Saturday, 25 August 2018

Chemical reactions in relationships!!

Adolescence is characterised by a surge or spurt of relationships with attractions on varieties of reasons externally and internally. All these attractions have underlying known or unknown needs more than the love and affection which they have been getting from parents and siblings for more than a decade and half. Every one quotes several reasons for their attractions!!
When these underlying needs, wants and expectations are not fulfilled and when the relationship is obsessed, possessive, then it leads to suspicion, sniffing, policing, anger, frustration, hate, shouts with exchange of heart breaking words which hurt and make wounds for life time which can never heal and break-up.
Only when the relationship is beyond these unfulfilled needs, wants and expectations then it sustains without break-up. Truly in the present and future world of unlimited, easy, world-wide relationships full of easy and quick options, UNCONDITIONAL only will sustain!!...i.e accept people as they are...relationship we have formed with others is ours due to our own obsessions and not theirs and has no relevance to their behaviours and their perceived relationships with us etc...
So, it is better to learn and practice this rather than getting burnt up every day in relationships!!
Total life style change is required for this. If we pursue life styles being followed by others around, then we will also suffer in relationships and define life as 'full of sorrows', the way others around us define!!
Change the interests in life!!...Spend more time and emotions with sources of unconditional love, animals, plants and nature, rather than with human beings, who are mostly conditional!!
Increase the EQ...Emotional Quotient...not just IQ, Intelligent Quotient. For this we need to improve our SQ, Spiritual Quotient, that is making our mind strong to keep it balanced and calm even at the most multidimensional demanding, challenging and stressful times of life. So, IQ, EQ, SQ...all three are important to be successful.
So, the crux of the chemical reaction is...
1. obsession+no satiation of needs, wants and expectations=suspicion, frustration, war of words, break-up
2. Obsession+satiation of needs=cool life till needs are met
3. Unconditional=happiness
Peacefully yours....Rams...Psychologist!!

How to excel in studies and be a winner in relationships too??

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL…especially STUDENTS...

Moment you get up in the morning, after you clear your bowels and brush your teeth, just go out to open air. Sit quietly with calm mind for five minutes in clean air and take 20 slow, long and deep breathes (triggers secretion of neurotransmitters and hormones). If possible play a group-game or run for five or 10 minutes breathing clean air (all systems actuated for the day). This 15 mts exercise for body and mind will do!!...Take a good carbohydrate break fast. Greet at least about 10 people on your way to mess or classroom. Hug one or two of your close friends or family members. Your day will be miraculous with full of positive energy!!..You will do well in studies and your relationships!!

Peacefully yours…Rams…Psychologist!!

How to live?...What or whom to follow?...

1. Religious leaders and spiritual leaders only profess a PHYSICAL, MENTAL AND SOCIAL LIFE STYLE!!
2. The LIFE STYLES are for living with PHYSICAL, MENTAL AND SOCIAL WELL-BEING. For living peacefully and harmoniously with every one around!!
3. In general the prophets or leaders who formed these groups defined a life style or belief systems which give the above.
4. To attract people towards them they also provide food, shelter, clothing, educational and job opportunities, health care for self and family, social security and an identity and image in the society that makes them get self respect, social status etc.
5. Some people attach themselves to the above said groups only for the needs and wants of survival and living listed at para 4 above. Such people do not follow the life style professed by the leaders.
6. In general the prophets professed a life style based on HAPPINESS. But our body drives the mind to repeat the thoughts, emotions and behaviours related to PLEASURES that brings a short lived feeling of goodness and an ocean and universe of all cravings, urges, expectations, wants, needs, frustration, fights, anger, hate and all such negative thoughts, feelings and behaviours. So, the mind takes this easy and desired or urged path. So, we deviate from the life style professed by the prophets and move away into pleasures.
So, these people do not get the PHYSICAL, MENTAL, SOCIAL WELL-BEING, PEACE AND HARMONIOUS LIFE. In fact such people also form self-interest groups within and distort the preaching of the original prophets thereby confusing others and directing confused people to wrong life styles that does not fetch them the basics of life listed at .para 2 above.
The end result is no physical health, no mental health, no harmonious living, no peace, fights, killings etc.
So, the crux is...
1. Follow religions and spiritual preaching for deriving the fundamental purpose of GOOD PHYSICAL, MENTAL, SOCIAL LIFE STYLE AND BELIEF SYSTEMS THAT BRINGS PEACE, HARMONY AND GROWTH THROW SYNERGY.
2. Don't follow just for those listed at para 4 above.
3. Identify those life style and belief elements that makes you to fight with others, live with diseases of body and mind, does not allow you to progress in life and profession and change it in the correct direction.
4. Identify people who distort the life styles, knowingly or unknowingly, and correct them to the right path.
5. The religious leaders and spiritual leaders should also identify those who have taken shelters under them for self-interest motives as listed at para 5 above and confuse, divert and distort the people towards wrong paths.
6. The prophets are no more. Only the successors exist now. They should truly spread the life styles professed by the prophets.
7. People also need to identify the true religious and spiritual leaders and follow the LIFE STYLE professed by them.
8. Any one who tells 'Follow me blindly. I am right!!' is likely to shut down your THOUGHT PROCESSES, COMMON SENSE, SIXTH SENSE and PRESENCE OF MIND which is not good for mental well-being. Any one who presents the entire scenario and allows you to think and make your own life style based on your personal, organisational, social, situational, physical/climatic environment and HELPS to live with physical health, mental health, peace, social well-being and growth is right.
Peacefully yours....Rams...Psychologist!!

