Monday, 28 December 2015

What is a mind like??

yes...mind is like a container and what ever we put or imagine is like gas...a small bottle of gas can occupy the entire room and the gas in a big hall can be compressed and put inside a bottle...same way 1. our brain can think and make nothing into everything and everything into nothing!!...2. if we put in pleasant things, then we get only pleasant feelings....rams

"You should try this on yourself and experiment. Think of somebody who is very nasty and you start feeling all those nasty emotions inside. Think of somebody who loves you very much and see how nice feelings come up in you.
Your mind is like water. In whichever cup you put water, the water assumes the shape of that cup. In the same way, whatever thought you engage your mind in, your mind becomes like that. It develops all those qualities of that wherever you put it (your mind)."

What is the easiest thing to do in relationships?

Dear all...why we suffer in our relationships with others?
Because we want every one to change and be like us...
We don't want to change as per them...
So, how can peace, happiness and social health exist in a society or home where every one wants to change others and they don't want to change?
Changing ourselves is the easiest thing!...It is with us!
Changing others is the toughest thing! is not in our hands!!
Changing others is the toughest thing! Then why we break our head to do it?
Changing us is the easiest thing! Then why don't we do that?...If we want that person to be in our life and if we feel that relationship is important to us!!
peacefully yours...rams

yeah! we cannot change others even if we want to! others will change only if they want to! this is the truth. if we force someone to change, either they will 'act' as if they've changed or they will leave!
that is why if we really want a change in others, it should be for their benefit and not for ours. we have to tell them why their behavior is affecting / hurting them and why they should change it for their own benefit (and not for us).

Love and Break-up!!

Dear all...i happen to see many shares on the walls of college students related to initial honey moon phase of love, demanding and controlling love, crying, sad, frustration, break up etc...the phases in short are...
1. attraction
2. trying to gather details about that person without his or her knowledge
3. meeting
4. interaction on issues of common interest
5. telling everything about ourselves
6. both talk, talk and talk and reach of a state of no secrecy, no privacy
up to this phase it is all sweet, honey and yummy yummy.
If it is beyond the body and mind needs then it remains always forever and strong. If it remains at the body level then the next stage of 'why did you not call me?', 'i have been waiting and watching whole day. You were talking to some one else!' 'You have no priority for me, no interest in this relationship!' etc will go on and after wards break up flag will be hoisted if the needs are not met or after the needs are met then the one with body level will peel off silently or giving some reason. If it is at both body and mind level for both then the above will continue for ever till such time they join together. If for some reason they can not join then will remain bachelors. lf one gets married then the other remains alone as a devotee in her own world or gets married after many years or has only friendships but remains unmarried.
There are as many variations, as there are number of people in such relationships. In general it is like this...
In every relationship of this sort there will be a silent phase when both do not interact due to conflicts. That is the time they realise how strong or weak is the relationship, what is that relationship, where it is-mind or body or both or beyond.
Anyway, it is a process of maturing...emotional maturing!..Only thing is the person should not break up because of the relationship break-up!!
Even in the devotee type of state, they should do their daily chores at all places and involve in their passion, adventure, arts etc so that there is no painful pleasure, and only happiness, peace, good health and contentment.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...anyway...every one is born with a destiny...just live it off happily!!

Are we not funny people??

read this today...

When we die, our money remains in the bank...
Yet, when we are alive, we don't have enough money to spend.
In reality, when we are gone, there is still a lot of money not spent.
One business tycoon in China passed away. His widow, was left with $1.9 billion in the bank, and married his chauffeur.
His chauffeur said:-
"All the while, I thought I was working for my boss... it is only now, that I realise that my boss was all the time, working for me !!!"
The cruel reality is:
It is more important to live longer than to have more wealth.
So, we must strive to have a strong and healthy body, It really doesn't matter who is working for who.
In a high end hand phone, 70% of the functions are useless!
For an expensive car, 70% of the speed and gadgets are not needed.
If you own a luxurious villa or mansion, 70% of the space is usually not used or occupied.
How about your wardrobes of clothes?
70% of them are not worn!
A whole life of work and earning...
70% is for other people to spend.
So, we must protect and make full use of our 30%.
👉Go for medical check-ups even if not sick.
👉Drink more water, even if not thirsty.
👉Learn to let go, even if faced with grave problems.
👉Endeavour to give in, even if you are in the right.
👉Remain humble, even if you are very rich and powerful.
👉learn to be contented, even if you are not rich.
👉Exercise your mind and body, even if you are very busy.
👉Make time for people you care about


What a bloody pity!!

hmmmmmmmmm...what a bloody pity!!...anyway, i keep all these only on papers....rams!!

Do you miss me??

Dear all...
1.Is there any girl on this earth who has not asked 'Do you miss me?...Did you miss me?...Will you miss me?
2. There are many boys on this earth who have never asked in their entire life these questions but still loved their girls to the core!!
And both these poles live together to make this world and earth!!

Are we Cats or Puppies?

dear all...till about 10 years of age all children show puppy (dog) behaviour...they think their parents are gods for them, they can not exist even one second with out them, so they will be always moving around their legs and in their arms!!...After 10 years of age they show 'cat' behaviour, they think they are the gods, and will come to their parents only when they are hungry or need money or have an issue to be settled, like the way cats come and say meow meow while rubbing on our legs for milk when they are hungry, and go back after eating, and if you call them while going, they will just turn back and give a dirty look 'Who are you?...I don't know!!...But remember having seen you some where!!' and go off!!....rams

What money and wealth can get us?

