Tuesday, 22 August 2017

Funny parents and teachers we are!!

Dear all...THIS IS FOR ALL...
There are parents who still want and admit their children only in 'boys only' or 'girls only' schools and colleges !!...And they want their wards to get married to opposite sex and live a happy, harmonious family life!!!...Woffff....!!...There are 'girls only' engineering colleges too!!...I only hope some one starts 'Men only' and 'Women only' corporate, public sector and government organisations too!!...And these parents allow two girls or two boys to live together for life time!!
There are colleges who on the name of 'Discipline' make boys and girls sit separately, do not allow them to talk at any place, they even do not allow the male and female teachers/professors talk both inside and outside the college...they issue Memos!!
I don't know for what and whom these parents or schools or colleges are preparing the children for?...Family life, work life....for what??
'Love' and 'Sex' are the two words which all parents and teachers fear about. They don't talk about these two. In fact, talking about these two in a moral educative way is also considered as 'dirty'. They feel uncomfortable to discuss issues related to these. I have seen even doctors feel uncomfortable to discuss about these two!!...No one teaches the children on these two and they fear about this all throughout their life and put in every possible restriction which eventually does not allow them to grow, develop, mature and evolve for a harmonious family living or organisational working environment!
A child who is groomed with healthy physical-mental and social life style incorporating all its elements can not fall in, what you call as 'love', and will not have the urge to have sex. The 'ego' and 'super ego' components will be higher than the 'id' drives, and therefore the child will be balanced and steady always and will know what is right for him/her.
But we ourselves don't know this 'grooming with healthy physical-mental and social life style incorporating all its elements' and therefore we grow them like animals with more 'id' component due to lack of awareness and knowledge. So, however big may be 'ego' and 'super ego' components are, they will fall down and become small when compared to gigantic 'id' component when the body drives are high and results in falling in 'love' and indulging in 'sex'!
Mainly it is the food and exercises for body and mind that determine the hormonal secretions and therefore the bio-drives or the body urges or id component that are responsible for 'love' and
(type these three components in google and read for more info)
So, the crux is...
1. Avoid such 'boys only' and 'girls only' schools and colleges.
2. Admit the children in co-educational institutions.
3. Allow them to mingle with each other right from infant age..so that they know well about each other's body, likes and dislikes, unique behaviours related to them, general characteristics, likes and dislikes, expectations of each from the other etc.
4. Both sexes should know about each other well for an adaptable living both in married life and work in an organisational environment.
5. Adaptability does not come over night and in a short time at adult age. It is a process that has to start from infant stage and remain throughout the entire growth and life process. Because every stage of growth and life demands different dimensions of adaptability!!
6. Learning about coexistent living is more important than marks or intelligence because after all the education they will be uneducated to work in organisations or live in family life and miserable failures everywhere!!
7. Groom the children with healthy physical-mental and social life style incorporating all its elements. Mainly food habits, physical and mental exercise regimes matter the most!!
8. If all these are done you can confidently give total freedom to your child to take all decisions in life and you live a fear-free life!!...With this you are also creating a society wherein both boys and girls live and work freely, happily, peacefully, harmoniously, successfully without adaptability issues and fearing about sexual assaults!!
Peacefully yours...Rams...Psychologist!!

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