Thursday, 23 August 2018


The best, simple, ideal, devoted, divine, true, spiritual, eternal, long standing, life long and sacred relationship is UNCONDITIONAL RELATIONSHIP, which dwells on Domain of Happiness, i.e Domain of Giving which is long-lived, with or without complete and all time mental connectivity, without involvement of the body in reality in the relationship!!
e.g Relationship of a Mother with her child. Relationship of a devotee to God. Relationship of God with an Ideal Human being. The relationship which has Longing and not craving.
e.g Relationship of Andal with Lord Krishna.
But in our culture and society all the relationships have been created based on...
1. Dependencies
2. Satiation of Needs, wants and expectations
3. Rules and Regulations
4. Duties and Responsibilities
5. Master and Slave concept
6. Limited freedom in every aspect of life within a caged social envelope
7. curtailing all the natural LONGING for universal knowledge, wisdom, expansion, growth, self-actualisation and self-transcending
8. Forced well living within walls
9. Robotic activities with limited and conditional creativity
All these animal relationships dwell on Domain of Pleasure, as backbone or soul of these relationships are always on ASKING and DEMANDING for Resources, to get Feeling of Goodness.
Unfortunately we confuse this short lived Feeling of Goodness to Happiness, due to our lack of wisdom,
One who holds the property, money, wealth, social authority and power becomes the Master and dictator of relationships. All others become weak-slaves. Therefore, they are CONDITIONAL RELATIONSHIPS with possessiveness, controls, demands, ego and never ending, life long, urges and cravings!!
Peace, happiness and good physical, mental and social well-being occurs only when the conditions are fulfilled, which are rare and occasional. Therefore, the relationships are forced, suffocating, stressful, short-lived and break at various levels in the life time.
Therefore, in this complicated relationship structure, the best way of finding peace is....
1. Ask the other person the current needs, wants and expectations. List them in a paper.
2. Meet these as far as possible.
Or pursue the UNCONDITIONAL relationship and teach the others involved in relationship with you also about this peaceful type of relationship.
Total, Healthy, Vedic, Nature based Life Style helps to pursue this kind of relationship!!
It is not possible to pursue this kind of relationship with the UNHEALTHY, PHYSICAL, MENTAL AND SOCIAL LIFE STYLE which our present culture advocates to live with!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

Friday, 17 August 2018



In the primitive society of the past, women were either domestic servants or working-domestic- servants, due to lack of equal oppurtunities for studies and employments and other social evils.

They did not have any freedom of expression or freedom to live an achievement oriented life or pursue a profession or live a life of their choice. In that era , their value, respect, izzat, honour, reputation, prestige, worth, usefulness, importance and standard were centering around some where.

