hai friends...how are we?*:) happy

we live in tropical region. It is hot here. Naturally we are black or brown or wheatish or colours near to these.

Many girls cry, feel frustrated when they see matrimony column filled with only wants like 'fair complexioned girl required!'...it is true that i am yet to see an ad saying 'black or dark skin girl required!'...every guy wants a white skinned girl, even if he is pitch dark!!!...he wants his children to be white skinned!...girls do not mind as they look for boys of TDH...Tall, Dark and Handsome!...but still dark boys use all sorts of creams, do not expose themselves to hot sun etc to keep them as fair as possible within the darkness!

All film heroines are generally fair complexioned and even if one odd heroine is slightly dark she is shown all fair on the screen...so, boys wanttttttttttttttttt ONLY white skinned girls!!!

so girls look at their skin and cry saying 'what sin i committed of born black!'

at schools teachers select only white skinned girls for all functions...ushering, performing arts etc...even for a speech or any damn event where the girl is in focus!...only white skinned girls are pinched by every one saying 'Oh, lovely she is and sooo cute!'...they get lots of kisses every day from teachers, parents and visitors. So, they steal all the attention and the black girls shrink in their shells.

This discrimination is not only at schools, it is there in organisations, even at homes (the white skinned baby is more liked by the parents than the dark skinned baby), social gatherings, society and at all places!

many bosses, when left to decide between a white and black, they select a white for promotions, abroad chances, good projects, good appointments etc etc...specially when the white and black are almost equal in knowledge, skills and competencies.

The most atrocious discrimination being PARENTS LIKING ONLY WHITE SKINNED CHILD AND DISCRIMINATING THE BLACK SKINNED WITH NOT SO GOOD CLOTHES, LESS ATTENTION, LESS PRAISES, NOT SO GOOD EDUCATION, NOT SHOWN IN FRONT OF OTHERS IN FUNCTIONS, KEPT INSIDE THE KITCHENS AND BATH ROOMS, NOT GIVEN ATTENTION TO HIS OR HER NEEDS, WANTS, ASPIRATIONS, EVEN IN SIMPLE THINGS LIKE FOOD (GOOD ONES TO WHITE AND DISCARDED ONES TO THE BLACK)...there can not be a worst thing than this on earth to a girl or a boy...discrimination by parents and 'feeling of rejection' by parents!!!...it is worst than being orphans!!!...at least orphans have 'caretakers' who are better than these discriminating parents!

Even if we keep two papers next to each other...white paper and a black paper...white looks to be selected among the two!...it is shining and the other one is not so!

All these give an impression that the world is only for white skinned boys and girls...Is it?

Bloody baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaallls!

Being black is not our mistake...it is the decision of the nature!
But being not healthy is our mistake!
Being with life style diseases is our mistake!
Being fat is our mistake!
Being not slim, curvy and shapy is our mistake!
Being not educated is our mistake!
Being not talented, skilled and competent is our mistake!
Being not shiny skinned is our mistake!
Being not happy is our mistake!
Not radiating happiness is our mistake!
Being a worm or coward or feeling small is our mistake!
Not being happy is our mistake!
Not enjoying the nature is our mistake!

Is nature, the god of creations, the mother of all on earth, discriminate between black and white!


Nature has given us average intelligence. With this we can read, read and read. We can understand  anything and everything. Some may be hard initially. Even everest is difficult to climb. One step a day will take us on top of everest one day. When we reach is not important. Reaching is important. HARD WORK AND AVERAGE INTELLIGENCE DOES WONDERS.

Nature has given us beautiful body. So what if it is black. We can always do yoga, meditation and other exercises to keep it slim, beautiful, attractive, shiny, curvy, shapy, radiating. Some of the best beauties or models in the world are dark.

There are beauty clinics who advice us the type of hair style and other beauty issues which can make us look 'pleasant'.

If you are poor, there are so many agencies who can support you in studies and you can always excel. In tamil nadu even you can be from corporation school, as long as you have 200 out of 200 in  maths, phy, chem you can get into the best of the engg college and you can finish engg with just 60000/- rupees, which can be loaned or sponsored. So, economic condition is not an impediment. It is will power that is required in you. You can do any studies, why only engg, and make your own living.

Once you earn you can eat your meals properly, get nourishing food, spend for your beauty issues....so no issues!

black is not a black mark!...thinking 'i am dark and no life for me, no one for me!' is a black mark!


Inspite of your darkness, if you get a friend, looking only at your white heart, bright brain, radiating happiness on your face and your overall personality traits, then he or she is your true friend. How many friends we have is not important, who are real and good is important.

No one is alone in this world. There is at least one person behind every person. That person has one. That person also has one. Like this it is an endless chain.

Lonely is only a perception. Even one good friend is enough for life time to be with. We live with only one spouse. No one has many soul mates. Only one soul mate.

Entire earth is full of nature. Nature never gives us unhappiness or danger if we don't damage it.
Have lots of pets to feel the happiness and meaning of real unconditional love. Enjoy each and every grass with morning dew. The sounds of nature. The sounds of the birds. Hills, rain, drizzles, river...woffff...the list is endless...and all are free!...we don't have to spend any money. Just go out of the house, the sky is spread in front of you!...actually speaking we don't have to be rich and spend lots of money to feel happy!

so, it is a myth that black is not beautiful. Real good people look for only white hearts and not bother about the skin colour.

other day i was waiting at the school to pick up my daughter...there were two white skinned girls...less than 10 years of age...richness was visible on their body and dress...sisters...one of them was cuddling and kissing another dark skinned girl of same age...bony...not beautiful at all...dirty clothes...poor family girl...
the other white girl was pulling her sister's hands saying it is time to go home...but this white girl said 'Please wait. She is my friend. I love her a lot. I don't feel like leaving her!' and continued hugging, cuddling and kissing her cheeks repeatedly left and right.

The dark skinned girl appeared to be like a world beauty to me. The other white girl who appreciated her inner beauty was the Miss Universe!!!

keep rocking guys and gals!

bye*:-h wave
