Dear Professors, Doctors, Doctorates, Scientists, Engineers, Research Fellows and all those highly educated people…
1. When you write a thesis or report you say that only proven facts to be written with citations and references and sentences which are not factual are not allowed. This is after all just for acquiring a qualification mostly to earn some increase in salary, acquire additional comforts, to differentiate you from others around, recognition, promotion, fame, and authority. But when it comes to your life, which is precious and only once, why do you base your life on unnatural, unproven, non factual beliefs and rituals related to religion, caste, race, languages?....No wonder you also live like any other uneducated person with respect to peace, health, contentment and happiness (four words). Can you ask and answer yourself if the education has helped you to get those four words and differentiate you from others with regard to these four words?
2. You tell your children and students to think, reason out, analyse, observe and study the constants and independent and dependent variables around them. You tell them not to follow blindly and to ask questions like why, how, when, why not, where, who etc. If not all these, I am sure you will agree with me, that we should at least apply common sense before following anything in life. But when it comes to your life, why did you accept all the beliefs and rituals from your parents and people around in the culture without asking questions, without thinking and without applying common sense?
3. Does all the above mean that you acquired all the knowledge, qualifications, skills and experience to sell yourself or earn money, to marry and run the family, to acquire wealth and living comforts and to be called an educated person (identity, image, respect, ego) and not a learned person?
4. Has your education and qualifications helped you to get those four words, inspire others to get those four, make people to remain united, made you to accept person of any religion and caste as equal and coexist with them, respect people of other religions and castes and live a life based on science which you eat, breathe and sleep with?
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