Monday, 2 November 2015

there are many high IQ, highly creative, passion or profession centric people who do not know how to love and how to express it...

dear all...human beings are a complicated species... some personalities are too complicated...
there are many high IQ people and highly creative people who do not know how to love...generally artists or those who are more attached to art forms or have them as their profession are highly romantic and they know how to love etc...but even in that group there are some who do not know how to express their love in words or emotions or behaviours....or may be they don't experience that love feeling with some and only lust with them....
so their social relationships...i.e their social health is all screwed up...this spoils their family life, love life, and their relationships with friends...which further affects their profession or love with art forms....
some guys just want the company of women...for their physical presence or intimacy or body needs....girls who love his art form or interest in arts will fall in love with them and love them the process they offer their time, energy, emotions, body and other resources to them....they enjoy giving, they enjoy their physical and mental presence with these they love the process and dynamics....but the guys only love their interests, body, emotions etc...that is all....some do have connectivity at soul level too...but there are many who do not connect at wisdom or knowledge or art form or spiritual level ...some don't know how to do such things....
there are many characters like this in real life where they are just dedicated to their work and nothing else in their lives...this includes doctors, politicians, engineers etc also...i.e those who are married to their profession, passion, etc...
but unfortunately we don't come to know of all these before falling in love or getting attracted to them or marrying them...and these are the important ones that matter more than what our parents look for like money, wealth, family status, authority and power they exercise among relatives, society etc...
so, take care before falling in love....liking people....loving people....arranging marriages with them etc....
everything depends on you as to how you define your life and living...if you accept yourself and your life and your living being devoted to this person and relationship, then it is ok...but if you want to have a routine family life and living like others in our culture then there is a problem...
this is for both parents and those in early adult hood....

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