hai friends...how are we?...it is nice to know that while i am typing this, there is some one in US reading some post in the blog...very good!
We think we are one...one human being. But actually it is not so!...we have three people inside us...when i say 'i am rams!'...or funnyrams...i am not one person...i am a combination of three people. Three organisms. It is not only for me. It is for all human beings. Who are they?...what are their characteristics?...what do they do inside us?...let us see about them here...ok...
What is
personality structure?
I generally
refer to this saying ‘every human being has three organisms inside. They are
alert and functioning all the time inside us. When I say ‘I am rams’, I refer
to the ‘combination of all these three organisms’.
describes it as ‘three partite structure of the human personality’.
The names of
the three organisms inside us are named as follows:-
(a) Id (pronounced as ‘yid’)
(b) The Ego
(c) The Super ego
Id is the
most important organism, as most of our behaviours are due to this. The most
disturbing, basic, fundamental, essential and dangerous organism. It is there
from birth to death. There is no human being without this organism. If this is
not there, we cannot be alive. It is responsible for all the scandals, rapes,
thefts, scams and all the bad things and negativities of life that we read in
the newspapers or watch in TV channels!!!
Does a new
born infant has anything called its personality?...yes…it has!
At the time
of birth, the personality of the infant remains to be an embodiment of id.
id is the original system of personality. In the course of development or
growth of the infant, it is differentiated into the ego and the super ego.
The id is
occupied by a mass of ‘blind instincts’…the basic fundamental instincts of
life!...thirst, hunger, to breath, sexual or reproductive urge, identifying
dangers and protecting from them etc.
There is no
logical organization of these instincts and impulses in the id. Therefore,
instincts that contradict one another may simultaneously be present in the id.
No sense of time prevails in the id…e.g we feel hungry or sexual needs any
already present in the id and also the new impulses (e.g tabooed sexual
desires) repressed and sent to be hidden in the unconscious can remain
unaltered for indefinite period in the id. That is how repressed traumatic
experiences of childhood tend to persist and persevere in the adulthood and
Id is
essentially ‘amoral’ in its character. It has no sense of values and cannot
discriminate the good from the evil. It adheres to only ‘pleasure’ principle.
It’s only concern is to release tension instantly and relegate the organism to
a comfort zone involving constant and low level or energy.
Id is not
oriented to reality. Id always tries to obtain pleasure and avoid pain.
psychoanalysis we use a term called ‘primary process’. It refers to id’s
approach towards wish fulfillment by avoiding pain and gain pleasure. It is an
illusory process. It constitutes an hallucinatory form of experience in which ‘desired
object’ is present in the form of memory image of the desired one. Nocturnal
dreams represent fulfillment or attempted fulfillment of a wish.
The id
processes remain entirely unconscious. The processes are inferred by analyzing the
manifestation of the processes in the dreams, free associations, and neurotic
and psychotic formation. These phenomena
are called ‘instinct derivatives’.
Several primitive
instincts are associated with the id. However, sexual and aggressive instincts
receive special premium.
This id has
a big problem!!...its problem is by itself it is not capable of reducing the
tension. For e.g a hunger experience by a person cannot be satiated by images
of food and the tension cannot be relieved by such form of wish fulfillment. If
id is not safeguarded and is left to its own strategies it might annihilate
let us see about the remaining two people and how they are related to this id etc in the next post...ok!
bye guys and gals...keep rocking!
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