Dear all...

money can only get us 'COMFORTS' and 'PLEASURE'!!...not the many things related to PERSONALITY TRAITS which define who we are (when some one thinks about 'rams' what comes in his mind is my 'appearance' and the 'personality traits'...not the money or wealth i have...not the COMFORTS i have or the PLEASURES i derive from the money and wealth i have!!), money and wealth should be used for getting the 'appearance' (good physical and mental health (as mind, i.e thinking, is seen on emotions and behaviours of the person which form part of the appearance) and PERSONALITY TRAITS which originate from the belief systems, moral and value systems and radiate through the emotions and behaviours which spring up the feelings in the other person about us!!


Do we need an audience to sing or play an instrument??

even if no one is there, just sing or play the instrument for impress feel happiness and peace in take our your feelings of sadness or frustration or sadness or anger....this is a positive coping skill!!...if some one or more are there in front to appreciate then it is a bonus!!...don't sing or play an instrument just for appreciation from others!!...rams

Sunday, 27 December 2015

some bits which i wrote / read here and there...

dear all...

1. some thing which i read to day...

"No one is rich enough to buy back yesterday.
But if you have the attitude to do better things today ,
You will be the richest one tomorrow.. "

2.these things can not be obtained through cloning the following...

whavvv...sooper!!...what you radiate only comes back...whether they are electromagnetic waves or sonic waves or positive emotional waves or negative emotional waves!!, decide before transmission what you want to transmit...the same thing only will come back...some time attenuated and some times amplified!!, think before you transmit or radiate...rams...

4.Dear all...when we are tourists to a place we only enjoy the pleasure, limited pleasure and come back. There is not much of a learning value.
But when we are travelers (staying there for some time, mixing up with the societies in living all 24 hours with an aim to learn) we enjoy, we learn, we grow, we mature, we evolve!!

5.“The test of an enjoyment is the remembrance which it leaves behind.”
Logan Pearsall Smith

this is what a person with true love with others will say!!

Dear all...when a person wants another person in his or her life, come what may, whether the needs and expectations are met or not...then he or she will say like this...
"relationship is more important than pleasure and happiness....peace is the most important in a relationship than pleasure and happiness....."
peacefully yours....rams.....

the punch issues related to relationships we have!!

Dear all....THIS POST IS FOR ALL...
1. As individuals generally we are ok and even if there are issues we can correct ourselves and move up because everything is in our hands.
2. Only when we relate ourselves, the relationships formed create all the pain, head ache, sadness, frustration, anger and all such negatives.
3. Is it possible to remain as individuals without relating ourselves to others? Not possible. Because by birth, by default, we are produced with relationships.
4. We know that our needs and expectations from them only cause all the pains to us. How to resolve this damnnnnnnnnnnn problem? meeting all our needs through our own selves and accepting that every one is different in interests, likes, dislikes, beliefs, opinions, passion, intellect, skills, knowledge, wisdom...list is endless!...also accepting the destiny as it is...i.e accepting the life events as they are...just keeping cool, viewing the negative emotions and behaviours of people as their problem and not ours, insulating ourselves from all these negatives is the way out. When they are angry, thinking why they are angry helps us not to react instantly but act calmly in a positive manner later.
5. One best way is asking every day 'what did i do today to make the other person happy, healthy, to feel peace and contentment, to progress in life to wards their definition of success and self actualisation? Did i care for that person?...What i did today to make the other person feel love and affection and feel secured in life in all dimensions?'...if we convert the answers into positive behaviours towards the other person there is no way that the relationship can weaken or break or become stressful.
Of course, there is no point in doing things which are not perceived ok by the other person. So, we need to communicate, express our desires, needs and expectations. If fulfilled, ok. If not just forget it and move ahead. Because there are many issues like interest, liking, mood, whether free mind or time or not etc.
I can go on writing volumes and volumes on this...but would like to end with three punch i am getting late for my next routine!! (hihihi)
1. there can be no permanent relationship without 'liking' 'love at mind level' 'adoring'. No relationship can form and exist with 'hate' or 'dislike'.
2. Any relationship can exist permanently only 'by giving' and not by 'taking'.
3. 'Taking' gives pleasure, insecurity and craving and all the related negatives...a big list!!. So, surely a peace, health and contentment spoiler!...'Giving' gives peace, happiness, contentment, tears, springing love, abundance feeling, motherly, godly, divine feeling and such other positives!!
Now decide what you to to have your to be peaceful, happy, healthy, contented, successful in relationships....
keep rocking!!
peacefully yours...rams!!

What is required to keep every one and all relationships happy, healthy, peaceful while we also attain these three??

