Saturday, 30 July 2016

'Sir, My lover has betrayed and left me!...My best friends also have left!...I feel lonely!'

Dear all...AN IMPORTANT POST FOR ALL SCHOOL AND COLLEGE STUDENTS....I find many students from college, school and even grown ups working in organisations feeling down that their friends have left them, lovers have left them, besties have vanished and gone above the clouds, etc....they feel 'My person has forgotten me!...He (or she) has new friends, lovers, besties!!!' is an age of 'Explosion of Socialisation' through Social Media and other methods.
So, every one has or had or will have many friends, lovers, lusts. Change of places leads to change of social environment too. New friends. New acquaintances. Some become besties. Some good friends or lovers or what ever relationship you perceive and name it as!...Like this the life goes on and on!
This is a fact of life and we have to accept it!
So, even exploiters of relationships will flourish now and future as there are enough singles and groups to hop on to and live in the entire earth!
Every one wants variety in every thing including relationships. Every relationship lasts only for some time intensely. After that it remains at the same intensity level or less or negligible too (may be in our perception!).
Every one perceives what they want or what sort of relationship they need or what needs they have in a relationship. As the needs change, relationships change, intensities change, time-emotions-energy and any other resource spent in a relationship also changes.
So, everything boils down to what i keep saying as the key word in our life and living.... 'PERCEPTION'...our own perception of relationships...our own definitions....our own world that we have carved with others in our lives....that is what matters to us...only that is going to give us peace, happiness and good health.
So, who loves us the intensities, levels etc might change after some time. We can not control the other person. We don't have any control over the people around that person and their relationships with that person. We don't have any control over the physical environment of that person. We don't have any control over the needs and mind of that person. So, it is utterly useless to base our love, happiness, peace, contentment, mental health etc on the behaviours of others with us.
Also we keep always measuring, calculating, imaging, giving meaning to the behaviours, weighing, comparing our people and their relationships with us. This can never ever lead to peace, happiness, good mental and social well-being and longevity in relationships.
We need to understand the difference between love and lust. Lust is 'from others to us' i.e all our needs...what we expect from others. This is for the body, money, wealth and other material and other resources one has. Love is 'caring for the other person'. From us to others. Lust will give short lived pleasures which will make us to crave all the time and remain like hungry animals and make us to keep hopping. Love will give happiness, peace and good health. So, one might love you and may not lust. One might lust or may not love. Or one might both love and lust. And all these may not lost long for entire life!!
However much love you pour in can become of no value, because what other person values is based on his or her needs at that time. crux is...
Don't bother about how many friends, how many besties and how many lovers your person has. Don't keep judging, measuring and defining the relationship or love. What ultimately keeps us in good stay is whether WE love or not, what perceptions WE have, what intensities WE have is what is going to give us peace, happiness, pleasures, contentment or what ever you say you want in a relationship. That is why only DEVOTEE kind of relationship remains for ever. That is, our relationship with the other person will remain for ever irrespective of whether the other person's relationship with us will remain or not or what level etc.
Possessiveness, control, demand, expectations, our own definitions of relationships and love in traditional ways only can lead to disasters of our life and living!!
The entire earth is our home. All human beings are for us and we are for every one!!
There are thousands of posts like this researching every micros and nano of life, relationships and living in my blog.
Peacefully yours...rams....Health Psychologist!!

Friday, 15 July 2016

When should we 'settle down' in life?

Every 'body' is different. Every one faces different challenges, life oppurtunities, facilities, social environment and therefore becomes 'different human beings' with their own life, living, destiny, profession, way of living, personality traits etc. We are not in a race with neighbours or classmates or peers in life. We have to define what gives us peace, happiness, health, contentment and self actualisation. Perception of giving and getting of love and affection is important. But it will differ from person to person. So, LIVE YOUR LIFE!!...There is nothing known as 'settling down'. Living is a continuous process and all life ingredients are part of life till death. Life is a continuous journey of learning....Rams!!

How to be an achiever without compromising on happy family living?

