Dear all...i happened to read an article on another topic which gets discussed often directly or indirectly here-and-there is NUDITY...the
the interesting lines in that article are...
the interesting lines in that article are...
'அதாவது பெண்களை சதைப் பிண்டமாக பார்க்காமல் அவர்களை சக மனிதர்களாக மட்டுமே பார்க்கும் எந்த இனத்திற்கும் ஆடை என்ற ஒன்று தேவையாக இருப்பதில்லை, நிர்வாணம், அங்கு இழிவாகப் பார்க்கப்படுவதில்லை'
ஆனால், பழங்குடிகளான அம்மக்களை நாம் நாகரிகமற்றவர்கள், உயர்த்தப்பட வேண்டியவர்கள் என்றும், அதேநேரம் ஒரு பெண்ணை இழிவுபடுத்த வேண்டும் என்ற ஒரே நோக்கத்துடன் அவளது படத்தை மார்ஃபிங் செய்து வெளியிடும் சமூகத்தில் வாழும் நாம், நம்மை நாகரிகமானவர்கள் என்று பிதற்றித் திரிகிறோம்.
ஆடைகளுக்கென்று ஒரு தொன்மம் இருக்கிறது, அதன் பின் சமூக, பொருளாதாரக் காரணிகள் இருக்கிறது. இயற்கையின் ஒரு அங்கமாக இப்போது நாம் வாழவில்லை. வளர்ச்சி என்னும் பெயரில் இயற்கையைவிட்டு வெகு தொலைவு தள்ளிவந்துவிட்டோம். இக்காலத்தில் நம் நிர்வாணத்தை மறைக்க ஆடைகள் நிச்சயம் தேவைதான். ஆனால், அதே நேரம் நிர்வாணம் ஒன்றும் இழிவானதல்ல என்ற புரிதலும் நமக்கு வேண்டும்.
தொழில்நுட்பம் அனைத்தையும் இலகுவாக்கி, 'போட்டோ ஷாப்' என்னும் ஒரு மென்பொருள் தெரிந்திருந்தால் யார் வேண்டுமானாலும், யாரையும் மோசமாகச் சித்தரித்துவிடலாம் என்கிற போது ஆடைகள், நிர்வாணம் குறித்து நாம் புரிதல் கொள்வதும், அதுகுறித்த புரிதலை நம் குழந்தைகளுக்கு ஏற்படுத்த வேண்டியதும், இன்றியமையாதது ஆகிறது.
இந்த சூழலில் நாம் நம் குழந்தைகளுடன் இதுகுறித்து வெளிப்படையாக உரையாடுவது அத்தியாவசியம் ஆகிறது. இது ச்ச்ச்சீ விஷயம் அல்ல'
What is NUDITY?...every individual will have his or her own definition. Let it be anything. How does it matter!!
What is my opinion on this?...I have the habit of 'going-back-to-basics'...i.e to analyse any issue.
How Nature has produced all organisms?...Without any dress!!...But during the process of evolution (from monkeys?) the thick fur has gone, skin has become soft and thin, and therefore when the sixth sense of thinking with complex mind got formed probably the 'need' for protecting the body from climate and environment has necessitated the organism to kill other animals and use their thick skin as cloth. But when textile and fashion technology developed it has taken different dimensions which we are aware off.
So, necessity to cover the body to protect from environment probably has resulted in covering, and covering probably resulted in inquisitiveness to know what is inside, leading to arousal and all other related thinking, behaviours and resultant emotions (happiness, frustration, urges, sadness etc).
I feel if human beings had remained nude without any dress, then population explosion could have been avoided and of course, the sexual crimes too. So, probably had we allowed the Nature to do its job through evolution it would have been the right thing. Use of sixth sense here in a wrong direction, probably unknowingly, had led to some other out-of-track direction??
Anyway...we have two types of living possible in front of us...
1. sixth sense based 'cause and effect' with Nature, blended with it, eating the Naturally available foods and carrying out all the movements of the body parts and joints (yoga), accepting life and destiny as it is, accepting people as they are with equality, without resisting any of these.
