to do!

This is a stupendous task and places a great strain on the ego.

It is very important for us to know how much ego one has got? case we want to know the maturity or balanced nature or morals or values or human nature or godliness of an individual then we need to measure his or her ego component. So, we use a term called ‘ego strength’ in psychoanalysis. Ego strength refers to ‘the capacity of ego one has got to successfully cope with the id, super ego, and the real world’.

The ego is rational, well-ordered aspect of personality since it has to deal with reality effectively. It is the ability of the ego for organizing, for being critical and for synthesizing something that makes the life of an individual meaningful, as a life tempered with reason, despite his fundamental animalistic nature.

It is important for all of us to know and implement the ways of improving our ego. As parents and siblings, we have a great responsibility to rear our children and siblings with a strong ego component and moderate id component so that they are in reality always and not conquered by the id component.

Why moderate id?...why not low id?...because if low id he or she will not have urge for water, food, sex etc which are basic for healthy physical, mental and social living and life to go on here.

The point is ‘always ego should be stronger than the id’. If id grows gigantic, ego should also grow gigantic. The individual has to have that strength.

This not only comes by value systems learning, moral learning, but also with ‘healthy natural’ food (as food has a role to play in secretion of neurotransmitters (which create emotions) and hormones (which control the organs)) and a good ‘exercise regimen’ which exercises all organs, joints, muscles and brain in the correct way. (e.g yoga, meditation etc).

This is the reason why in olden days children were reared in ‘natural environment’ by rishis in gurukul…to learn moral values…to eat natural and healthy food…to learn yoga and meditation…all other things like learning self defence etc were given secondary importance.

It was believed that anyone who lives like this will become a strong man, physically and mentally, a real human being with empathy, a good administrator, a good manager, a good leader, one who can take the right decisions in life for self and others etc.

This is what our culture is. The true Indian culture. i.e Indian way of living.

But are we living like this?...No!...That is why we have life style diseases, negative emotions, failures, sadness, depression and death.

You might say ‘you want us to live like sanyasis? we have so many things to spice up our life, tongue, mind and body. Should we not enjoy these pleasures?’…I am not telling to live in both the extremes…I am just saying that we should live in the middle!!!

study well…you can even join an IT company…get up early and have a good exercise regimen…eat natural and healthy food…eat junk food also…but little…in small quantities e.g eat one vada for half an hour!...make one chappaathi into 15 or more small pieces and with each small piece take hand full of subji or vegetables…do yoga and meditation…it will help to perform better on job…to be a good boss liked by seniors, peers and staff…to be a good human being liked by all everywhere!

So, ‘he is a very egoistic person!’ is a bad comment about a person. ‘He is a person of strong ego!’ is a good comment about a person!

Hope you spent some useful time today and feel this read is worth!

keep rocking!...byeee!


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