I think in this present industrial society of equality of oppurtunities and freedom of expression and freedom to pursue their life they want, their value or honour or prestige should be shifted to their BRAIN!!

A social-thought-revolution in the minds of parents and women is the necessity of the hour, wherein the women are not succumbing to the old beliefs, on the name of sacrifices and compromises, but are able to change their parents from primitive to present, through a strong resolve for love and affection, caring and support, repeated several rounds of peaceful talks and exposing their parents to their new empowered life in their profession!!

Hope the women straighten their strong spines to shift their value centre to the top and lay a high way of freedom to their future generations of women!!....

Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

Wednesday, 15 August 2018

How to choose the profession, subjects of study at school and college?

It is the season now to decide 'which course?...Which profession to choose?' etc for students and parents.
If the family contains doctors or lawyers, then generally every one is advised to become the same. So, entire family takes up the same profession so that one can be helpful to the other.
In some families they want diversity. So, every one is advised to take up different professions.
Generally parents recommend children to take up professions through which one can make up a big money and fast wealth. Some also bother about the social status attached to that profession. Some recommend professions which are highly authoritative (civil services) and induce fear value in the minds of others (police).
Many parents are interested in secure jobs even if it is at the cost of growth in profession.
They are not bothered about whether a person is peaceful and happy in that profession. It is only money, wealth, social status and fear value to others.
But truly this is not the way to select a profession and related subjects to study at school and college.
Every person has some knowledge, skill sets, competency level in each skill, experience, wisdom, likes, dislikes, do's and don'ts, levels of flexibility and rigid nature, beliefs, definition of life, relationships with same sex and opposite sex, family, organisational life, personal life, family life, social life and living, morals, values, ethics, passions, goals, aims, targets, different call in life, rights and wrong, correct and incorrect, true and false, life style, habits, expectations from self and others, preference of living place, food, dressing, 638 personality traits, Intelligent Quotient, Emotional Quotient, Spiritual Quotient, tolerance levels, varying adaptability levels to people, places, food, dress, rules and regulations...The list is a real big one!!
All these are not constants. They keep changing over the entire life time.
Every profession requires some knowledge, skill sets, competency level in each skill, experience, demands some life style, food and dressing habits, places of working and living, adaptability challenges, dress code, ability to work at peak efficiency at some specific environments, danger and adventure acceptance, flexibility, cooperative working, tolerance levels...a big list!!...In fact all the above listed for human beings.
So, every person is something. Every profession demands something from the individual. If both match, then the individual will be peaceful, happy, successful, contented, fulfilled. Individual also can do the profession well, bring a meaning to his life, make a big money, wealth, achieve fame, power and authority.
If they don't match then the person will suffer, will feel stressful, will get tired faster, will feel miserable after some time, will not like the job and face all kinds of negatives in life.
In olden days people went for jobs only for limited money and derived some solace in family life. Though they needed big money and wealth, but were ready to compromise this need for stability in family life.
But now and in future, in our capitalist economy, unless a person shows high productivity, updates himself for the overnight changing technologies and processes, he can not survive in a job and grow up. So, jobs will be insecure. One can not be lazy. One can not shine unless there is a match between the person and job requirements.
Many take up professions just for the glam of it and get shocked or suffer later. But what we need to consider or look at is 'what all activities we will be doing from beginning to the end in a day?'. Unless we like the job, unless we have the interest to do it, we can not lose ourselves in the job and unless we lose ourselves in the job, unless we are in the PRESENT moments, we can not do it to the best of our abilities.
Therefore the crux is...
1. We should have interest and liking to do the activities in a job.
2. We should have all that is required for that job.
3. We should accept and be ready for all that the job demands from us and others around us at home, in life style and various other domains of life explained above.
4. We should select our profession using the above methods.
5. life mate selection, type of family life, marriage, day-to-day life etc also depend upon our profession.
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

Tuesday, 14 August 2018

What is Patriotism??

