Wednesday, 30 August 2017

a thought about what is happening around us and how to protect ourselves...

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
Any person or group that gives food, clothes, place to live, safety (means protection) and security (means life-long availability of above basics) for body-wealth-family-health, peace of mind, good-boy identity, image and acceptability in society to human beings will become guru, god and leader. Whatever he or they say will become the god-spell and the religion for them. The beneficiaries will remain devoted to them, do anything for them and will get obsessed with them and their preaching. It is soo easy to create the above!!
This is the basics on which all religions, religious groups and religious leaders function. May be spiritual groups too.
Any such person or group that does not compare itself with others, does not differentiate human beings, does not spread hate and destruction, just focuses on its agenda will survive for eternity, even if it spreads superstition!!...All others will face their natural death in the history of time!!
Looks like people are taught, convinced and obsessed that 'Religions are back bone of life and religious gurus represent Gods on earth'. As we like to get obsessed, easily get obsessed, would like to be parasites and 'listen-to' some one (because that is easier than 'thinking by ourselves and take decisions and be responsible for the consequences') we search for such people, such groups so that we get our basics, get direction, solutions for all real and perceived problems and feel free in the mind.
We follow who ever and which ever group is convenient to us and we also believe whatever is convenient for us as truth, correct and right. (e.g if some one said 'this entire world and earth has been created for you to enjoy, we 'destroy-to-enjoy', but the truth behind what the person must have said is 'enjoy-don't destroy-care for love and affection to it...and grow and nurture it')
In all such endeavours, there will always be greedy, selfish exploiters who will spread misinterpretation for their self motives and realistically cheat people. We need to be beware of them and protect ourselves, our life, wealth, money and people.
Best is to remain a good human being, earn money, wealth, image, identity, safety and security by our own-selves, protect our family by our own means, keep our brain thinking, be creative and live a life of our own, remain detached while being attached!!...Peaceful, happy, healthy, contented, fulfilled, self-actualized and self-transcending life is possible even without being attached or obsessed with the above things!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

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