Sunday, 12 January 2014

orphans are those who do not get love and is not 'being without parents'!

hai all...

every one on this earth is a CHILD or PARENT

every one needs love and affection...if not received then he or she becomes a orphan with out this for a while or forever...

some get from parents, some from siblings, some from spouse, some from other relatives, some from lover, some from other living beings other than human, some from all listed here or from some, some from nature too...

if you see the above list, all will go some time or the other...old will will come...that new also will go...some other new will come...but nature is the one that will be there with us always and everywhere, unconditionally!

Orphans!!!...whom do we refer as orphans?...those who do not have parents?

Can we say, those who do not get 'love and affection, financial, physical, emotional, social and all those 'als' which parents are expected to give' are orphans?

so, can we say those with parents but not getting any of these are also orphans?

many go and give money, food, chocolates, sweets, clothes for them...

does any one give the 'love and affection' (kisses and hugs and make them feel for at least few minutes 'yes, i am not alone, i have some one on this earth!') which rarely any one gives to them?...which is the most important thing for any human being or living organism to live...or the life line of life!


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