Dear all...THIS POST IS FOR ALL...though i have used 'he', it is not a gender specific post...he can be replaced with 'she' also...
When a person is in a perfect Null state of balance with respect to his hormonal and neurotransmitter secretions, his body organs just function to keep him alive and does not drive for any urges of any kind related to body or mind. So, he does not require anything or any one. He has no needs from any one. He has no need from himself too. He has no expectations from anyone. So, he is in a state to enjoy anything and everything under the sky. He radiates happiness, peace, contentment and divine. He has no greed or jealous or possessiveness or hate or harm. He only has love.
He is in his consciousness but might appear to be eccentric as he will talk all philosophical, will express only his feelings, what he felt etc...'not able to explain to the comprehension and conscious understanding of others' type of a feeling we might get from his talks, behaviours, emotions and thinking.He could be seen merged with The Nature, The god! What he talks might appear not gelling with the social norms but that is the truth and that is how nature has created the human beings and other living organisms.
Social norms and social systems have been created by us against nature.
A person in that state will experience happiness, great health, peace, contentment etc for his own self. So, those who love him, his emotions, his thinking, his behaviours without any needs and expectations from him will experience all those experienced by him when they have relationship with him at that level. I.e true love.
Those with needs and expectations from him can not experience all those five things from him. He is fit for family life where needs and expectations do not exist. He can deliver the responsibilities in a family social system, but may not be able to fulfill the needs and expectations of others in a traditionally defined manner. He is not fit for a possessive and obsessive love. He is not fit for a usual romantic love. He is fit for a spiritual romantic love. So, he may not be expressive with usual romantic filmy and poetic dialogues and feelings. But might use spiritual romantic dialogues, expressions and feelings which will be loved by those without any expectations from him and those in that Null state or divine state.
So, he will be a different and funny guy for an usual married life. If understanding and adaptability exists then the love and married life will go on well.
For usual possessive, craving, filmy romantic family life, there has to be little less secretions of neurotransmitters and high secretion of hormones related to needs of the body so that he craves for body needs, and shows all usual filmy and animals like lusty and lovey behaviours of running around the opposite sex, poetically expressing and adoring, helping and massaging etc.
So, the need and expectation based relationship will work out with him. He will crave, cry, feel little insecure and therefore would like to possess his source or property of emotional and physical support. The other person will feel loved, needs and expectations met etc.
If we have to live peacefully, happily, healthily with contentment and success with all sorts of relationships we have by default and by our own creations then WE HAVE TO ATTAIN NIRVANA STATE (not on bed!) IN LIFE AND LIVING!!...ONLY THEN IT IS POSSIBLE!! is too late now and i have to sleep...otherwise my routine will get affected...more insight into love, relationships, life, living, family, etc later...bye...good night...
i only hope all these give more insight into analyzing yourselves and others around in your relationships and to live harmoniously!!
peacefully yours...rams

Saturday, 26 December 2015

'what is used need to be serviced and maintained'

Dear all...THIS POST IS FOR ALL...'ANYTHING USED SHOULD BE MAINTAINED'...e.g house, bike etc which are regularly used, are to be maintained by regular servicing and periodic, planned preventive maintenance.
The same thing goes well with PEOPLE and RELATIONSHIPS also!!!
If we are using them for our needs and expectations, for pleasure and happiness, for peace and contentment, for emotional support and success, for all sorts of help...then we have to maintain the people and our relationships also by spending focused time with complete attention, energy, emotions, money, heart, brain, body, love, passion, compassion etc.
When we buy, the initial cost, market study, what to buy etc takes time, energy, emotions and involves lots of costs!
When it is new it actually requires less maintenance costs but regular servicing like cleaning, polishing, shining, filling the gas or petrol, filling air with words, emotions and behaviours is important.
As they age, they need more maintenance in terms of complete attention, time, money, energy, love etc. 
We can not take them for granted any time!!
You can not ride on the two legged bikes without servicing them. They will not run. More you service, more they run, happily run!!
People and relationships are to be regularly serviced, you can not leave gaps, to keep them going, strong and steady!!
Otherwise lubrication will go, friction will start and increase, temperatures will rise, sound will come, vibrations will increase, balance will go and they will deteriorate over a period of time, corrode, erode and one day will fail and result in irreparable damage or get separated and go off...mentally or bodily or both...or time, emotions, energy spent will become less and less day by day and vanish totally, you don't know when and where you lost the bike. or who stole it!! can not complain to police also, because here, once you lose, it is lost forever, because some one else would have stolen the bike and must be servicing and maintaining well!!
Periodic Planned Preventive Maintenance and day to day servicing is important. Failure or break down maintenance after the damage or accident or crash (like aircraft) is of no use.
If you don't service, you don't know when they will stop or ditch, at the right moment they will not move even a millimeter...and you will feel screwed up nicely and start thinking about why did i buy this bike!, buy the bikes after lots of thinking. Some of the bikes may be requiring less maintenance but all two legged bikes require good maintenance, but daily servicing is common for all bikes and cost involved (all type of costs) depend upon how much you ride and use!!
Some people afford buying them by paying the initial cost but are unable to maintain, even if their mind wants to own the bike. Some people are interested only in buying and riding but not maintaining. Some people are interested to maintain but do not find time, energy, emotions, moods, money etc to maintain or service. Some people ride on other's bikes also and leave quietly. Because of all these issues some do not buy bikes or house. They ride on themselves or stay outside in hotels/rented accommodations where housekeeping and everything is looked after, and live their life. They feel eating outside in a hotel is cheaper than owning a house and maintaining it, travelling in a bus is much cheaper and safer than owning a bike, because riding a beautiful bike today in the heavy greedy traffic is too difficult. Also keeping it or owning it possessively as an owner is also too difficult as too many thieves around, and we also boast, create an identity by showing and posting the pics in social media etc saying 'see my new 2000 cc foreign bike!!' 'see my new two big bedroom independent villa!!' etc...some post the pics and videos of riding and grahapravesham also!!!
But whatever it is DON'T OWN A BIKE OR HOUSE IF YOU CAN NOT MAINTAIN AND SERVICE THEM!! IF YOU OWN THEN YOU WILL HAVE TO PAY A HEAVY PRICE IN YOUR LIFE FOR LIFE TIME!!...if you still buy then you may have to sell them in OLx, eBay, amazon etc for no cost and buy new people and new relationships at high costs and damages!!!...will you be able to maintain these new bikes or villas for ever?????
Instead, if you don't have any expectations and needs, the relationship always remains, no need of servicing and maintenance, no expenditure involved, no stresses and strains, no fights and no break-ups, because the bike is in its place doing its own things, but you are loving and happy because what gives you peace and happiness is not the bike, but your feelings, fantasies and thoughts of having relationship with that bike. So, this is ever permanent and there is no question of losing the bike!!...listen to this speech after 7th understand what i am saying...
peacefully yours...rams

