Dear all...THIS IS FOR YOUNG PEOPLE AND PARENTS...India is a fantastic country...
from riches to poor...
from powerful to powerless...
even people supposed to live a simple sadhu life...
all and every one runs behind money and wealth!!...the single goal in life!!
Parents educate children to make them earn money and wealth!
All organisations from govt to private, product manufacturers to service providers, from profit oriented to religious and spiritual organisations......every one is behind money and wealth!!
ok, how much money and wealth?...No one knows!!!!!!!!...No one is able to answer!!!
News papers are fullll of corruption (greed), pleasures, and about people who live unethical, immoral, valueless life...Going behind bars after corruption with a smiling face is status symbol!!
Because money and wealth can fetch anything to any one in this country!!....power, status, promotion, authority, approvals, sanctions, deity darshan in temples, love, wife, daughter, son, husband, mother, father, sister, brother...evvverything!!
Eating medicine like food, eating food like medicine, diabetes, hypertension, heart ailments, obesity have become acceptable normal way of living.
Being immoral, unethical and valueless is a measure of smartness and such 'smart' people groom more 'smart' people!!
We are the best in breaking any strictest law in the world without the law knowing it, breaching best of the securities in the world without any best intelligence knowing it....the best crooked and wicked brains and minds that can create virus, antivirus in all domains of life!!
Can such people live in...1. Peace?....2. good physical, mental and social well-being?....3. can they be contented?....4. Can they see a sense of fulfillment in their life?.....4. Can they call their life a success?.....5. Can they call themselves to be good human beings and expect their offspring to be good human beings?.....
I think it is high time to switch over to life of vedic times!!...It does not mean go to jungles and sit in meditation. NOooooooooooooo!!
It only means pitch your life on unlimited knowledge, wisdom, multiple skills, ethics, human values, morals, good physical-mental and social health, happiness, pleasures that come out of happiness (giving, service) and not happiness that is perceived out of pleasures, self dependency, freedom, self reliance, goal setting for self and not in comparison etc.
It is highly needed now and in future to tackle and live peacefully in the uncertain unpredictable dynamics in society, culture, economy, business, relationships, organisational/individual survival...evverything!!
This way, we may not reach the top in one profession (i.e levels to reach which corruption or immoral and unethical acts need to be done)...but will reach near-top in many professions, become very strong in body and mind (like Bodhisattva) and outstanding in mental skills, make great life long relationships, will be liked and loved by all, will live long, will be contented, will be peaceful, will feel fulfilled, will feel self actualised at the end of the life cycle!!
If some one does not agree with the above can keep the grave ready, sleeping pills ready to sleep, continue living the false life cheating own-self and wasting the precious single life time chance to live and long on this beautiful garden called earth!!
Peacefully yours....rams....