1. The way we study, what all we study/learn etc between the age of 13 years to 25 years will generally decide the heights we reach in our academics, profession, fame, power, authority etc. (though continued hard work is important)
2. The eating, thinking, emotional, resting, entertainment behaviours we learn during the age of 13 to 25 years will decide how long we will live or how fast we die and our life after 25 i.e dying while surviving or existing. (let us not talk of destiny which is not in our hands!)
3. We keep reading/hearing the news of many highly educated people dying of heart attack, suffering due to cancer, diabetes, hypertension etc at a young age.
4. Many achievers at the middle age also have many serious illnesses, ailments, disabilities due to the insensitively/unconsciously picked up ‘life style’ behaviours during the ‘age of window of vulnerability’…i.e 13 to 25. (e.g smoking, drinking, drugs, eating high fat-high carb-unhealthily cooked food, no night sleep,
5. So, aim should be ‘TO BE HEALTHY’….’TO BE AN ACHIEVER’…both these are inter-related and non-separable.
6. We first need to be self-reliant for all our physical and mental needs. Moment we are dependent upon others for our needs, we will make compromises and sacrifices and cannot become an achiever of our dreams, though we are capable.
7. Do not fall in love between 13 to 25 years, have healthy and good friendships without physical involvement, do not make any commitments and have many caring relationships.
8. Eat unlimited stems and leaves. No roots. Eat less-starched fruits (e.g half ripe banana).No to fried and oily items. Eat less carbs and fill the stomach with salads, butter milk, melons etc.
9. If you feel urge for unhealthy foods, eat in less quantities and infrequently. Yoga reduces urges and no need to control, body is able to and learns to regulate by itself.
10. Yoga and Meditation are a MUST to regulate menstrual cycles, hormonal and neurotransmitter secretions, stable moods, mental and physical health, focusing the mind in what we do, good decision making skills, stress bursting, positive perceptions, strong mind, high self-esteem, good self-concept, good social well-being, ability to with stand extreme challenges. This is a MUST IN A HIGHLY DYNAMIC ORGANISATIONAL AND SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT OF TODAY.
11. Elaborate cooking with more varieties should be stopped. Housekeeping, cooking and all house-chores are not possible by two people who arrive home late all tired, even if they like doing all these. Such a family can never be happy, healthy and peaceful. Who will supervise housemaids?. So, we need to develop community living where multistory buildings with flats of all types with complete housekeeping and centralized food supplies, laundry etc are available so that each and every minute of togetherness with spouse and children are enjoyed for fun, education etc. We need to spend more time and get lost in our passion, mission etc. We cannot afford to waste time in mundane, drudgery, robotic chores. Work-rest-entertainment balance should be achieved. The correct understanding of these three words is important and generally we understand them wrongly.
12. Be a Global employee, ready to travel anywhere in the world. Groom yourself to gain language, academic, high adaptability, professional and social skills, required. Rigidities in thinking and behaviours to be changed.
13. List down or consult others to list down the phobias or social/personal traits that prevent to be a global achiever. We need to overcome this ourselves or with the help of specialists.
14. For more read my blog by typing FUNNYRAMS, in google, and clicking the top most link.
Keep rocking!!...Rams...Health Psychologist!!

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

Our families, relationships, communities can never live in peace, happiness and good social well-being. Why??

Dear a relationship when one considers himself / herself superior to the other how can there be peace or perfection in that relationship?
Only when the ego is un-learnt and equality is exercised in thinking, emotions and behaviours, there can be a perfect relationship.
In our culture, Man is considered to be one-up compared to the Women at homes, offices and in society. So, there is an inherent and default imbalance created knowingly or unknowingly in our living. So, how can there be a perfect, harmonious, peaceful, happy and healthy relationship at all these three places???
So, we need to change and redefine our culture!!

IMPORTANT FOR ALL COLLEGE STUDENTS AND PARENTS...'Never be in or accept a relationship or family or community where there is no Equality,Self-respect and self-dignity and have strong spines to REFUSE!!'