what we radiate, we get it back!!

whavvv...sooper!!...what you radiate only comes back...whether they are electromagnetic waves or sonic waves or positive emotional waves or negative emotional waves!!, decide before transmission what you want to transmit...the same thing only will come back...some time attenuated and some times amplified!!, think before you transmit or radiate...rams...

a beautiful song that can pierce your heart and soul if you are in a forest or green plains or icy mountain environment in reality or in fantasies on bed at your room!!

Dear morning moment i got up my sensors sensed this beautiful song, while getting ready the processor processed the lyrics, voice and the way it is sung, and thereafter the actuators started walking and running enjoying the Mother also sense, process (and actuate also!! don't sleep off!!) the beauty of this song!!...and wonder what makes it beautiful or voice or lyrics or the way it is sung or all!!....rams

How to be Globally successful and make our life a meaning full one?

Dear all...THIS POST IS FOR ALL...what is there in A language?...what is there in A religion?...what is there in A caste?...what is there in A temple?...what is there in A holy book?...what is there in A village/city/state/country?
Why are we hanging ourselves in and on just ONE?...for identity??
All these differences have been created by the politicians, religious leaders and religious-spiritual leaders, fanatics who wanted to 'Divide and Rule' the people!...They drove and are still driving people madly on these stupid things to make them get emotional, sensitized and start destroying others and everything. Their aim is to ensure that people do not live in peace, good physical-mental-social health, happiness, contentment and success in life!! They want people to be madly running to destroy all and everything. They will throw some free bones and make you focused on these destructive things/remain in a drunk state with entertainment and pleasure...and not to make you grow and be focused on constructive things for your own growth and the entire humanity.
Language is just a tool of communication and there is nothing known as lower class or upper class language. If some one thinks like that, it is his feeling of insecurity and no other person thinks like that. When a foreigner sees this he will only laugh saying 'when did we say your language is lower class?'. In India the regional politicians did this divide and made every one to feel insecure, scared and cling on to such things and spread hate on all and everything around.
If we know only one language then we can communicate with only one small group of people. Live in only one state or country where our growth (financial, maturity, evolving, social status, fame, power and authority etc) will be limited, THE PURPOSE OF LIFE IS NOT TO BE IN A WELL BUT TO BE IN THE VAST WORLD OR UNIVERSE. When we know more languages, we and our knowledge or wisdom and growth can be in all dimensions, can reach to all parts and every one in the world. In an agrarian society of living in pockets, the old culture of knowing one language could make people live in their wells. In the present and future 'industrial and global society, global culture' such people can not survive. Knowing more languages, spreading our wings and reaching out to the entire world and universe is what is important for survival and living in the competitive and fast changing environment .
Every language has its unique goodness which helps for better communication.
This holds good for the other things like religions, caste, holy books, temples, gods, village/city/state/country.
Every religion has its goodness for well-being. Every god is good and has its unique identity for our happiness. Every holy book has many good things for a peaceful living. Every caste has its goodness to feel great about doing it. Every temple has its unique way of giving a divine experience. Every village is full of The Nature. Every city has its goodness to wonder and learn. Every state and country has its beauty to enjoy, learn, mature and evolve.
Only those who have not gone out of their wells and those who want to 'rule' people by 'dividing' talk about my language, my god, my caste, my religion, my holy book, my village, my city, my state, my country etc.
Open out your mind, thinking, skull and just for a change go to the nearby village or city or state or country and see. Enjoy the difference. Just for a change read other holy books and see. Just for a change go to other god temples and see. Just for a change go to other religion temples and see. Just for a change go and live with a family of other religion/caste or race as paying guest for some time and see. Interact with some other person of different language as a human being and see. YOU WILL FEEL LIBERATED, YOU WILL FEEL 'WOW, SO MANY GOOD THINGS I DID NOT KNOW ALL THESE YEARS!', YOU WILL FEEL 'AWESOME YAAR!'...YOU WILL FEEL THE DIVINE EXPERIENCE! YOU WILL EVOLVE WITHOUT YOUR KNOWLEDGE!!'
Don't tell me 'only when differences exist we can go to others and enjoy. So, let the differences continue!'...the differences in climatic conditions and related way of living, eating, dressing, appearance, thinking, will anyway, the differences in a healthy way will exist to enjoy and the humanness will keep all united. Let us destroy the emotional attachments, identities which make us inhuman, make us not to connect with other human beings, make us feel inferior in front of others, make us not to grow in all dimensions, make us live in wells, make us not to enjoy the good health, happiness, peace, expansive living, contentment and global success/fame.
This also does not mean 'don't be patriotic!' only means be a noble human being and be united with all. But when some one is a threat, animal beyond repair, just kill him!!...Saints or we, don't talk philosophy and love in front of wild animals ready to kill us!!!...and it is all about we should not go about killing ourselves and every one by dividing ourselves, with emotional attachments on above things saying only my language should exist, only my religion should exist, only my caste should exist, only my holy book should exist, only my god should exist, only my temples should exist, only people of my village or city or state or country should exist etc. Every one and everything should exist!!...That is all!!!...every one against it is a threat and need to be changed or simple as that!!
so, the crux is...
1. Learn all languages of the world, learn all useful books for life and living, follow all the good things in all religions, castes, states and countries.
2. Be expanding, loving and caring for all.
3. Don't be emotional about anything listed above. If you are emotional you are sure to get all sorts of life style diseases and die every moment while being alive and lonely. Every one who follows 'vetkam, maanam, rosham, soodu, soranai venumdaa!' (i.e izzat) will live without peace, happiness, health, success and will die every moment with anger and all associated negatives and their outcomes and get killed one day!
4. Culture is not in the hands of one individual or family or society. TECHNOLOGY and GLOBAL CULTURE will dictate how individuals, families and societies should live and change continuously.
5. If you do the positives said above, you will breath freedom, become evolved, get lots of wealth, will travel all over the world, get fame at world level and live a meaningful life.
6. The Nature has not created us to be at one place, do one thing, learn one thing, be with one person, eat one thing, follow one thing. We are naturally moving creatures, vagabonds and variety seeking in everything. So, don't live against nature. Nature wants you to be free and expanding. It has created the vast universe for you to occupy the entire space on wisdom level.
7. Get emotionally attached to The Nature (all living and non living) and the Universe full of knowledge, skills and experience.
Hope this New year brings this wisdom in all and sets them free from their emotional attachments on language, caste, religion, village/city/state/country, gods, temples, holy books etc.
peacefully yours...rams...