Dear all...
Patriotism is all about PEOPLE. Not about LAND!!
Being united and living in harmony is the soul of patriotism. All human made differences that divide them are against Nature, can not bring peace and make the Land a graveyard. Patriotism is not about burial grounds.
A country can become a happy home only with love, affection and caring, unconditionally, for everyone around, beyond the differences. Humanism should be the life line of constitution of a country and every individual's life.
Regionalism should be integrated with humanity, nationalism and globalism. Therefore, on this Independence day let us redefine, understand the definition of patriotism correctly and celebrate the relationships with people in unity. Land will automatically be with the people and enemy will not dare to enter. Unity is Strength!!...
Jai Hind!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

Monday, 13 August 2018

How to keep the relationships strong and close?

Dear all...
When we criticize, we lose people, relationships, become lonely, feel a sense of rejection and get depressed. When we appreciate people for their positives, goodness, we get people in our life, their relationships, positive energy, feel a sense of acceptance and happiness...peace... and joy!!.....
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!💐💐

How a mother should be with their children?

Dear all...How a mother should be with their children?
mothers should be strict to make them independent, self confident, globally adaptable, but not cruel enough to affect their personal, social and psychological development!!💐💐🙏
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

how to retain people in life...??

Dear all...

people in default relationships (mother, child) and committed relationships in houses make homes and should not have ego, arrogance and comparisons. The aim here should be to think 'How i can live in the other person's heart?'🤔...and not 'How i can control and take charge on the other person?'. Aim is not to retain the body inside the four walls, but to capture the heart!!...

Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!💐💐

Sunday, 12 August 2018

Our society and relatives are not in pace with the developments in various other fields and society all around in the world...

There are many girl children who sit on the balcony or roof, look at the sky and think about How to make rockets??...How to go to moon, mars, stars...etc.
Just below them, in the bed room, the parents are thinking about their marriage, their grandchildren etc!!
This is the plight of many Indian Girls!!
How many continue to study or research or do dedicated work towards up-liftment of humanity through knowledge and wisdom, throughout their life??
Most of them are shot down and washed off inside kitchens and toilets, after marriage or childbirth!!
As long as they are educated for marriage-business or money and wealth making for family they will not experience the real freedom or independence!!
Only when they are left on their expressway towards path of wisdom through their passion, interests, liking, dreams and goals, they will get their independence, self confidence, true freedom, contentment, fulfillment, a sense of achievement and a sense of acceptance by people, society, country and humanity for their skills and knowledge and they will realize the purpose of their life on earth!!
Our society, relatives, marriage-brokers and parents are still primitive, strategic and cunning...they need to wake up!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

Friday, 10 August 2018

need to redefine EDUCATED and LEARNED..........

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
I think there is a need to redefine EDUCATED and LEARNED as 'Those who have learnt how to live peacefully, healthily, happily, harmoniously!'.
The basic educational qualification every one should have is 'How to live contented and coexist with everything and everyone around, with the above education!'. If these things are not met, then what is the use of other qualifications and all that we earn out of them??......
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

Wednesday, 8 August 2018


Moon has been cooling the nights of all living organisms for billions of years!!
The Healer of all Love failed Hearts!!
The Filler of all Love flourishing Hearts!!
A Universal Symbol of Romance!!
The Source of Creativity for all Poets!!
The Mistery for many Scientists!!
The Solace for all all those who live in misery!!
The Chandamama for all children!!
The Toy to show for many Mothers!!
Sooo near...yet sooo far!!
Many want to go, but only one has gone!!
What will happen in future??🤔
No one knows!!🤔
Moon is not a Natural Satellite of is the Natural Psychologist of Earth!!🤣🤣
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist

Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Feeling of 'being useful to some one' gives contentment and fulfillment in life

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
"Feeling of 'being useful to some one' gives contentment and fulfillment in life"
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist

basics of life and living...

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
What we feed through the mouth and nose, becomes our body, without which everything that we put in our brain and mind, everything that we earn, money, wealth, fame, power, authority, becomes meaningless!!
What we feed in our mind becomes our everyday living and life!!
Dependency on others can only bring sorrows and all negatives. Independence and fearless state of mind gives a peaceful and happy living!!
Peacefully yours....Rams...Psychologist!!

