Saturday, 26 August 2017


The most precious, most important and highest priority wealth in our life is PEACE. Anything you gain by losing this is a wasted life!!
How to get this?
Peace is a perception and not reality!!
From birth to death, at any time, we are at home or in society or in organisations like schools, colleges, social organisations or work place!!...very simple!!
Out of all these, if we assume that we start working at 20 and retire at 60, then 40 years, i.e our entire active part of resourceful life we spend at our work places!!...The conscious time of our life we spend in organisations. Most of the remaining time is spent at home for either getting ready to go to office or coming back tired to eat and sleep!
So, the crux is, we have to perceive peace at work, to be peaceful at other places like home. Only a person who is peaceful, can spread peace, happiness and fun to others at home or organisations.
How to perceive peace in organisations?
Define your life as a 'Journey of Learning'.
Tell yourself that 'I am here to learn (wherever you are...what ever you are doing...Whether you are at home or school or college or work place or any social place). I want to learn new things every moment. I want to be creative to learn new things. I want to learn to be a good human being. I want learn to be a good professional. I want learn to be a good boss who is liked by my superiors, peers and subordinates. I want to learn to be a good subordinate. I want to learn to be a good friend to all my peers. I want to learn to be a good friend to all my friends. I want to learn to be a good lover to my lover. I want to learn to be a good father to my children. I want to learn to be a good husband to my wife (& vice versa). I want to be a good child to my parents (we are always children to our parents however old we are!!). I want to learn to be a good brother to my brothers and sisters. I want to learn to be a good citizen of this country. What i can learn from this person?...What i can learn from this place?...What i can learn from this event?...What i can learn from this situation in life or organisation or home?...What i can learn from this work or job?...What i can learn from this relationship (it is not necessary that you have to spoil, strain and break-up a relationship to learn is not that bad people teach us lessons...even by being good, taking measures not to strain or spoil or lose a relationship, to keep it going good for entire life also we learn lessons!!)
When you are like this, you need not project yourself to your boss. If required project too, the reality, to your boss. No one can mask a sun or moon with their selfish baskets. If you are like this from childhood at all places, then your legacy spreads and no single individual can spoil your image.
You don't have to be strategic like what chanakya said or other people say or all that is shown in TV serials. All these can only bring you fake, short term success, but true success of life in reality!!...You define your success of life and not others. If you live like the one i stated above, will you not feel success or will you not be regarded as a successful person?
You will be peaceful and spread peace to others also. In fact this culture of 'learning' you will spread to others will become a habit and culture!!
So, the secret of being peaceful remains in defining your life as a 'JOURNEY OF LEARNING'!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

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