Monday, 30 January 2017

you can win girls only through devotional love and empowerment and not with needs, wants, expectations, fear and controls!!

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
In our culture there are some people who accept people as they are, accept the life situations as it is so easily, faster and greatly. They are too good in adapting to situations in life without any problem and with greater comfort, even if it is damaging them, putting them in discomfort and uneasiness, in some way or other.
In fact they do not know, the brain or conscious does not look for, that there is an easy way of adapting to better and nice solutions. Solutions are there in front and they can easily change over to those solutions. But the solutions are not visible to their eyes and brain. The brain ceases to look for solutions. It accepts the situation and starts living in it.
So, though this type of flexibility is good but it is not good as it goes into a state of Learned Helplessness, may be in some cases.
In some love cases, due to the devotee kind of obsession, they cease to find solutions and accept the pain as pleasure and start living or adapting. It all depends upon our limits, boundaries, how much we can stretch or accept pain as pleasure, ability to cope up and adapt. When the breaking point reaches either they give up, fail and fall, but still don't leave the situation...Height of Adaptability!!
So, the crux is...
1. Let us not adapt to the tough or gruesome or painful or dangerous life situations or people so easily. Let us find if there is any better way to coexist or live with the situation but without danger, without being in a state of getting affected, in a state of comfort, in a state of being healthy.
2. Let us exercise the brain to find solutions and better life situations.
3. Easy, faster and greater adaptability, closing the eyes and consciously and quickly adapting without any thinking can be either dangerous or not good too!!
Peacefully yours...rams...Health Psychologist.

"easy, great and faster adaptability, some times, does not see easy solutions available in front!"

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
In our culture there are some people who accept people as they are, accept the life situations as it is so easily, faster and greatly. They are too good in adapting to situations in life without any problem and with greater comfort, even if it is damaging them, putting them in discomfort and uneasiness, in some way or other.
In fact they do not know, the brain or conscious does not look for, that there is an easy way of adapting to better and nice solutions. Solutions are there in front and they can easily change over to those solutions. But the solutions are not visible to their eyes and brain. The brain ceases to look for solutions. It accepts the situation and starts living in it.
So, though this type of flexibility is good but it is not good as it goes into a state of Learned Helplessness, may be in some cases.
In some love cases, due to the devotee kind of obsession, they cease to find solutions and accept the pain as pleasure and start living or adapting. It all depends upon our limits, boundaries, how much we can stretch or accept pain as pleasure, ability to cope up and adapt. When the breaking point reaches either they give up, fail and fall, but still don't leave the situation...Height of Adaptability!!
So, the crux is...
1. Let us not adapt to the tough or gruesome or painful or dangerous life situations or people so easily. Let us find if there is any better way to coexist or live with the situation but without danger, without being in a state of getting affected, in a state of comfort, in a state of being healthy.
2. Let us exercise the brain to find solutions and better life situations.
3. Easy, faster and greater adaptability, closing the eyes and consciously and quickly adapting without any thinking can be either dangerous or not good too!!
Peacefully yours...rams...Health Psychologist.

Sunday, 29 January 2017

How to be peaceful?

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
PEACE is the most important thing in life. Whatever we get in life by losing peace becomes meaningless!
If Peace is lost then physical health is lost. If peace is lost then mental health and social well-being also are lost!...If these are lost then what did we gain that is worth??
Peace is to do with the mind...Our mind!!...i.e how we PERCEIVE everything and everyone.
Our perception depends upon....
1. Our social, cultural and all sorts of learning (e.g faiths and beliefs of religion, language, caste etc also) that we have gathered since birth through all senses, experiences and stored in the brain.
2. What we feel is right, wrong, good, bad etc. What we believe. Our definition of everything.
3. The health of our brain. It depends upon how much oxygen we give, the state of secretion of neurotransmitters which decide our moods to do anything.
4. Wants and needs of the body and mind including expectations from us and others. The hormone secretion levels. Yoga helps to control and regulate these so that we don't get urges, cravings, frustration, anger and sadness and don't lose our control.
If we are not peaceful, then our perception is wrong in one or many of the above!...i.e our belief, or faith or culture or what we believe to be right or wrong or correct or incorrect is wrong!!...We have to find out which one of the above is the reason and change that to make positive perceptions which is actually right or correct for us!
1. Every one feels he/she is right and correct and others are only wrong in their everything or something. So, all of us are defective and therefore let us accept every one as they are, if we want them in our life!
2. We can not change our life situations. We want things to happen in some way. But Karma or Nature wants it to happen in some way. May be that is best for us and what we want may not be right for us!!...So, if it is within our hands we may correct it, change and check it out. If not/impossible/ or extremely difficult then it is better to accept and start liking the life situation.
3. Healthy food, life style habits keeps the brain and mind healthy to make the body and mind self-regulating and make positive perceptions. Yoga and meditation help.
4. Unlearn all those which spoils the peace and learn the correct ones suitable for you!
5. Pitch the life goals on acquiring of knowledge, wisdom, skills, personality traits/attributes and experience, being with Nature. If we get these we will get all those materialistic things that we look forward too!!
6. We need to perceive that entire earth is our place of living, we are created to enjoy this garden called 'earth' and all the people on earth are our brothers and sisters!
Anything i missed out??
Peacefully yours...rams...

Saturday, 28 January 2017

Let there be something unknown about others so that we enjoy the relationship!!...No one loves here...every one wants something from others and they call it love!!

