I have shared a Friendship note and greetings in Tamil at the bottom...kindly read that before you read further!!
The nearest translation which I can do is here…
“A ’Meaningless Life’ is turned into ‘Meaningful Life’ by ‘Love’…
A ‘Meaningful Life’ is turned into a memorable, legendry, epic and historical life by ‘Friendship’”
A ‘Meaningful Life’ is turned into a memorable, legendry, epic and historical life by ‘Friendship’”
One person has asked following questions…
“What is the diffetence between அன்பு and நட்பு
Are both same which is better than which
Are both same which is better than which

there are two questions asked above....1. What is the difference between 'anbu' (love) and 'Natpu' (friendship)...2. Are they same, which is better than the other?...
Many answers can be answer is....
Friendship ('Natpu') is a 'relationship' in which the emotions and feelings to exhibit behaviours of unconditional or conditional caring and support, called love, fill up the relationship, to make it the back bone of the, natpu or friendship is a relationship!!
Without love, no relationship can be complete...without emotions no relationship can have life in it!!...
If it is conditional, then it will end someday...if it is unconditional then it will last for a life time!!...So, 'anbu' or love becomes part of any relationship!!...
Some ask me 'How can there be any relationship or love without expectations, needs and wants?' answer is '....'taking, asking, demanding, expecting is in the domain of 'pleasure' so we will never get contentment and fulfillment, and will keep asking, begging, craving, urging, requesting for pleasures endlessly resulting all the negatives of life!!...'giving' is the domain of 'happiness' and gives peace, contentment, fulfillment and all the big list of positives!!..'giving everything we have' is the highest level of enlightened state which we have not reached. So, we can give whatever we can!!...
We can 'derive' or 'look' for emotional support, happiness, peace, physical and mental positive energy etc from everything in the world and earth (e.g plants, trees, river, clouds, hills, mountains, climate, pets, which are unconditional, other than human beings (who are conditional), derive lots of positive energy, and radiate or give that to others make them strong, confident, brave, to face the challenges in, this is the way we can 'give' in a relationship without 'asking' for anything from them!!...
So, in short, take from NATURE AND OTHER LIVING ORGANISMS and give to HUMAN BEINGS!!...
Hope it answers the questions!!

Peacefully yours…Rams…Psychologist!!

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