other day one girl needing counseling help spoke to me. Engineer. Post graduate. Age 25 years. Both the courses from best of the colleges and topper. Worked at an MNC.
She said 'sir, i was happy and bubbly bubbly throughout my life. Never felt life so miserable. I just got married 9 months back and i am pregnant, 8 months!! I feel like ending my life!! I don't know why i got married and my parents pushed me in this!!'
'Why did you leave the job?'
'sir, in our community girls get match only if they are post graduates, preferably in engineering. But they should not work!!...So, i was told by my parents to resign and come back home to get married!!'
'Is your husband educated?'
'ya, an arts graduate!'
'how this marriage got arranged?'
'my dad and his dad are in the same business, relatives and so the families decided'
'did you agree and like this marriage?'
'ya, because my parents also liked'
The girl went on narrating all the tortures and unbearable words used by her mother-in-law and when i asked in-between 'does your husband beat you?' she said 'yes' and when i asked questions related to this she said 'sir, leave that, listen to the tortures of my mother-in-law!...My husband is not an issue!!'. But when i was focusing only on the husband beating her, she got frustrated and said 'sir, my father beats my mother. My father-in-law beats my mother-in-law, my husband beats me, but we ladies also shout at them and take off all our anger ('vaaikku vantha padi nallaa thitteeruvom')!! Leave it sir!! That is not the issue!! My mother-in-law is the issue in my life!!'
From the above i could make out that husband beating the wife is an accepted culture in that community and girls find it absolutely NORMAL!!
Anyway, she told me that she wanted to attend some function of her parents' side, but the in-laws refused, harsh words got exchanged and she got beaten up nicely by all the three in front of her parents and they threw her out of the house saying 'Get lost!! Never ever come back to this house!!'...I believe she fell down also. All this happened when she was 6 months pregnant. Last two months no calls from her husband or in-laws' side.
She got angry and burnt all the marriage albums, marriage sarees, broken the DVDs, broken to pieces the big marriage photos on the wall. She destroyed all the memories of the marriage except the 'Mangalya sutra or thaali' and the baby in her uterus!!...The parents watching this act got frightened and i believe they said 'Aiyo, don't do all these, we will get you married to some other guy, don't worry!!'. She also told me that such remarriages are common in their community.
She said 'sir, i am worried if i am going mad and i am worried about my child!!'
Anyway....this is not a 20 years back is fresh fresh now two days back story!!...Both the parents are educated. But their life is like a Tv serial life!!
I am sure there may be many highly educated girls suffering like this because of their 'loyalty and love' for parents!...Many parents also may be living such a life in their communities, unable to come out of their community compulsions, being in a 'learnt-helplessness' state!!
The crux is...
1. Some communities and people have not 'evolved' yet, irrespective of their education or even living abroad. They are still confused about their purpose of living.
2. 'bride should be highly educated but should not work', 'husbands beating wives' 'In-laws ill treating the daughter-in-law'...Should any girl live in that community??...I think it is high time girls make their back bones stronger, spines erect, have patience, expose their parents to the outside world by taking them out of their rat holes to other cities in the country and world, exposing them to organisational environments and the way girls live with freedom, pride, self-respect, high self concept and esteem and dignity. It might take time but they can be changed and made to muster their courage to standby the daughters and not their rotten community.
3. Some say 'it is a changing phase of the society and the present generation has to suffer, now only the parents have started realising importance of education for girls, but after some time the society will change!'....But the truth is CHANGE IN A SOCIETY IS A CONTINUOUS PROCESS. It is not a discrete or digital function that either there is a 'change' or 'no change'! NO. Social processes are continuous and IN AN EVOLVING SOCIETY THERE WILL ALWAYS BE SOME SOCIAL EVIL OR THE OTHER.
And why should a girl sacrifice her precious, one time life, oppurtunity she has been given by Nature God to enjoy her life through pursuing her likes, passion, ambitions, hobbies etc just because the stupid community in which she is born is primitive, barbaric and unevolved with only monkeys still?? (by the way monkeys are happily living!!)
Keep rocking girls and never accept any relationship or family or community where there is no equality, self respect and dignity!!...Rams...Health Psychologist!!

Tuesday, 5 July 2016

What is NUDITY??