'If you want some one in your life always, and you want that relationship to be a firing and interesting one always...then let there be something which you don't know about that person and you are inquisitive about it to know! (without possessiveness so that the inquisitiveness does not give anxiety!)'....Peacefully yours...rams...

'No one loves here. Every one wants something from the other person. So, they exhibit behaviours to seek attention, attract and do some emotional-business to get their needs met...and they call it love...and say love is painful, not good etc and lands up for counselling or medication!'.............Peacefully yours....rams...

our relationship with others...and that of others' with us...keeps let us not keep cribbing that others have changed with us and let not others crib saying we have changed!!

'We might keep people in our life but our relationship keeps changing with that person depending upon our needs, expectations, wants, changes in our body-mind-life situation...and all these in that person's life too making him/her to change the relationship with us. If the relationship is pitched beyond wants and needs then the basic FRIENDSHIP will ever remain with some changes and intensities here and there'....
So, don't blame....'he is not loving me any more!'...'he has changed'....'she left me neglecting my love!'...'she says 'yaar that time we were together and enjoyed the oppurtunity. Now our paths have become enjoy the present life and don't expect from me any more!'......
Peacefully yours...rams...

Thursday, 26 January 2017


Some of us would have celebrated the Republic Day and many of us would have enjoyed the holiday!!
Republic day is all about INTEGRATION...NOT about DIFFERENTIATION!!
All of us belong to some minority group or the other in some way at social or organisational level.
In olden days, the present oldies (>40), and those who are born and living in the same place without going out of the state or the country are still with primitive sensitivities related to language, religion, caste, race, sub-caste etc and groom their children with those rotten beliefs!! They are EMOTIONALLY attached to these and HATE the others and people of these sects. Emotional attachment leads to obsession, wrong beliefs and does not lead to growth or appreciating the positives in others. This affects the peace, happiness, good health and most importantly progress and success in our profession!!
Therefore DO NOT LISTEN TO THOSE ELDERS ON THESE SENSITIVITIES. Not attaching to any of these and attaching ourselves with every one beyond these sensitivities as HUMAN BEINGS only can help to coexist in our teams, groups, organisations, friendship circles and be good to be liked by all...Otherwise we will miserably fail in our profession and everything.
Some of them are attached to their small social groups but integrated with the bigger social groups. e.g while we belong to a village or town or caste or religion or language or culture, we have to have the larger perspective that we also belong to a state, country and the world with their religions, caste, race, language etc!
While we integrate with others we also need to learn the positives in other cultures and follow in our life.
Patriotism with respect to our village or city or state or country or religion or caste or language-group is not about the land or culture. IT IS ABOUT PEOPLE. There is no point in fighting with the enemy and winning the land if we are fighting with our own people and killing them to make that land a grave-yard!!...Make them into pieces without peace!!..If we continue with hate and killing then THE BIRDS, INSECTS AND ANIMALS WILL DECLARE 'HUMAN RACE' AS EXTINCT and will feel happy and declare the day of death of last human being on earth as DIWALI day and celebrate!!
So, the crux is...
1. If you want to be successful in your education, profession and social life, don't get emotionally attached with the differentiating issues like religion, caste, language, culture etc. Forget about all these and attach with all human beings equally. Else your doomsday is not faraway!!
2. Patriotism with respect to the country, state, village and other sensitivities listed above is not about the land or culture. It is about people!!...No point in having an empty land and standing alone hating and killing everyone!!
Wish you all a happy, true and meaningful Republic day today and in future!!
Peacefully yours...rams....

Wednesday, 25 January 2017

Those who give only pleasure or from whom we perceive only pleasure is sure to make us depressed!

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
One who takes pleasure gets mad and all negatives as in the post below, one who gives get happiness, contentment and fulfillment!!

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
Those who give only pleasure or from whom we expect only pleasure, can not give it all the time in entire life, to our expectations every time, and will become boring after some time making us to leave them or will put us in craving, urges, anxiety, obsession and depression which will lead to losing our education, college life, failure in profession, married life and social life!!
Peacefully yours...rams...

'If pain is painful then why Nature has given us pain?'

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
All of us hate PAIN. Truly it is Nature given gift to us so that we pay conscious attention to the place of pain, cause of pain and remove the threat from that place of body or mind or social relationship and life!
If there is no pain then we will not pay attention to it, the cause of pain will keep damaging the body, mind, our relationships, profession and entire life!!
E.g if we don't experience pain, mosquitoes can bite all over and inject dangerous micro-organisms inside the body. Any one can cut any part of the body.
We are unable to accept pain. Then why should we accept pain to our mind and relationships??...Due to the pleasures or some advantages or usefulness we get?
Nature unfortunately has given painful-pleasure too, instead of only pain, in some cases, when something or someone give short term pleasures and damages our 'long term' peace, happiness and health. But as our mind and body are 'pleasure-seeking' we repeat the pleasurable behaviours and land up in serious troubles for life after some time!!...But the issue is that Nature has given us sixth sense too to analyse, understand and realise!!...Though pleasure blinds our sixth sense and drives us for painful-pleasures, with our strong mind during stable times we can pull out and seek peace, happiness, good health through hard decisions or changes in place, people, jobs etc. If not possible, then through medication and counselling we can 100% improve the health of our brain, mind formed and behaviours!!
So the crux is...
1. Pain is useful and much needed sense without which we will get destroyed.
2. We need to consciously sense pains, identify sources of pains and eliminate them from our life.
3. painful-pleasures or pleasurable pains are also dangerous to our peace, happiness, good health and progress in profession-family and social life!!
Peacefully yours...rams....

