dear all...marriage is not for satiation of sexual needs but the root cause of most of the marital disharmony issues are due to unsatisfactory sexual need satisfaction!!...this shows that our culture, our parents, our forefathers/predecessors have primarily made the marriages for sexual need satisfaction only...they may not agree...they might say it is not true...then why the marriage relationships are strained due to unsatisfactory sexual needs?...where has the love gone?...this also shows that the marriage of two unknown people has not resulted in love through the sexual need satiation, as thought by our predecessors, because we never taught our sons to perceive everything in family living as 'service'-given and taken!!!, we have nicely screwed it up!!!...also we never taught them or made them to perceive that married life involves soooo many others things to be a husband, father, head of family, 'to be a part of society as a member of a family' etc...because the elders took all these on their nuts and made him to only enjoy his nuts and he perceived marriage is for enjoying sex!!!
it is time our elders or parents understand these and educate their children...or else be ready to screw up the life of your son and another girl and of course their children too!!....of course, their old age too!!
peacefully yours...rams...
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