Dear all...i happened to read an article on another topic which gets discussed often directly or indirectly here-and-there is NUDITY...the
the interesting lines in that article are...
'அதாவது பெண்களை சதைப் பிண்டமாக பார்க்காமல் அவர்களை சக மனிதர்களாக மட்டுமே பார்க்கும் எந்த இனத்திற்கும் ஆடை என்ற ஒன்று தேவையாக இருப்பதில்லை, நிர்வாணம், அங்கு இழிவாகப் பார்க்கப்படுவதில்லை'
ஆனால், பழங்குடிகளான அம்மக்களை நாம் நாகரிகமற்றவர்கள், உயர்த்தப்பட வேண்டியவர்கள் என்றும், அதேநேரம் ஒரு பெண்ணை இழிவுபடுத்த வேண்டும் என்ற ஒரே நோக்கத்துடன் அவளது படத்தை மார்ஃபிங் செய்து வெளியிடும் சமூகத்தில் வாழும் நாம், நம்மை நாகரிகமானவர்கள் என்று பிதற்றித் திரிகிறோம்.
ஆடைகளுக்கென்று ஒரு தொன்மம் இருக்கிறது, அதன் பின் சமூக, பொருளாதாரக் காரணிகள் இருக்கிறது. இயற்கையின் ஒரு அங்கமாக இப்போது நாம் வாழவில்லை. வளர்ச்சி என்னும் பெயரில் இயற்கையைவிட்டு வெகு தொலைவு தள்ளிவந்துவிட்டோம். இக்காலத்தில் நம் நிர்வாணத்தை மறைக்க ஆடைகள் நிச்சயம் தேவைதான். ஆனால், அதே நேரம் நிர்வாணம் ஒன்றும் இழிவானதல்ல என்ற புரிதலும் நமக்கு வேண்டும்.
தொழில்நுட்பம் அனைத்தையும் இலகுவாக்கி, 'போட்டோ ஷாப்' என்னும் ஒரு மென்பொருள் தெரிந்திருந்தால் யார் வேண்டுமானாலும், யாரையும் மோசமாகச் சித்தரித்துவிடலாம் என்கிற போது ஆடைகள், நிர்வாணம் குறித்து நாம் புரிதல் கொள்வதும், அதுகுறித்த புரிதலை நம் குழந்தைகளுக்கு ஏற்படுத்த வேண்டியதும், இன்றியமையாதது ஆகிறது.
இந்த சூழலில் நாம் நம் குழந்தைகளுடன் இதுகுறித்து வெளிப்படையாக உரையாடுவது அத்தியாவசியம் ஆகிறது. இது ச்ச்ச்சீ விஷயம் அல்ல'
What is NUDITY?...every individual will have his or her own definition. Let it be anything. How does it matter!!
What is my opinion on this?...I have the habit of 'going-back-to-basics'...i.e to analyse any issue.
How Nature has produced all organisms?...Without any dress!!...But during the process of evolution (from monkeys?) the thick fur has gone, skin has become soft and thin, and therefore when the sixth sense of thinking with complex mind got formed probably the 'need' for protecting the body from climate and environment has necessitated the organism to kill other animals and use their thick skin as cloth. But when textile and fashion technology developed it has taken different dimensions which we are aware off.
So, necessity to cover the body to protect from environment probably has resulted in covering, and covering probably resulted in inquisitiveness to know what is inside, leading to arousal and all other related thinking, behaviours and resultant emotions (happiness, frustration, urges, sadness etc).
I feel if human beings had remained nude without any dress, then population explosion could have been avoided and of course, the sexual crimes too. So, probably had we allowed the Nature to do its job through evolution it would have been the right thing. Use of sixth sense here in a wrong direction, probably unknowingly, had led to some other out-of-track direction??
Anyway...we have two types of living possible in front of us...
1. sixth sense based 'cause and effect' with Nature, blended with it, eating the Naturally available foods and carrying out all the movements of the body parts and joints (yoga), accepting life and destiny as it is, accepting people as they are with equality, without resisting any of these.
This type of living is based on passion, research, skill and knowledge development, thinking about causes and effects of Natural variables and finding solutions for problems in life and living, which will bring-in betterment for Nature and its elements (elements include all living organisms). In this type of living dress, body, sex etc become insignificant as the life is pitched at a different domain and all the thinking, behaviours and emotions are towards Resource Development and being useful to Nature, humanity and all living species. Here there is no time to waste the precious life discussing about all the crap.
People with high or low or average intelligence can live such a life at their level playing field possible.