Tuesday, 24 January 2017


Time is premium for a person who wants to achieve some goals and passion in life. They cannot afford to waste time or procrastinate (postpone or delay) activities that lead them to their target. Mostly our time gets wasted only on PEOPLE and OUR ACTIVITIES. Therefore we need to be selective and goal-centric in choosing people and activities.
Most of us spend more time on social networking ACTIVITY. This involves PEOPLE too!!
People can take away our mental-time, spoil our mood, mind, happiness and interests, and therefore, even after moving out of the social network our mind may be occupied, our thinking and emotional state might change, our mood can change and we may not be able to concentrate on our goal-centric activity thereafter!!
At the end of the day we might feel ‘my whole day has gone waste due to that idiot!’
Therefore, wrong people, wrong posts, wrong chats, wrong discussions may not help us to reach our goals and spoil our moods, day and the most precious life-time of this short life!!
What wrong people can do?
1. They can spoil our mood and life.
2. They can stop our progress in everyday life.
3. They can give pleasure initially through chats but can become a pain later.
4. They can even bring legal and social problems and spoil our life.
5. They can deviate our life path slowly and steadily by giving some pleasurable moments without our knowledge using some psychological methods, make us addicted to them, put us in trouble or use us or exploit us and leave us before we realise what damage has happened to us!
6. They can make many promises but nothing or few in action.
Who are right people?
Those who care for us even when they get nothing from us, whose method of socialising itself is an entertainment or de-stressor to us while they motivate, mentor, guide, groom, ignite and make us move forward, grow, radiate and achieve in our life. Who give us positive energy, moods, interests, expose us to a network of positive people who are valuable to us for our growth.
Wrong people only waste our time and energy, probably giving little pleasure here and there, now and then!...we might feel that they are valuable to us for entertainment but as a whole we will find them to be of no use in our life!!
Why we go to social networking?
1. For entertainment?
2. For knowledge?
3. For socialisation?
4. For relaxation?
Right people give all the above while making us to grow, keep happy-healthy and peaceful. The entertainment or knowledge or socialisation of wrong people can put us in trouble, deviate us from our path, put us in depression and spoil our life!!
Let us learn lessons of life too in a positive way and not by burning our back!!
Peacefully yours...rams...

Monday, 23 January 2017

Which is the most widely spoken language on the earth that has never changed since it's origin!!

'Language of the infants' is the only common universal language that is widely spoken all over the earth, unchanged since the origin of human beings, will never change too, and understood only by infants!!


Saturday, 21 January 2017


1. What parents want?
a. good in studies
b. being responsible to self and family
c. good health habits/behaviours
d. good social behaviours
e. good job and good salary
Surprisingly the teachers and those beautiful girls who are interested in making a family and home are also interested in only these!!!
Is there any beautiful homely girl who is....
a. Ready to marry the one who does not have a job or a job that does not fetch enough to run a family?
b. Ready to marry some one who is irresponsible to himself and the family, does not have good health habits/behaviours and good social behaviours?
So, it is simple...
1. Don't do all the strategies and stunts they show in movies of being helpful to others, helping her etc for 'show' or 'valachhu pottufy' her or to make approaches. These days girls are smart enough to find out whether those behaviours are Natural or artificial!!
2. Don't waste time in going behind her giving love letters, proposing etc.
3. In all the above even if you are successful with innocent girls, you may not score good points with parents and teachers!...You will fail miserably in family, personal, professional and social life!!...That girl is sure to run away from you at the mind level or body level or social level or in everything at some time or the other!!
4. Instead, focus on the above 5 points...
a. These days no parent or girl will refuse if you propose after getting all those 5 points!...So, you are sure to get that girl!!
b. You will do very well in life!!
c. You will have the support and blessings of both parents and teachers! (and of course, other good boys and girls!!)
d. You will be peaceful, happy, healthy, successful, contented, feel fulfilled!!
Peacefully yours...rams....

Friday, 20 January 2017

when my daughter celebrated her birthday two years back!!

Image may contain: one or more people, sky, tree and outdoor

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, eating, child, table, outdoor and food

Image may contain: 7 people, people sitting, child and outdoor

Image may contain: 4 people, people sitting, child and outdoor

hai all...yesterday we were there in a home for orphans and abandoned children...
look at the children...almost like beggers...old clothes with wrinkles, so thin, dirty perfume smell on burnt face due to child abuse also can be seen...but all of us grown ups, highly educated, those who take bribes, all those who are greedy, mint public money, all those who call themselves a mahans, gurus and swamijis 'preaching' to others as to how to live and what is life, living in Air-conditioned ashrams, with 'all comforts' holy dresses, fly in private aeroplanes, and live with hundreds and thousands of crores under their ass, and of course our elite convent and international school children also have to learn a lot from these hungry stomachs...
1. there was no watering face or mouth looking at the eatables (but the smell watered my mouth)
2. they did not fight or rush for the snacks
3. they all formed a line and came with peace on face
4. sang a nice song of love (whether it is jesus or christianity is had only love!!)
5. no one tried to grab the snacks of others
6. when one finished the stuff, she did not look at the other person eating
the ultimate thing is when we gave more snacks and soft drinks they refused saying 'I have already taken!'...even the tiny tot said the same thing. If i were in their place, i would have certainly taken one more plate.
The girls had gone to different schools, so, we waited and they came in batches. When we offered to these new comers the others who had taken were not there at all.
When i spoke to them i realized that they are living gods.
They may not have good dress, may not have even a rupee with them but they have abundance of peace and the true values of life to teach others.
What caste they belong to, what language they speak, what religion these kids follow is immaterial, but they are true human beings.
Poverty, lack of love from parents have taught them what life one should live...the meaning of being a human being!
I think, it is not bad or a loss, if our children have to learn these lessons, by our sudden death and being on road.
Some more kids had to come. We could not wait. But we confidently handed over the snacks for them to these children to give to their friends when they come. I would not have confidently handed over to our children of riches. We know what our kids will do.
Let us learn life lessons and spirituality from living gods and not from those who just preach. Education or enlightenment is not required to teach others.
Gods don't live in rich ashrams and temples. Gods live in the hearts of true human beings and in their forms.
We need to ask ourselves if we are real human beings and anywhere near these kids.