This type of living is based on passion, research, skill and knowledge development, thinking about causes and effects of Natural variables and finding solutions for problems in life and living, which will bring-in betterment for Nature and its elements (elements include all living organisms). In this type of living dress, body, sex etc become insignificant as the life is pitched at a different domain and all the thinking, behaviours and emotions are towards Resource Development and being useful to Nature, humanity and all living species. Here there is no time to waste the precious life discussing about all the crap.
People with high or low or average intelligence can live such a life at their level playing field possible.
In this type of living the body attractions probably will take place rarely, allowing more time for the mind to think, body to live healthily and keeping the relationships in a healthy manner. Population will be under check. The sexual act will not be animal like (as it is happening now) and will also be pitched at a different domain as the arousal may be due to sense of achievement, the resultant happiness and other positive aspects of mind, body and social climate.
So, we can't curse Nature for giving the sixth sense to us. We are only using it in a way that screws up our life nicely in all dimensions.
2. The second way of living is the way we live, what our forefathers have left in front of us as CULTURE...A living based on body (get born-attain age-get married-produce children-rear-die...which all animals do!!), its needs (variety of tasty and spicy food made using man made chemicals, addictive chemicals such as liquor and other long list of stuff...which drive the hormones in all directions to peaks, making the systems and related organs to go hay-wire increasing the need or urge for body attraction, sex etc), money, wealth, comparative and competitive living, status-identity-image-power hungry living through material wealth, egoistic control-fear etc.
When a person lives this sort of living it becomes sedentary, full of life style diseases, no peace (as money, wealth, chemicals-driven body urges will never end till end of life, leads to greed, jealousy etc and how much of these required is not known), no contentment, no healthy social relationships and the list is long...with all negatives including endless sexual crimes, body abuses, abuse of sexuality etc.
There is absolutely no use of sixth sense for happiness. It is used in a limited way to earn money, material wealth and achieve the above short lived pleasures.
People also are involved in animal-urges leading to sexual dissatisfaction. Is there any one satisfied in his or her sexual life in the above type of living??...Most of the problems between couples are due to sexual dissatisfaction, directly or indirectly. The reasons are the above type of living.
As all of us are living Type-2 way, we keep discussing about Nudity, Body, how to dress and how not-to-dress, sex, sexual crimes etc and waste our precious life.
Other day one 60 year old man was telling me 'sir, look at these youngsters. No dressing sense at all. They show everything open. During those days everything was 'hide and seek' ('ilai marai kaai') i.e was hidden and also shown...e.g men wore dhotis and it showed legs here and there while walking which aroused the ladies. Ladies also wore sarees which showed their body contours and skin and aroused men. Now nothing of that sort in their dressing.'...We know where this man has pitched his life!!
No wonder Vatsyayan was born here and wrote kamasutra and many others who lived here did lots of research on body based behaviours, thinking, pleasures and needs.
Many wrote on Type 1 living also but who cared about them?....Culture became 'pleasure' based Type-2 living and it continues in a dangerous way leading to never ending sexual crimes like swathi-ramkumar story. In such a living 'Love' is also defined in the same way...wrong way!!!
so, the crux is...
1. Some oldies can not be changed. May be Hercules and time consuming efforts with lots of patience may be required to change their thinking by making them experience Type-1 living.
2. Youngsters are getting more spoiled than their oldies through man made chemicals and sedentary life styles while they continue living the Type-2 life of their oldies ( at least the oldies walked, ran and moved a lot, slept early and woke up early during younger days which is absent now with the youngsters)
3. Pitch your life at Type-1 living and change the community where you are living, if required, by migrating to a place where such community people live. You will enjoy the 'happiness' in sex (not the pleasures) and other body needs too.
4. So, NUDITY is Natural, and discussing or arguing about it is a waste of Life being done by mean people who do not know the value of their precious Life of just few thousand days!!
Keep rocking...Rams...Health Psychologist!!
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