In this type of living the body attractions probably will take place rarely, allowing more time for the mind to think, body to live healthily and keeping the relationships in a healthy manner. Population will be under check. The sexual act will not be animal like (as it is happening now) and will also be pitched at a different domain as the arousal may be due to sense of achievement, the resultant happiness and other positive aspects of mind, body and social climate.
So, we can't curse Nature for giving the sixth sense to us. We are only using it in a way that screws up our life nicely in all dimensions.
2. The second way of living is the way we live, what our forefathers have left in front of us as CULTURE...A living based on body (get born-attain age-get married-produce children-rear-die...which all animals do!!), its needs (variety of tasty and spicy food made using man made chemicals, addictive chemicals such as liquor and other long list of stuff...which drive the hormones in all directions to peaks, making the systems and related organs to go hay-wire increasing the need or urge for body attraction, sex etc), money, wealth, comparative and competitive living, status-identity-image-power hungry living through material wealth, egoistic control-fear etc.
When a person lives this sort of living it becomes sedentary, full of life style diseases, no peace (as money, wealth, chemicals-driven body urges will never end till end of life, leads to greed, jealousy etc and how much of these required is not known), no contentment, no healthy social relationships and the list is long...with all negatives including endless sexual crimes, body abuses, abuse of sexuality etc.
There is absolutely no use of sixth sense for happiness. It is used in a limited way to earn money, material wealth and achieve the above short lived pleasures.
People also are involved in animal-urges leading to sexual dissatisfaction. Is there any one satisfied in his or her sexual life in the above type of living??...Most of the problems between couples are due to sexual dissatisfaction, directly or indirectly. The reasons are the above type of living.
As all of us are living Type-2 way, we keep discussing about Nudity, Body, how to dress and how not-to-dress, sex, sexual crimes etc and waste our precious life.
Other day one 60 year old man was telling me 'sir, look at these youngsters. No dressing sense at all. They show everything open. During those days everything was 'hide and seek' ('ilai marai kaai') i.e was hidden and also shown...e.g men wore dhotis and it showed legs here and there while walking which aroused the ladies. Ladies also wore sarees which showed their body contours and skin and aroused men. Now nothing of that sort in their dressing.'...We know where this man has pitched his life!!
No wonder Vatsyayan was born here and wrote kamasutra and many others who lived here did lots of research on body based behaviours, thinking, pleasures and needs.
Many wrote on Type 1 living also but who cared about them?....Culture became 'pleasure' based Type-2 living and it continues in a dangerous way leading to never ending sexual crimes like swathi-ramkumar story. In such a living 'Love' is also defined in the same way...wrong way!!!
so, the crux is...
1. Some oldies can not be changed. May be Hercules and time consuming efforts with lots of patience may be required to change their thinking by making them experience Type-1 living.
2. Youngsters are getting more spoiled than their oldies through man made chemicals and sedentary life styles while they continue living the Type-2 life of their oldies ( at least the oldies walked, ran and moved a lot, slept early and woke up early during younger days which is absent now with the youngsters)
3. Pitch your life at Type-1 living and change the community where you are living, if required, by migrating to a place where such community people live. You will enjoy the 'happiness' in sex (not the pleasures) and other body needs too.
4. So, NUDITY is Natural, and discussing or arguing about it is a waste of Life being done by mean people who do not know the value of their precious Life of just few thousand days!!
Keep rocking...Rams...Health Psychologist!!