my birthday greetings to my daughter!!

Haiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii my lovely lovely blue-eyed baby!!...Happy birthday to you and may your life be a meaningful one to you and others around!!
1. You are not born here to earn crores and crores...But learn tons and tons!!
2. You are not born here to slog and die but to go around the earth and enjoy!!
3. You are not a misfired missile which hit the target like others, but a missile conceived with a purpose and a mission!!
4. Your mission is to stand-up to your name and let the vision be of being some use to humanity!!
5. You are a designer girl, specially carved cell by cell and tissue by tissue with science and science!!
6. So, you are not like every one and any one but special and unique!!
7. Wish you all the best to be at the best of the institutions in the world and cherish your dreams!!
8. Remember, the earth under your feet is always me, so, never fear!!
9. You are the meaning of my life and thank you for being there as a bundle of fun and joy always!!
10. Freedom is your breathe and no one can snatch it away from you as long as i am alive!!
11. All the best and enjoy the day to the core!!
Loving dad!!

Sunday, 15 January 2017

'He criticised my parents. How can i tolerate that!...I can't give up my parents!...So, i gave him back. We are not talking for the past three days!'

There are many lovers and couple who keep fighting with their pairs on the issue that the other person criticised his/her parents!
'He criticised my parents. How can i tolerate that!...I can't give up my parents!...So, i gave him back. We are not talking for the past three days!'
What is the reason...
1. In some cases the parents have spoken hurting words at the other person or his/her parents some time which has wounded deeply.This disturbs the life of the young couple for their entire life. Depending on the maturity and needs of both the parents and the youngies of each other, how they handle the situation, the issue gets resolved or burns for ever!
2. Parents of either side think their 'child'(?) is not smart and can probably get cheated by the other party, and so, interfere in the life of the youngsters and make their life miserable.
3. The expectations from each other between the youngies. (related to their parents too!)
What is the solution?....
1. If the children fall in love with some one, parents do not like that, then they should not handle it the way they have seen in movies. It is a tricky situation of the child-silksaree falling on a thorn(?). It has to be handled cleverly with love and affection as the tool, without getting emotional about it, without losing cool and using hurting words, because, if they get married and at a later stage the parents have to involve in their life, which is most probable, then using filmi or TV serial style spoils the life!
2. To the extent possible the elders should not interfere in the life of youngies physically, socially or mentally. Even if the situation arises of involvement, then instead of advising or directing or controlling they can keep their life, thinking and behaviours like 'Our living, period of life, the olden society was different. Your life is different. You live your life. We have groomed you nicely in a way you are capable of taking decisions suiting your life. So, we are confident that you can live in peace, happiness and good health. We will not interfere in your life. Tell us how we can be useful and helpful to you"
3. The youngsters should, as for as possible, should not talk about their parents with the other person. Before marriage itself they can discuss about the involvement of their parents in their life etc. One should realise that they would not have got their best half of their life or lover without his/her parents. They should also realise that in no time they will also become parents and land up in the same situation.
They can show maturity and pardon and forget the language and behaviour of the elders thinking that 'every parent has anxiety and fear about the life and security of their child. What experience, exposure and surety they have to believe a stranger! it is ok. Let me prove that i can be the best friend for their child, spouse, lover and good son-in-law or daughter-in-law!..Let me change their perceptions with my positive thinking and behaviours!'
Throwing away the ego and coming forward to build a good relationship by all four concerned is the solution, especially by the elders for the betterment of the youngies!
Peacefully yours....rams.....

Saturday, 14 January 2017

Are you depressed and heart broken??

Hey, why are you depressed?...Why do you feel no one loves you?...why do you feel neglected or rejected?...Why do you feel heart broken when your lover leaves you or cheats you or breaks the trust?
Never feel depressed!
Is there is anyone who is stronger and better than the SUN?
The most beautiful and lovely creation, for you!
Has any one ever gone to sun and will ever go?
But you see, he kisses you every day. Sends fresh kisses every second from his far off place to reach you specially without fail!!...If you rise up from bed early and look east, he is waiting there for you to kiss you every day! ...He is always with you and he provides the life on this earth for everyone for several billion years in the past and in future! He is always there for every one!...Never fails in giving his energy and boost!!
He has kissed every living organism on this earth!!...Is there any one who has not been kissed and caressed by him ever?
As he is always there for us, we always ignore, never mind, take him for granted as we do with every one!...But he never takes any one or any organism for granted!!...whether living organism or plant or non-living object!!
He provides the energy! He creates life! He boosts the self-concept!
For boys...the beautiful Moon girl is always there in the nights to wipe your tears...she is waiting for you always!!...And in day, the sun friend always lights up your spirits!!...So my son, sun is always there!!
Never feel depressed!!
Peacefully yours...rams...

oh bloody brain!!

