Tuesday, 1 August 2017

What is garbage...what is a treasure??

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
All of us carry loads and loads of garbage in our hearts and minds. Every day we generate tons and tons of such garbage. Each moment our mind keeps generating this garbage and it keeps pondering ("kilarifying") this garbage which generates too much of stink, pain and suffocation.
Any thought, feeling, memory, belief, concept, habit, person, relationship that gives us pain, sadness, does not allow us to function normally...are all garbage!!
But we think these are great memories, treasures, 'pokkisham' etc...we keep storing it, keep replaying it, we like doing all these and finally take a long breath...hmmmmmmmmmmmm...and feel nice or sad about it!!
Painful-pleasure!!...We are happy generating, happy pondering, happy recollecting and replaying these painful pleasures!!
When something is making us sad, not hilarious, not making us laugh, not making us to experience non-urging-happiness, aanandha...it is a pleasure only...painful-pleasure!!
When the garbage becomes unbearable (peak of stress) we breakout, cry a lot...(coping skill or outlet)...then the stress goes off...then we wipe of our tears, feel happy or light or calm or cool and get on with the day's routines, chores and other works!!
Sometimes we take it out on some one else...on the person who created the garbage...or a friend who can listen to our pains...or a counselor who can take the garbage, clean the mind and apply fragrant spray too...a counselor can identify what is garbage in you, where is that garbage (you may not know), whether in the conscious mind or subconscious mind or unconscious mind and take it out also to make you experience the freedom, happiness etc...so, counselors or gurus are the 'Corporation Garbage Carriers!!' and make your mind clean and fragrant!!
What is happiness, what is not garbage is...the one that keeps us happy...elated...feel light...empty...self actualised...enlightened...bubbly bubbly...cool...calm...peaceful...healthy relationships!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

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