Dear all…in the past we used to address the children with brain and body related health issues as ‘mentally retarded’ ‘physically disabled’ 'physically handicapped' etc.
As this is not actually right and not the truth, and also as it has got negative connotation we address them now as ‘special children’ ‘differently abled children’ etc…
because we understood after many researches that they are blessed with special talents and skills with which they can create an ‘identity of excellence’ for themselves…become celebrities…become scientists…become artists…become inventors…become achievers…contribute to humanity etc…
In general those with low IQ are identified as ‘special children’ who need special attention…special methods of grooming…special methods of teaching in schools…or schools specially designed with trained teachers, unique syllabus and methods of teaching need to be established…
We think that people with high IQ are blessed and gifted children
…but my opinion is otherwise…I feel that children with high IQ are also special children…they have very high levels of mind activity…high levels of multiple mind activities In multiple directions with high speed of thinking, processing, creativity generating many control signals…their brains can process several variables and information at the same time…directing their body for multiple and different intensities of emotions and several types of behaviours at the same time, may be contradicting behaviours/emotions too…this is like hundreds of missiles being fired from their brain at the same time in several directions…
They can not be taught with the syllabus meant for average IQ students, the methods and tools used for average IQ students….and also by teachers of that caliber…
They need special syllabus, special teaching and training methods, specially qualified and trained teachers, special tools of teaching etc…
surprisingly many are able to handle their complicated mind activity……they are able to handle the supercomputers in side their skulls….
But some are not…so they find it extremely difficult to handle the high speed and highly creative supercomputers inside their skulls…the high speed mind created by that brain…i.e the sensors and the processing are fast…but the actuators do not cooperate with that speed….(e.g I am not a high IQ guy, but I myself find it difficult to write by hand and pen down my thoughts… i.e my actuators are unable to work, in consonance with the processor…I miss out many words, sentences and ideas when I write with a pen and paper…they don’t come out like a string of thoughts or as a well made garland…I find my speed of typing is matching with the speed of the mind activity…if this is the case with me, I can imagine the case with these ‘special children’!)
So the crux is…
1. Only average IQ people with normal body and mind are normal children (i.e brains with average processing capability, average sensing capability…generating only few and specific control signals for the actuators for emotions and behaviours)
2. All others are special children (i.e those who appear to have imperfections to our eyes and perceptions but are actually blessed with special talents, skills, knowledge, brain, mind in some special areas of intelligence, skill, knowledge, wisdom etc with which they can excel, identify themselves as high achievers of useful value to humanity (e.g most of the scientists, artists, celebrities are diagnosed to be and identified with mental or physical or social issues)
3. Special children are to be taught and groomed differently at special places of learning by special people.
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