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
Our brain keeps thinking all the time about something or some one.
We keep perceiving something every second about something or some one!
Whenever we seek answers about the physiological basis for our perceptions of the world, our movements, our needs and desires, our knowledge of the past or our ability to learn, then we are dealing in the province of Physiological Psychology!!...Those specialists who analyse these are called Behavioural Neuroscientists.
I.e functions of brain, spinal cord, sense organs, muscles and glands!!
We are nothing but 'Moving Biochemical Objects'...Moving biochemical industry...'Nature', to which we are a part, sees and interacts with all of us in the same way only. No partiality. It does not distinguish between a President, Chief Minister or a slum-dweller.
We only give us some name, some status and not distinguish or identify us, but isolate and bring-in a barrier between us and others!
Peacefully yours...rams...

'My daughter goes to office at 7 am and comes back only at 11 mid-night!...These organisations screw our lives miserably. Students should not join such organisations!!

Many parents crib like this...
" daughter comes back home only at 11 in the night, she goes to office early in the morning at 7 am!!...They take the juice out of her and pay a meagre!...This industry itself is bad. They squeeze the engineers sooo badly!'
Many students do not attend the interviews of many companies because they say like this...
'Hey, i am not applying for jobs in these companies. They give a big salary. But their working hours are long. They will use you to the core mercilessly!'
Are these perceptions right?....Nooooo! They are wrong!!!!
1. They think that they are given a job for doing something and being paid for that.
2. They isolate the organisation and themselves and see the organisation as demons sucking their life and blood. They don't merge with the organisation, lose themselves in what they do, and so may not develop, grow, learn and improve in life.
3. Our traditional parents who feel that people go to work to earn money to run their family life and nothing more than that, only feel like this and screw their life and the happiness and peace of their children, force them not to attend interviews of these companies, resign and leave the jobs etc.
What does a student know when he or she passes out of the college?...Nothhhhing, except for some formulae, principles, procedures, methods etc. Is that enough?
Organisations convert students into potential resource for organisations,industry, country and the world!
So the crux is...
1. Jobs are paid-interns!!
2. Organisations do not take your juice or exploit you. They pay you for your learning. So, learn, and earn too!!
3. Never hesitate to work hard to learn. Never work hard to earn!
4. Let earning be the by-product of learning!...Only with this perception you can grow.
5. Define the life as a 'Journey of Learning'. You will keep moving up and in width like a banyan tree and wealth and health will follow you!
6. If you are not ready to work hard and learn, then burn your intelligence, as it is of no use!!
7. Intelligence only does not make one to grow. Hard work certainly helps one to grow!
Peacefully yours....rams...

Friday, 13 January 2017

what we are and who we are depends upon.........

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
1. Human brain - The last frontier in the history of scientific inquiry!
2. The greatest challenge of all times is to understand how the brain works...i.e understanding about ourselves!
3. As long as brain is a mystery, universe, which is a reflection of structure of human brain will also remain to be a mystery!
4. We will be successful only to the extent that our own brains are up to this awesome task!
5. Every gesture we make, every feeling, every experience we have of our surroundings, every insight or memory is a result of a complex, beautifully modulated pattern of activity among specialised cells that number about more than 85 billion!
6. All of us see each other as just a human body. Truly we are a universe sized, the most complex, chemical industry where countless number of chemicals are involved in complex chemical reactions continuously without any break, even after the body is dead!
7. Every body movement, every motion, every behaviour is a result of a complex group of chemical reactions which are a cause too for many more reactions, emotions and behaviours!
8. We nicely enjoy romance or love or sex. But far too many reactions occur at the fastest speed involving many reactants and products and resultant energies!...The brain probably is like a mountain sized high voltage electric sparks!!
8. Brain continues to be like a sky full of thousands of complex, powerful lightening occurring simultaneously!
9. Are we aware about all these?...Do we see all these in the person in front of us or in our own body right now when you read this?
10. Our entire cognitive universe, all of what we are, are due to this silent small organ called brain, which appears to be calm,cool and dead but doing so many things inside and so powerful!
11. Physiological Psychology is a branch of psychology that concerns itself with the relationship between the nervous system and behaviour!!
Peacefully yours....rams...

the root cause between married couple...

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
1. Most of the marital issues are directly or indirectly related to dissatisfaction in physical and mental closeness, romance, sex and related emotional, physical, mental and social issues.
2. For all these issues or behaviours related to this, AROUSAL is important. With arousal comes mood. With mood comes interest.
3. Arousal arises through appearance and PERSONALITY TRAITS/ATTRIBUTES.
4. Appearance can be maintained by a good exercise regime, eating habits and positive thinking habits (thinking only results in behaviours and emotions!)
5. Is there any one who regularly practices yoga and not attractive, not radiating, not healthy and arousing?
6. All of us like being beautiful, romantic and lovable by appearance. Even if an unknown person tell us that we are not beautiful and arousing, we feel upset!
7. Can we be attractive without keeping our lifestyle accordingly or by not doing anything for this consciously?...Is it automatic for entire life time?
8. Is it ok if our spouse/lover gets aroused with some one else and shows all the loving, romantic and sexual behaviours to get close to us and quench their needs?
9. No relationship can become strong, remain healthy for entire life time without proper, complete, open, sufficient communication.
10. Do you think only one intervention (i.e behaviour...e.g only exercising) can keep you arousing and attractive?
11. Do you think being slim only is attractive?...Does slim mean total physical health?...Is mental health not important to be attractive and arousing?
12. Giving reasons for others or to our own selves for not being arousing and attractive like child delivery, ageing, work pressures etc and remaining anxiety struck always be helpful? Are we ready to accept such reasons from the spouse/lover?
The answers that appeared in your mind for the above are the ones we all of us need to do and be arousing, attractive, radiating and healthy-peaceful-happy with high self concept!
Peacefully yours...rams!!