Friday, 25 December 2015

'Divide and Rule' it a right strategy??

Dear all…THIS POST IS MAINLY FOR WORKING/FUTURE WORKING PROFESSIONALS…there are two types of feelings…1. Feeling of acceptance 2. Feeling of rejection.
Every one wants to be accepted in all positive social systems to get the ‘feeling of acceptance’…e.g home, organisation, friends groups, social groups etc. You can make them accept with positive traits, love etc or by FORCE!...when we use force against people or societies or countries or cluster of these three, to gain the feeling of acceptance, control, authority/power, governing then it becomes ‘rule’.
Greed is another reason where you rule people or societies or countries by force.
Wanting to possess people, societies, countries and resources of all kinds is another reason to rule by force.
So, all over the world the powerful people or countries rule the powerless (but resourceful!) for greed, possession and for feeling of acceptance. Wealth, women and other natural or man made resources were/are the targets.
All these that I have explained above are all negative as they are not based on LOVE which makes people to be united, caring, happy, peaceful etc. All the above only makes the ruler pleasurable (not happy, as the fear of losing the feeling of acceptance and getting killed any time is always there subconsciously!!)
A common philosophy which is used since time immemorial is ‘divide and rule’. I.e when people, societies and countries or clusters are united, you can not capture and rule them. So, create hatredness amongst these using dividing forces so that one will kill the other and both will be loyal to you due to either fear or love. This is the universal thumb rule which all use.
Powerful countries use this at the regional level to have area control. At a country level politicians, religious leaders, religiously-spiritual leaders etc use this technique to divide the country, societies and people so that they kill each other on the name of all divisive factors like religion, caste, rich, poor etc but are loyal to the rulers. Women become the soft targets for pleasure and creating division where they get crushed between all these big thighs. E.g the upper community guy rapes a lower community girl to insult a group and create the fight between societies and political groups use this oppurtunity for self gains.
Britishers used this as the weapon to divide our country and people into pieces so that they could capture the nation, loot and rule comfortably. The ‘leaders’ (?) of this country learnt this technique and the saga continues!!!
Even at the organisational level, the managers and leaders use this technique and rule. There is no need of spies here and the boss comes to know all the weanesses and strategies of every one.
This is a bloody bloody ‘f’ all deadly disease that has virally caught the back bone of ‘one’ness of entire humanity at all levels and eating up the piece of all people, organisations, societies, countries, and clusters.
In this damn idiotic philosophy the rulers are selfish, power hungry, ‘witches with loving faces’ ‘goats with wolfy skins’ and are bothered about their own rule, greed, possession, power, authority, control, pleasure (they don’t know that these ‘f’ers can not live in peace and ‘ananda’ state of consciousness), feeling of acceptance by force etc and are least bothered about people, organisations, states, countries, and entire world!!
When people realise this, the revolutions happen and the demons, devils and all evils get destroyed and love blossoms on the dead bodies and graves!!
One day this damn philosophy will destroy the entire world and only earth will remain without any life on it!!
So, the crux is…
1. Those who follow ‘divide and rule’ copying their seniors/predecessors/history are real devils who can only enjoy pleasure/hunger of promotions, power, authority etc for a brief time, screw up their health, peace, contentment and in the longer run get isolated as people know their true colours and live in despair. Such people will always live in a state of fear, will not believe or trust or have faith in any one and obviously can not get sleep and rest, consciously or subconsciously.
2. They are shameless people who have no values or morals. What is the point in gaining all that listed above by spoiling the peace and health?? Truly they are personality disorder cases!!
As they are always in a state of fear, they are god fearing too, highly religious, go to temples, do prayers, offerings, perform superstitious rituals and believe that God will save them, the only invisible source of support to their souls, bodies and mind!!
In fact the feeling of insecurity and negativity, feeling that people can cheat them, feeling that ‘people are cunning, lazy and strategic’ (personality disorder traits!!) is what makes them to have spies or use divide and rule policy.
How they are born? Who groomed them? immoral, valueless, irresponsible mothers and fathers, bosses, societies!!
In fact keeping people/societies/organisations/countries in groups only makes ‘pockets and islands of knowledge, wisdom and experience’ and can never bring synergistic experience and success of the whole organisation/society/country/world.
The individual groups spend lots of their time and energy in only handling the negativities, are always anxiety struck, fear struck, always in a danger of the unknown, negative perceptions, fear of losing and destruction etc. So, whether the individuals or the group, can never realise their true potential and therefore even the synergy within the group is also lost!! It also breeds suspicion within the group elements.
Do you think all these are positive energies inside an organisation/society/country???...will they contribute for any full, complete, all round and synergistic growth or prosperity ever?...
