hai friends...how are we?
Long long time and no see!!!
as there
is no time for me, let us straight away jump inside the topic!
when a boy approaches a girl she wonders why he has come to her?
When a girl approaches a boy, he goes into a fantasy
When a stranger approaches us, we are suspicious of his or her motives and start asking lots of questions in our mind.
of us meet new or known faces every day, new issues, new reasons, new
happiness, new pleasures, new emotions...a new world in front!
why we behave the way we behave or why others behave the way they behave?
All of us are living
organisms, like any other animal or insect or bird, in the eyes of
the nature which has produced everything, but we identify ourselves
from others as human beings. We might exhibit unique behaviours. But
the basic behaviours of all living organisms remain the same.
What are behaviours?...
Behaviours are activities.
Which are seen outside or not seen outside. All or some of the body
parts are used to exhibit behaviours (including skin).
Behaviour is defined as
“an internally directed system of adaptive activities that
facilitate SURVIVAL
So, the origin of
behaviours is “inner body”...it may be as a response to a
stimulus from outside or even without a stimulus...i.e imaginary
What is the purpose of a
It is to save
oneself...survival needs...to counter the threats...threats for life,
body, wealth and people. Threats could be real or perceived.
Or the behaviour is for
reproduction. The needs of the body and mind.
With this information we
can always evaluate our own behaviours, we can look at ourselves and
analyse, the reason for our behaviours.
How to classify the
Behaviours could be
INNATE...What is innate behaviour?...
instinctive behaviours...natural
behavours...inborn patterns of behaviour...inherited behaviours...all
these are innate behaviours.
They are genetically
programmed...i.e encoded in DNA and passed from generation to
generation. So, it is subject to genetic change through mutation,
recombination and natural selection.
We all inherit a suit of behaviours called
ethogram similar to body colour and wing venation.
Innate behaviours are
intrinsic...i.e present in organisms raised in isolation from
others...i.e present irrespective of the place of rearing or the
social environment around.
Innate behaviours are
stereotypic...i.e individuals perform these behaviours in the same way each
time...the behaviours are not different for the same stimulus.
Innate behaviours are
inflexible. i.e they can not be modified by developmental stages from
child to old man...they can not be changed by life experiences.
Innate behaviours are
consummate...i.e the behaviours are fully developed or expressed at
the first performance itself...whether the individual is a baby or
old man.
Innate behaviours are
phylogenetic adaptations that have an evolutionary history.
Behaviours could be
LEARNED...i.e acquired through experience.
Complex behaviours are combination of innate and learned behaviours.
Researches show that even
simple organisms show not just simple innate behaviours, but
intricate sophisticated behaviours evolved over time through natural
selection. Most of the innate behaviours which appear to be clever or
intelligent are to catch their prey for survival or mates for
reproduction. They appear to be purposeful and intelligent but they
are merely the product of millions of years of genetic refinement
through natural selection.
In short they are
“programmed responses to external stimuli”.
So, the crux is
The punch line of this
post is...what behaviour does an organism exhibit if its behaviours
for survival and reproduction fail?
behaviours!!!...i.e it chooses to end its life!!!!
now we know why we get
attracted to people of same sex and opposite sex.
We also know the
reasons for all suicides.
In some cases the
computer, I.e the brain gets jinxed...when the organism is unable to
succeed in survival or reproductive needs...so, they go mad...out of
reality...giving rise to behaviours we can not reason out!
More on behaviours we
see tomorrow...if we analyse the behaviours of our own selves and that
of others from this frame of reference, then we will clearly know the
How is it going friends?
...hope you all enjoyed and liked it.
keep rocking...bye...
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