the simple and true solution for all our problems...

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
If you want to be intelligent, keep your attention and focus on issues, keep you cool, remain calm, be peaceful, handle all the threats and issues in life with cool and handle them well, do well in exams, get the best of the jobs, be mentally strong, keep your brain and mind healthy, keep your friendships and love relationships healthy then it is tooooo simple!!
Give your brain as much oxygen or clean air as possible!!
The health of the brain, and the mind that is formed out of it, depends upon THE AMOUNT OF CLEAN AIR OR OXYGEN IT GETS!!
Peacefully yours...rams!!

Saturday, 7 January 2017


Qn. My son who is highly intelligent, 15 years old wants to become an IAS. But i don't want political interference in his life and family and it does not match with our family profession. What to do?
1. Parents are interested in the children making big money, wealth, fame, power, authority, being an achiever, making them independent on wealth and money.
2. They believe that shaping the intelligence only can get their children the best of the schools, colleges, courses, professions, life mates, in-laws, life, living, success in life etc. Truly speaking ‘average intelligence, more hard work and dedication and good personality traits/attributes’ does wonders than intelligence. Have all the intelligent people succeeded in all domains of life?...Most of the failures are due to personality attributes and non support of remaining people and other choices, compromises and sacrifices in life. What is success? Becoming an IAS or becoming a Chief Secretary? If reached in between is it a failure? Who decides our success...we or others?...On what parameters they decide our success or failure? and authority? life?...success of children?...fear factor or nuisance factor for others (politician. police)?...Truly we set our goals and success of life and not others. Others might call it a failure but for us it might mean success. Others might call our life as successful but for us it might mean a failure!!...What is the end?
3. Parents teach their children to set goals towards mostly materialistic things and short lived pleasure oriented targets. Eg To become rich like film stars or ambanis etc....To become CEO of MNCs.
4. Parents feel that being ‘smart’ means deviating (when required) from good humanness, value systems and being immoral to achieve the goal. Chanakya strategies might help to achieve short term pleasure goal perceptions, but not the true success in overall life of peace, happiness, health, contentment, fulfillment, self actualisation and self transcending. Karma watches our deeds and does the needful.
5. All these above are wrong and cannot keep them and their children peaceful, happy, healthy, contented and feel fulfillment in life...successful in overall-life as a whole. They will certainly face failures in other domains of life and living.
On the other side adolescent children....
1. Get carried away with FANTASY CHOICES of professions. When they see the powerful, rich, authoritative IDENTITY of IAS or other civil services they want to attain all that they have attained by choosing that profession. The back ground psychology is that they want to create a RICH, POWERFUL, AUTHORITATIVE, WEALTHY IDENTITY, IMAGE, LIVING, LIFE STYLE FOR BEING ACCEPTED BY PEERS AND SOCIETY. Mostly it does not match with their reality of family circumstances, the liking and affordability of their parents, their own personality attributes, their other definitions of life, marriage etc.
2. The choices of adolescents keeps changing as they come across different celebrities in their life. They get carried away from the information from peers. This clearly shows that it is a fantasy choice.
3. Also they don’t work towards reaching their goal. The boy says he wants to become a scientist (name-sake or real) but refuses to put in hard work in studies. He says he wants to be like AR Rehman but does not put in required hard work and dedication to learn about music. Some only work towards reaching a level of amateur and not a professional or expert. They only want the celebrity status, identity, fame, acceptance, money and wealth. Many put in hard work due to their own interest of the goal or due to compulsion of parents but do not enjoy the process. They do not involve, dedicate or lose themselves in the act of learning or doing things to reach the goal or profession or becoming expert/authority. They are interested only in reaching the goal and then enjoy the achievement of being the celebrity. How can they become?...This also is not correct. They should TOTALLY INVOLVE AND LOSE THEMSELVES IN THE AREA OF INTEREST WITHOUT THE CONSCIOUSNESS OF TIME, DAY OR NIGHT, FOOD, SLEEP ETC, ENJOY THE PROCESS THOROUGHLY WITHOUT ANXIETY ETC. People around should remind them about yoga, exercise, food, bath, rest, sleep etc for their good health. If parents have to force the children for studies, hard work etc then it shows that the student is not interested, being forced and it is not a healthy state.
4. In some cases it is because their friends like that, or some other reason.
Then how to set the to select the profession?...How to select the course to study?
1. As we grow, mature, age, as our life situations change, life stages change (unmarried adult, spouse, parent, grandparent etc) our INTERESTS also change. Life situation, economic situation of family, place of living, recession, industry not performing well globally, changing policies of government etc may not allow us to be in a certain profession for lifelong forcing us to change our profession. The profession we are interested in during adolescence, we may not be interested in at a later stage. So, our goal should be generic rather than specific.
2. We also should be ready to acquire multiple knowledge, multiple skills and enter into multiple related or totally different professions.
3. Those who are in private jobs, other than govt, are sure to lose their jobs or to resign their jobs once or many times in life irrespective of how good they are in their education, knowledge, skills, dedication, hard work etc. So, they should know this fact, realise the consequences of it and be ready to face the challenges in life, profession, family and personal life.