our country is also in the same state and whether the people or societies or the country is only experiencing spells of only pleasure (small time or spikes of successes in space, science, technology, economy, agriculture, growth figures etc) and truly no peace, happiness or health or contentment here…no wonder it is the capital of Life-Style diseases which are related to the body and mind of people and societies, the way they think life and living as and they behave!!
Truly speaking keeping them united, keeping the love as the binding force, love (positivity) as the back bone of all processes will automatically ensure identification and changing/killing of the negative energies which emanate, if at all, and ensure an unimaginable synergistic growth and success which no one can imagine!! So, truly speaking whether the organisations or societies or countries or clusters are grossly underperforming at all levels due to this deadly disease. So, collectively the world or humanity is not progressing the way and the speed with which it should be!, every one in this system is constantly in fear and therefore the negative evils are powerful everywhere! the family social system and dynamics of relationships at all levels and social groups/organisations also fail miserably!!
3. The people, societies and countries should know their bosses whether they are real and good administrators or managers or leaders or rulers, their intensions, strategies etc and accordingly unite, stand up and take efforts to change them in a positive manner or else destroy the devils with less damages and destruction. But love is the best weapon and may be mix of both can be used.
4. Divide and rule only can help for short time gains but will not help in a long run especially if people/societies/countries become aware about the cruel and irresponsible face of the leader(?).
5. The history tells several stories and examples of what happened to dictators, dictating societies/groups and dictating nations. This is applicable in an organisational context also.
6. Divide and rule only brings imbalance in a system and ultimately The Nature, The god, ensures balance by destroying the evils and ensuring peace!!...but when it happens at world level no world will be left and only earth will remain as the gigantic winner!!
7. Evolution is a natural process but when it does not bring wellbeing to people, societies and countries, entire humanity then The Nature brings in the inevitable revolution to keep the evolution on track!!
So, I only hope the deadly evil of ‘Divide and Rule’ policy is destroyed at all levels and all places on this festival day, the festival which is celebrated all over the world, and the LOVE rules the world, as decided by The Jesus or Prophet Mohammad or Lord Krishna or any other religious god or guru, and this world becomes a beautiful, peaceful, healthy and happy earth!!
peacefully yours....rams!! (this is what happens when you read and gain experience in science, engg, administration, psychology, sociology etc)

Thursday, 24 December 2015

the difference between 'special people' and 'ordinary people'....

hmmmmmmmmmmmm....see the video at the link below...brave elephant!!...Did its father or mother teach how to be brave and fight against sooo many lions??...when the body is healthy, the brain is healthy...the healthy brain forms the healthy, strong mind of high will-power, self confidence etc which powers the body with phenomenal energy to fight against any/any number of odds in life!!...rams

Dear is actually a medicine...for our health, growth and rejuvenation!!...but if we hog like a dog, then we will end up eating handful of medicines like food at 40 and later!!
similarly the temple prasadam is also a medicine...not a food!!

Dear all...see the pic of a special person below...only such 'special' people know the value of life, the value of each moment, value of people, value of relationships etc and they treat every one and every thing 'special' and God's gift in their life!...For Ordinary people everything is ordinary, they are not sensitised about anything, they take anything and everything for granted...for them everything is same and ordinary, they treat every day, every moment, every person, every relationships only as 'ordinary' only!!...rams

'use social media for learning and spreading the wisdom more than using them for finding new relationships or maintaining old relationships'

Dear all...many people use facebook and other social media for 'entertainment'. Such people at one stage will get bored and will leave the social media. This is because our interests change as we age....our method of entertainment also changes...e.g entertainment during childhood is different from adolescent stage and different during adults and again different when we become senior citizens. So, in about 3 to 4 years we will get bored about the social media.
Some use for social relationships. I.e to develop new relationships or maintain old too if we notice our friendships change when we go from one school to the city to the other...only one or two thick relationships will remain...and that too will fade after about 10 or 15 years...i.e day to day contact will not be, once in a week or a month only they will use the social media...and slowly will fade off...
But one who uses it for learning-and-teaching purpose, entertainment and maintaining social relationships will always use, the purpose and interest of learning and teaching (or telling others what you know or feel is right) is internally driven basic propulsion force that will ever be there...subject of interest might change...but learning and interest to tell others will always be there...
so, use the social media for all these purposes...and mainly 'learning' purpose...and definition of learning is 'a process that results in a relatively permanent change in behaviour!'
peacefully yours...rams

'mostly we don't have love...we only feel some need!'

