When i was a small boy studying in corporation school, in Tamil medium, not so good in studies, playing country games in dirty and unhygienic places, all parents in that area told their children...
"Don't join with Mani!!...He is dirty...a rowdy!! You will get spoiled!!"
My close friends were all from upper castes doing very well in studies. When i observed them to find what makes them good in studies, and changed my life style and way of living...definition of life...definition of living...passion and goals...the same parents started telling (still telling!!) their children...
"Go and Join with Mani, Be with Mani, Be like Mani!!"
The issue is, I started living like their childhood, they started living like my childhood!!...

I started living the life like an upper caste boy and they started living their life like a lower caste boy!!
They were brainy and intelligent. I am average. But whatever they understood in one minute, i understood after one hour!!
But the point is....I became equal to them after one hour!!
They stopped their run...i am still walking at my pace!!
So, to be successful in life, we need not be intelligent...we just have to be HARDWORKING, CHANGE OUR LIFE STYLES, CHANGE THE DEFINITION OF LIFE AND LIVING ...and...remain COMMITTED!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!
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