4. Parents feel that the child should start earning the required money and wealth on his/her own and ‘settle down’ in life with marriage, kids, family etc. So, they guide their child accordingly. Then how much money?...How much wealth?...This will decide how hard he or she has to work, how many hours, how much sleep-involvement in family-time for attending social functions, relatives, parents, siblings-time for personal health pursuits like exercise, entertainment, further advancement (growing ‘potential’). If the life style is ‘all branded’, big, lavish, parties, international schooling, big villa, lots of platinum, diamonds, lands etc then time for these will reduce and lead to loss of health, happiness, peace, relationships etc. Therefore, there is a need to balance this fact of money and wealth.
5. Yoga and meditation keeps us not only healthy with strong mind but helps to understand the real meaning of life and living, understanding correct meaning of spirituality, helps to define life goals on ‘knowledge and skills’ in multiple domains while reaching the peak in each area of interest (each domain) in about 5 to 8 years and keep growing with multiple branches, twigs, fruits and flowers (shoot system of life tree!!) in wisdom, intellect, profession, fame, money and wealth (as by-products) like a banyan tree which can not be cut by any person or changes in policies or economics or industry.
6. A child grown from childhood with yoga, meditation and as per vedic methods of learning, honing positive personality traits/attributes will not run behind money, wealth and fame but run behind knowledge and wisdom there by acquiring the above too while having good health, peace, happiness, social well-being, contentment and fulfillment.
7. What is the solution for a child grown in normal and usual methods?...
(a) Measure the intelligence levels using the various tools available in google. Hone the intelligence again using the various google methods. Use multiple interventions of changing entire life style towards honing intelligence and other personality traits and not just one method focusing only on intelligence.
(b) List down the various interests of the individual, and measure again the interest levels at that age using various google tools available to find out in which field of interest the student is likely to involve, dedicate and lose himself in the pursuits, activities and path of reaching the goals.
(c) List down various skills, measure the competency levels in each skill using again the google tools.
(d)…/a-big-long-list-of-personal…/ ....…/positive-negative…/.....these websites list about 638 positive and negative personality traits. Against each trait write high, average, medium, low, very low (on a 5 point scale) and measure each personality level in that student. At the end we will come to know the strong personality traits, weak personality traits, negative traits to be removed, positive traits to be improved. We need to work with multiple ‘learning’ techniques (i.e multiple interventions that will change his personality...’learning’ by definition means ‘a process that results in relatively permanent change in cognition and behaviour’). When thinking, understanding, perceptions and behaviours change, the personality also changes.
(e) After attempting the above list down the various personality traits which the individual is not able to change. I.e these are genetic and inborn i.e Natural specific to that individual.
(f) List down the professions which the student or parent are interested in pursuing. Google to find out the required knowledge, skills, personality attributes, life styles, living conditions and various other suiting things required in life (place of living, definition of marriage and family etc) for these professions.
(g) Now you have the required data of interests, skills, competency levels in skills, personality attributes required for various professions and all these the student has.
(h) Every job requires these and every individual has these. If both match and if everyone around supports the child in all decisions of life and living then the student is sure to succeed in the goals and profession.
(i) A decision arrived at like this is not a fantasy choice but a reality choice arrived using scientific method.
(j) Using this method the initial choice of child or parent also can be analysed and found out whether it is fantasy choice or reality choice suiting to that individual.
(k) When a child is grown by vedic methods with high levels of yoga, meditation, exercise, spirituality (not god and related stuff, but about life, mind, being a good human being etc) and positive life styles, positive psychology, with honing of positive personality traits/attributes, multiple skills, knowledge, wisdom (i.e the Root system of the Life Tree to make him a banyan tree whose roots and branches grow wide, deep and strong!!) as above then THE CHILD GETS THE ABILITY TO ANALYSE ON ITS OWN VARIOUS THINGS IN LIFE AND DECIDE ITS DESTINY, INTERESTS, GOALS, LIFE PATH, TYPE OF LIVING, LIFE STYLES, AMOUNT OF MONEY AND WEALTH REQUIRED, WHAT IS IMPORTANT IN LIFE, POSITIVE METHODS OF USING SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TOOLS FOR PROFESSIONAL GROWTH, LIFE, FRIENDS, LIFE MATE, WHEN TO DO AND WHAT, ETC. ONLY PARENTAL SUPPORT IS REQUIRED AND NOT FORCE OR PRESSURE. ONLY FINDING OR TEACHING METHODS OF FINDING RIGHT MENTORS, GUIDES WILL BE REQUIRED.
(l) When interests, skills, personality traits/attributes etc of the individual matches with the needs of the job then the student dedicates and loses himself in the process of learning, moving in the path of reaching the goal, profession etc. So, he automatically lands up at the best of the institutions, organisations suiting his caliber without any anxiety for parents and self...may be with scholarships and what not!!...Life becomes good for all at home!!...Peace, happiness, good health, good relationships between all prevails at home.
Peacefully yours....rams...Health Psychologist!!