Saturday, 4 August 2018


I have shared a Friendship note and greetings in Tamil at the bottom...kindly read that before you read further!!
The nearest translation which I can do is here…
“A ’Meaningless Life’ is turned into ‘Meaningful Life’ by ‘Love’…
A ‘Meaningful Life’ is turned into a memorable, legendry, epic and historical life by ‘Friendship’”
One person has asked following questions…
“What is the diffetence between அன்பு and நட்பு
Are both same which is better than which 😂
there are two questions asked above....1. What is the difference between 'anbu' (love) and 'Natpu' (friendship)...2. Are they same, which is better than the other?...
Many answers can be answer is....
Friendship ('Natpu') is a 'relationship' in which the emotions and feelings to exhibit behaviours of unconditional or conditional caring and support, called love, fill up the relationship, to make it the back bone of the, natpu or friendship is a relationship!!
Without love, no relationship can be complete...without emotions no relationship can have life in it!!...
If it is conditional, then it will end someday...if it is unconditional then it will last for a life time!!...So, 'anbu' or love becomes part of any relationship!!...
Some ask me 'How can there be any relationship or love without expectations, needs and wants?' answer is '....'taking, asking, demanding, expecting is in the domain of 'pleasure' so we will never get contentment and fulfillment, and will keep asking, begging, craving, urging, requesting for pleasures endlessly resulting all the negatives of life!!...'giving' is the domain of 'happiness' and gives peace, contentment, fulfillment and all the big list of positives!!..'giving everything we have' is the highest level of enlightened state which we have not reached. So, we can give whatever we can!!...
We can 'derive' or 'look' for emotional support, happiness, peace, physical and mental positive energy etc from everything in the world and earth (e.g plants, trees, river, clouds, hills, mountains, climate, pets, which are unconditional, other than human beings (who are conditional), derive lots of positive energy, and radiate or give that to others make them strong, confident, brave, to face the challenges in, this is the way we can 'give' in a relationship without 'asking' for anything from them!!...
So, in short, take from NATURE AND OTHER LIVING ORGANISMS and give to HUMAN BEINGS!!...
Hope it answers the questions!!🙏😀
Peacefully yours…Rams…Psychologist!!

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Friday, 3 August 2018

What is required for us to live peacefully, happily and successfully....???

Scientific study of mind, it’s functions and behaviours of individuals is Psychology!!
Every individual has his or her own life experiences, beliefs, personality traits, knowledge, likes, dislikes, skill sets, passions, goals, definitions of life, living and success. All these make a human body into a human resource of usefulness. All these continuously change too and therefore, we are complex organisms!!
If these are HEALTH ENHANCING, then he or she is peaceful, happy, healthy, contented and fulfilled!!
When we related ourselves to others around, we form relationships. We form patterned network of relationships with many. All the above Pandora’s Box of ours interacts with the Pandora’s Box of others. If these interactions are matching, adaptable and health enhancing then enduring and health enhancing relationships are formed. It leads to synergistic effect and self-actualisation of people concerned. The active dynamism lasts only till the continued new energy flows, needs, wants and expectations are met!!
Like minded people form groups with interactions of invididuals within. Different groups also interact with each other!!
When people form groups we form societies, social systems (marriage, family etc) and social institutions…join together for a common purpose. Scientific study of development, structure and functioning of groups of people…ie collective minds, their functions, their behaviours, is Sociology!!
Every one is associated with many social systems at the same time with different roles and statuses. This forms a complex life and living with multiple Pandora’s Box mixed in one. We are required to display varieties of emotions. This is stressful. Every one is not able to play all the roles healthily. It is impossible to satisfy every one in this complex Universe of Socialisation.
The crux is…
1. If the Pandora’s Box of an individual is health enhancing then the quality of life and living of the individual are good!!
2. If the Pandora’s Box of two people match then the quality of life of their collective living is good!!
3. The Pandora’s Box of people are bound to differ. Importance given to various elements of the box by each person also differs. So, if they understand this and pledge to care and support each other then quality of relationships, life and living become good!!
4. If the Pandora’s Box of a group of people in a family or team or group or community or society is health enhancing then the culture, quality of life and living of individuals and the collective, becomes good!!
5. If the societies understand, accept the differences, and agree to care and support each other then harmony prevails, culture and quality of life and living of the village or city or state or a country or world is good!!
6. The culture, quality of life and living of individuals and societies depend upon how many elements in the individual and collective Pandora’s Box are health enhancing and how many are health compromising!!
8. Intention to live harmoniously within us and with others should be there within individuals, between individuals and between groups!!
9. Else, individuals become corpse, families, communities, societies and world become mortuary and villages, towns, cities, states, countries and earth become grave yards!!
Peacefully yours…Rams…Psychologist!!

what is the way out from all the bad things happening around??