Dear all...all most every one says they are in love!!....they love a girl or a boy or mother or father or sister or brother or wife or husband etc. But truly they are not in love, they just have a NEED!!
They expect something from the other person...there is some need...they feel that the other person can satisfy their needs...!!
then what happens?...Is it a love?, we get several questions like this in our mind...we will see all the questions and answers is too late for me...let me sleep and get up early tomorrow to say hai to my early morning friends!!
byeee...good night...kiss you all tomorrow!!

pic of me climbing an abandoned hill!!

Dear all...the legs don't rest...keep climbing something or the other...climbing up some abandoned hill at 1988!!...rams

'almost all those who have achieved will have some negative perception about their own selves!'

Dear all...almost all those who feel that they have achieved something in life or all those who are accepted as achievers by the society will have some defect or deficiency, drawback or illness or disease or ailment or difference that is perceived negatively by that person, or in reality, in the body or mind or both!!
This is what probably pushes them to be an achiever and carve a distinct identity for them.
so, the crux is...
1. carry out a SWOT analysis of the self
2. list the positives, identify the methods of growing them further and implement
3. list the negatives and identify the methods of converting them to positives
4. identify the methods of obtaining the synergistic effect (i.e (1+1)= >3 effect) by combining the list 2 and list 3 and combining the strengths within the lists.
peacefully yours...rams...

merry christmas - 2015

Dear is Christmas day...the birth day of Jesus Christ, the person who saw people killing each other for greed, and not survival need, and told them to be united, loving, caring for all living organisms and defined the meaning of life and living!!, the true spirit of celebrating this day, the true way of respecting the Jesus is to 'LOVE ALL', the way Mother Teresa did and make them feel 'I care for you!...i am there with you, don't worry!!'. When this is done, the Jesus is there WITH YOU, IN you, AROUND you all the time. Otherwise we will only have symbols of identity for selfishness and the Jesus will not be there with us!!
So, on this auspicious day i wish all a great, happy, memorable day and a life full of peace, prosperity, health, happiness and self actualization to you, your family, relatives, friends and all around.
peacefully yours...rams...

Tuesday, 22 December 2015

Is our country really growing utilising its full potential of resources??...where is the problem?...what is required to be done??

Dear all... every year i find hundreds or thousands of best students of tamil nadu who have scored 198 or nearby as their cut off for their engg or medical or other professional course admissions cry and ask 'Is my mark less? Why i should not get my choice college or course?'.
I am sure this must be the case all over the country even for the CBSE students who have appeared for AIEEE.
I feel really sad for these students. Can any one say 198 out of 200 is less? This student probably has scored 200/200 in one or two subjects!!
Why they are not able to get?
1. The state or country does not have so many best engg or medical colleges or colleges of other disciplines to cater for the number of high IQ or hard working students of this country.
2. Almost all the best colleges are either govt or govt aided colleges.
There is a large gap between the demand and supply!!!...the end result is these frustrated lot might leave the country or go against the system or become anti social elements.
Why?...What is the problem?
There are two things a must for a developing or developed country for sustenance....
1. world class educational institutions at school and college levels
2. world class Eco friendly research centers where the issues bothering the humanity and earth are researched by the best of the scientists with the world class facilities
What is required for establishing these?
Money!!...and of course the ATTITUDE or WILL!!
Where is the money or wealth of this country accumulated??
Temples, politicians, rich business men, mutts, cine stars...any more places??
People associated with these only throw small and silly bones to people or society and that too to comply with the government policies of social responsibility!!...and common people who are obsessed and fanatics associated with these places/people argue that their wealth is spent for the poor!!
Even the pure service organisations have slowly become profit making organisations and started selling their services including the spiritual wisdom, basic humanitarian supports, etc. Their income is several thousand times more than their expenditure on social services. Otherwise how such a massive wealth got accumulated??
why they don't invest in world class educational and research institutions by number and quality commensurate with their incomes?...if they are greedy about money and wealth may be some percentage of these institutions can be used by them to make profits by offering seats to high IQ-and-rich students...and rest at least can be used for providing good education to the high IQ-hard working-poor students.
If they are selfish, why Govt can not bring policies to make them spend the wealth for these?
list the high profit making rich organisations in this country and see how many of them foster education and research at least in their area of knowledge and skills. e.g How many IT companies have world class educational institutions and research centers in India in the area of computer science or IT?????....but they make huge wealth out of the resources of this country!!
You can do the same exercise for the other places/ people where the money and wealth is stored in mountain sizes!!
Good world class research in fundamental and applied sciences, engg and technology are the basic and urgent need of the hour to further the growth where saturation levels have achieved. e.g IT industry.
so, the crux is...
1. till such time people wake up and avoid dumping of their money and wealth at such places, this country can not improve in a way that it has to and it can!
2. people and organisations who have massive wealth need to realise that strong investments in education and research is required for further big businesses to make much more wealth by them in future in this country....forget about services for people and the country, even for their own sustenance it is required!!!....Will these people soaked in wealth and money based greedy culture ever change???
3. will the politicians in the government who are also from the same breed bring in policies forcing these people/organisations to invest good percentage of their wealth for world class education and research in india??
till such time these things happen this country can only experience or the people can only perceive illusions or pockets or small times of growth only and not to the extent of the full potential of actual long time growth that the country has to see and can see!!