Friday, 6 January 2017

how to become a great person in life....??

Dear all...something which attracted me from a school wall during morning walks today...!!...
If we are good human beings, if our goals are based on Nature's wish of being healthy, happy, peaceful, good to all, enjoying every moment, have no expectations from anyone, give what ever happiness possible to others, keep our goals not on money, wealth, fame, power, authority, but on seeking abundance of wide and wild knowledge, wisdom, experience, multiple skills, travels to learn, appreciate the Nature all over the earth, enjoy this journey of life, then we will like it, it is easy to remain focused, we will not be tired, we will always be self rejuvenating....we will always remain great!! (if we do this, then money, wealth, fame, power and authority will run towards us...if we run towards them they will keep going away from us and we will only get tired, unhealthy, frustrated, not contented, unfulfilled in life etc)..................Peacefully yours.....rams!!

Thursday, 5 January 2017

all of us do this...

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
Recently i happened to drive a long distance on a six lane highway...
All of us do this...
While driving, many vehicles overtake and go in front of us...
We tend to feel that we are slow in life compared to others, others are overtaking us in life. We perceive that these people are our competitors. So, we also pull up our sleeves and move faaaaaaaaaaaaaaast!!...When we overtake them, we feel happy, nice and proud. We feel that Gethhu!!....After some time he/she also overtakes us and we pull up little more to overtake that vehicle again. The race goes on. The adrenal surge continues. Anxiety and thrill never stops. We don't stop or slow down even if the baby cries or wife wants us to stop. Suddenly we find 'that' vehicle turns left or right and moves in a different direction and goes away. We move on and life goes on normal till we find another vehicle overtaking us!!
This happens to all of us consciously or subconsciously. We always compare ourselves and our life with that of others and want to overtake others without knowing that they have a different direction, path, way and destiny in life.
Every book is different. Every road is different. Every life is different. Every human being is different. Every one's life is different. Every one's destiny is different. We are all unique, special and different!! Truly no one is a competitor for the other. As long as we travel together enjoying the life, nothing like it!!...All that we gather are temporary. Life experiences and memories are the ones finally left for cherishing and they are different for different people. It is not the same for two people. What matters finally is whether we enjoyed the journey or not, of course, without the anxiety, without that short lived pleasure, with full of happiness and peace, stable inner-body.
So, let us not compete with others. Speed up on roads and in life. You never know, we might meet with accidents in this imaginary race and die and lose this precious life on earth to enjoy!!...Or lose our body parts or become bed ridden and suffer entire life without immediate death. Or our body systems might age faster, develop illnesses, ailments and diseases, reduce their functional efficiency and we will become walking coffins or moving dead bodies or just potatoes. Also these are wasted moments and life time without enjoying the peaceful Nature around and fantastic and beautiful life of ours!!
So, Let us do a smooth ride of our life, enjoy the Nature around, the hills, greens, river, blue sky, birds, animals, people around, their living, as we travel in life, rather than competing with others. We have our own destiny, beautiful high way ahead to drive and enjoy the life as we move on!!...Those who want to travel with us will come along. Those who want to take diversion will turn right or left and move on in their roads of destiny.
Our road is an endless highway, it is special and unique to us and US ONLY...let us enjoy that keeping good health of our body, mind and relationships!!
So, let us not compete or overtake, let us enjoy the other things around and move on in our destiny!!
Peacefully yours...rams...

some comments...

Qn.....Then how v progress & d country progress if v move without an aim! Challenge etc. I may b wrong


sir...this post revolves around 'COMPARING and PERCEIVING every one as COMPETITOR'...truly in overall life no one is competitor for anyone...we compete with every car on highway, every one-in class room, materialistic things like money, wealth, promotion etc...some times use strategies or immoral things too...we think we have won and wise...truly we only enjoy the short lived pleasures...not enjoying the journey...but only the outcomes...truly they are only PERCEPTIONS...but at the end we are not happy and peaceful...the KARMA works!!...Or we have not set our goals as per the desires of the Nature!!...i.e be a good human being, care for others, look after your health (physical-mental-social), keep your body and mind self regulating through yoga, meditation and correct definition and PERCEPTION of life and living...enjoy everything around without destroying and obstructing the freedom for others to with Nature as part of Nature...brain and mind have huge potential to learn and 'learn' (not read)  as much as possible...acquire multiple skills, multiple knowledge and be YOUR BEST...enjoy the process in everything...get lost in the process...!!...I think this should be the goal of every one. This is WISDOM, NATURE, HAPPINESS, PEACE, HEALTH, FULFILLMENT, CONTENTMENT, SELF ACTUALISATION, SELF TRANSCENDING....based...not MATERIALISTIC THINGS (PLEASURE) based...The fact is every one should have their own aim and goal, set by them,based on above method, suiting to their own personality traits, skills, knowledge, interests etc without comparing with others...and enjoy the journey to their destinations...not only the destination...during the journey. Destinations in our destiny has to be decided by us based on the above (life in car journey too the destinations are different...truly no one on the road is competitor to us...they don't think they are competitors to is our own perception...we compete and realise later when they divert and go off that they were not competitors to us and they were just travelling in their life journey towards their destination!)...hope i have made it clear sir...this way every one grows to his or her full potential, contributes to every other person around, to society, to country, to the world, to the earth, to man kind without screwing up their health, life and living!!