Sunday, 3 July 2016


Dear all...
In our country the RELATIVES or RELATIONSHIPS always expect us to follow their directives, protocols, controls etc. Every person has something to order us to do. So, it becomes boring and ritualistic to be with them.
But friends are freedom. They enjoy every bit of us and our behaviours. There are no formalities, controls, directives, orders, rituals and protocols. We feel free. That is why friendships are fun-ships and not relationships!!
No wonder every married women after 10 years of living says she spends more time talking to her friends and enjoys, relishes and feels fresh  talking to her friends more than her husband!!
So, let us have only FRIENDSHIP with every one and not RELATIONSHIPS...e.g father, mothers, wife, husband, daughter, brother, sister, son, uncle, etc.
F the protocols, orders, controls, demands, expectations, directives etc!!...Try and explain to the conventional people to change them but if they don’t change F them and move on keeping them aside.
If parents are good friends and not relationships, then automatically the children will always feel like approaching the parents for all the mentoring, guidance, suggestions etc and feel them to be their soulmates.
Egoistic parenting with ‘fear-stick’ policy needs to be burried and free thinking and freewill is what we have to encourage while we encourage and support!!
For more…..log on to psychologist...keep rocking!!

we are the funniest people around!!

Dear all...
1. This is funny country...funny parents...funny elders!!
2. Age makes a person qualified enough to direct others what they have to do.
3. All elders think they are exposed to the world to the ultimate and youngsters are not!
4. A father of 80 years old thinks his son in fifties or sixties does not know anything about life and living!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (then what grooming he has done???)
5. Every wants others to be like them. They have a big list of expectations. Whereas no one wants to listen to the others.
6. Free thinking is not allowed here and it is considered as disrespect and disobedience!!
7. Every one thinks he or she is thinking and others are not thinking or brainless.
8. No one here is in touch with their feelings or their inner self!...They can not decide about their life. There is no oppurtunity and grooming is also such they are confused all the time about everything and unable to take decisions.
9. Feelings are strong indicators of what path we need to take! But here they suppress everything and feel miserable following 'formalities' and protocols!....Here people are only focused on formalities and protocols ie what one is 'supposed' to do rather than encouraging free thinking!!!
10. How can one live from their heart or even know what their heart desires if they are always wanting to be follow protocol???
When people r so focused on day to day mundane activities it is hard to lead a meaningful life!
11.Every one is told what to do!!! How crazy is this?????????????????????...They are like goats. They will follow the shepherd boy's orders!!...They are like Robots. They want always orders and directives. Otherwise they are dead!!
so, the crux is .....
India will always have great scope for Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Gurus, Swamijis, Pandits etc!! (where is the laughing smiley yaar!!)
Keep psychologist!!

Can we become a 'MAHATMA'? Is it possible?

All of us adore at great personalities we come across in our lives...some are in books...e.g Mother Teresa, Hitler, Napoleon, Mahatma Gandhi etc. Some may be living (e.g Vijay Mallya) our next door...e.g neighbours, friends, relatives etc. Some are good and some are bad in 'our' perception.
They all influence our behaviours +vely or -vely. Consciously (when we perceive them as our role models during teen age) or subconsciously.
They inspire us, motivate us, lit the fire in us to change our personalities not by faking, but through a learning experience from their lives.
When we perceive them positively, WE WANT TO BECOME LIKE THEM!!
What made Gandhi a Mahatma?...Was he a born Mahatma?...Was Teresa a born 'Mother Teresa'?...Can we produce many Mahatma Gandhis and Mother Teresas taking some parts of their body (bone marrow or genes or tissues).
Astrologers will say it is possible to predict whether a person will become a Mahatma or not from the time of birth. Some others will say it all depends on the karma from previous births. Both these mean we can not become a Mahatma unless we are born at a specific time or it is predetermined from previous births(?)!!
For answering these questions scientifically we need to know what makes our PERSONALITY to become what it is now.
What is personality?...Looks or appearance?...Social Attractiveness (pleasant behaviours)?...Unique abilities and Temperament Traits (inborn enduring characteristics like adaptability, irritability etc)?... Character? (moral values or ethical behaviour)
Do they come from inside through heredity (biological factors)? or they are caused by people and environment outside (environmental factors)?
So, how Gandhi's innate behaviours ie what he is inside, reacted with the behaviours, thinking and emotions of Britishers at South Africa is what made him to be Mahatma!!...Primarily two instances gave birth to Mahatma!!
When the Judge addressed him as a coolie (inspite of he being a Barrister from England!) and asked him to remove his turban in the court he refused saying it is a sign of disrespect in India and walked out. When he was ordered to move to a third-class compartment inspite of holding a first class ticket he refused and was thrown out of the running train.
When this man of self-dignity spent a freezing night on the 7th Jun 1893 in the waiting room at the station brooding on these instances, the Mahatma was born!!
So...the crux is...
1. Mahatmas are not born. They can not be created biologically.
2. Mahatmas are made by themselves depending upon how their biological factors react with the environmental factors.
3. In simple terms any one can become a Mahatma by perceiving and reacting to challenges or life situations or oppurtunities positively in a way it results in good for Humanity and Nature.
(some might say 'all these are also predetermined' i.e how one will react to challenges in life, oppurtunities for him to emerge as a Mahatma are all predetermined)... aim here is to discuss about 'how we become what we are or what we want to become' or 'how personality traits are formed and how we can change ourselves in to good human beings' and not about Astrology or such other subjects.
Keep rocking...Rams...Health Psychologist