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...In today's world of survival of the fittest, morals-ethics-values are not being followed by any one...
Our privacy can be intruded by any one at any place at any time!!
Our money can be stollen away by anyone anytime!!
Our wealth can be taken away by powerful people and Nature, any time!!
People can leave us anytime, due to humpty number of reasons!!
Our organisation can throw us on the roads any time!!
We can be physically assaulted any time by anyone in this insecure world on earth!!
So, no one can save any one, including god!!
Only our good deeds can save us!!
So, be good and do good!! You will get good!!
Peacefully yours....Rams....Psychologist!!

What is 'ours'?

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
Everyone and everything on this earth is for us, but nothing and no one is ours'!!
Our assets truly are our knowledge, skills, our body, our positive personality traits, our experiences, our qualifications, our perceived relationships with others, our mind, our peace, our happiness, our health, our contentment, our fulfillment, our life experiences, our life moments, our memories, our self actualisation and our self-transcendence!!
So, let us focus on all the above, while we enjoy learning and improving us in all the above domains!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

Wednesday, 1 August 2018



Animals eat, sleep, reproduce, make or find their places of living, entertain, socialise, do threat perception, threat evaluation and threat evading and live a BODY centric life and living. They are peaceful, happy and healthy with their limited functionality of brain. This is ANIMAL LIVING!!

Human beings also evolved from animal species with a body and our body and brain also do the same processes as above. The brain drives the body, with thought processes, feelings/emotions and behaviours for a life and living similar to animals. But the complex brain also produces a complex mind which is getting ruled by the body for satiation of its needs and wants. Such a mind creates all negatives that does not allow us to live in peace, happiness, good physical well-being, mental well-being, social well-being, harmony, contentment, fulfillment, self-actualization and self-transcendence!!

Then are we supposed to live like animals??…In fact worse than animals due to the complexities of body, brain, social systems and all unnatural stuff we have created in the world and earth?? (Earth is the non-living celestial body and world is the life, living and all that we have created on earth!!)!!

No!!...Nature has given us the SIXTH SENSE, which is unique and not the strength of any other living organism on earth, which is supposed to be used for relieving ourselves from the body centric life of animals and the negatives of social systems that we have created. Body cannot achieve anything without the brain. Brain is a physical structure of the body and mind is the functional correlate of the brain, meaning, it is formed when various parts of the brain work in a coordinated manner. When coordinated function does not exist, then mind is not formed e.g Coma state.So, body drives the brain, brain drives the mind, and mind drives the body. As long as body rules the mind, we will remain to be worse than animals, i.e between animal life and human life!!
We are body, body is ourselves, it is our identity and without which we are not existent. We are formed with it, with its needs, wants, bio drives, urges and cravings and all the associated negative thought processes, emotions, behaviours and issues of life and personal/social living. Needs are the domain of the body and wants and expectations are the domains of the mind!!

We have created unnatural social systems with their unnatural expectations. So, they are part of the life. But our peace, happiness, physical-mental and social well-being, contentment and fulfillment in life, success, harmonious living, self-actualization and self-transcended life depends upon how much we have been able to relieve our brain, eventually the mind, from the body and social systems, towards universal knowledge and wisdom!!

This is the fundamental and vital purpose of creation of SIXTH SENSE by nature, the human beings, so that we are different from animals and live a life of human beings and not that of animals. Presently we neither live an animal life nor a human life. This is the main reason for all sufferings. But with this complex mind and body we are supposed to live a human life!!

So, let us live a human life and living (both personal and social)!!
Peacefully yours…Rams…Psychologist!!

(At present only the Sociology and Psychology domains will come out. The engineering, managerial and administration domains will come out only after few years!!...(professional constraints!!...(winking))