Our daily routine, our life style, our dressing and appearance, our behaviours, the way we talk, our actions and reactions to others’ behaviours, our thinking, our morals and values, our perceptions on right and wrong, the profession we select, our passion, our hobbies, the way we think we should conduct in front of others etc, our opinions on various issues at home, office and society depends upon our thinking about our age, how old we are!!
We always show socially accepted and expected behaviours commensurate with our age. This is what actually kills our physical-mental and social health ultimately in our society and we die faster!!
If we think we are young, we tend to remain active, fresh, vibrant, bubbly, with lots of josh and energy, radiating, full of laughs, fun and happiness, think out of the box and be creative, friendly with our children, their friends, students, we dress young, we appear young, we become positive (as the wisdom and experience of age reacts positively with the behaviours and thinking of the young people around, not rigid, flexible...adaptive with the changes around...), we are productive at home office and society, everyone will like us, life style diseases and ailments will not enter the body and mind, we will be physically-mentally-socially healthy, we will age slowly and so we will live long!!
When we think we are aged the opposite of above happens in our life. It affects our metabolism, the way our systems and their organs function, hormonal and neurotransmitter secretions which decide our interests, needs, moods etc and ultimately the goal at that time, and we start aging faster, getting all sorts of diseases and ailments, become weak, sad, worry some, isolated and feel lonely, full of negatives, children become enemies and we become enemies to them, no hunger, less diet, constipation and associated discomforts, rigid, always full of negative thoughts about all issues, everyone and everything, full of frustration and anger, with bad physical-mental-social well-being and we will appear much older than we actually are!!...We only exist or survive and do not live for about 30+ years after 50, with our higher life expectancy with medication and treatments!!
10 year boy compares with infant and feels old! 20 year old boy compares with 10 and feels old! 40 years old man compares with 20 and feels old! 80 years old compares with 60 and feels old! 60 compares with 40 and feels old! So, all of us here compare ourselves with younger people and ‘feel’ old!!
Truly a person younger to us is not younger; he or she is much older than us!!! Because when we were young they were 80+ of their previous birth, died and took rebirth and are here now. So, truly they are older than us and we are younger than them!!...hihihi...everything depends upon
how we PERCEIVE!!

So, let us think young, be young, be with young and live longer!!
Peacefully yours...rams...Health Psychologist!!
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