What do i do for the health of my body, mind and relationships?

Dear all…I type what I know…what I do…what I have experienced…what I have perceived through my reading, hearing, seeing, smelling, sensing and thinking…
People ask me my health pursuits…being a health psychologist…!!!
Health is defined as ‘a state of physical, mental and social wellbeing’…so, we have to give exercise for all these three elements…
Here they are…get up early…I sleep by 10 pm and get up by 4 to 4.15 am…do routines…take a glass of Luke warm honey water (one spoon of honey)
Eat some less starch fruits…
Start walks and runs by about 5.15 am in a clean air atmosphere filled with trees…till about 7.10 am…first about 40 mts fast walks…from slow to fast…then about 40 mts rhythmic slow jogs…then about 40 mts fast -to-slowing down walks…. (exercise for the body)
While doing these maintaining the rhythm and toe run…enjoy the surroundings…enjoy the nature’s sounds…enjoy the natural smell…feel the cool…enjoy the light melody from the mobile too…
Accepting people and life situations as they are, self talking in mind that nothing can happen to you, all-well, enjoy the life can help to enjoy the inputs to all five senses and process all these using sixth sense in the empty mind…(exercise for the mind)…mind has to be kept like this all day and night…
Music has to be all along with us through out the day…when focused thinking is required, we can turn it off…
Similarly natural healthy smell can be there throughout
Climate should be not so cold not so hot…just the point where we don’t sweat…
Eating break fast of more carbs, less protein and less fruits (total weight about 250 to 300 gms), one glass of milk mixed with one glass of water around 8.15 am…never miss break fast…
Eating one fruit of less starch and two egg whites at about 11 am…
Eating lunch with two chappathis with more protein (total weight of about 250 to 300 gms) around 1.15 pm…more uncooked cabbage leaves cut into small pieces…
Lots of water throughout the day when feeling thirsty
One hour of yoga in the evening around 6 to 7 pm….
Dinner of two chappathis and more dal, one lime, few gratings of garlic, ginger, some onions…
Weight has never crossed 65 kgs during the last 30 years!...generally at 62.
So the crux of good healthy, peaceful, contented, happy and successful living is…
1. Walking can be done anytime indoors (treadmill) or outdoors during any time of the day or evening
2. Yoga helps for good hormone (urges) and neurotransmitter secretions (moods) to keep calm, cool, focused, balanced with positive moods and less urges…so helps for body and mind…leading to social relationships too.
3. Balanced diet helps to keep good healthy organs.
4. If you are eating more junk, yoga will change your interests to help cut them down slowly. Eating once in a while in less quantity is ok.
5. Define life as a journey of learning and spend more time on studies, passion, art forms to be a good noble human being.
6. Being like mother Teresa to every one around keeps the social health great.
this is what is my health regime is all about....for body, mind and social relationships...
peacefully psychologist...

Is there any education about Love, Intimate relationships, sex and Rape?...words which worry the husbands and parents!!

Dear all...the Juvenile accused in the Nirbhaya case is released...there are several views about it...some will say 'he needs to be hanged', 'life term', 'to be treated to live noble', etc etc. Another side will say 'he has not grown' bla bla...our culture, legal system are really fantastic!!...anyway...there are enough people to talk about all is my bit...
The gynaec system of girls matures by 13 yrs, but not ready to bear and deliver a child. By the end of adolescent stage it matures and is ready. The body of boys is ready by 13 itself. But the marriage happens by about 23 to 30!!
Once the body system matures, hormones are secreted to activate the system and make it to function, like any other system in the body. Brain also cooperates by producing neurotransmitters to set the mood in consonance with the reproductive system. Brain does magic also through fantasies and dreams. So, the mind and body are consciously and sub consciously driven for reproductive needs. The brain creates a mind to get attracted to the opposite sex either looking at their body or mind (intellect, passion, talents, hobbies, skills (arts, sports, etc ), knowledge, wisdom, experience..list is big!!)
Even after the marriage the spouses are separated physically due to work, children, education etc. So, the body needs through the spouses can not be met.
1. does our culture or schools or colleges teach the coping skills?
2. what happens to a person who does not learn the coping skills naturally?
3. does our education system teach how to handle the body urges, attractions (of body and mind), relationships etc?
4. does our culture create a conducive environment at homes for the parents to teach all these?...(first of all do they know?)
5. does our culture teach boys to treat the girls equally?
6. does our culture or education system teach about the behaviours of girls to the boys and vice versa?
7. do our educational institutions teach about what is love and the relationships where body is involved? they form, various stages, the entire social dynamics, their end etc?
8. does our culture have food habits and other life styles that will reduce the urges...or hormones to secrete less?
9. Is our culture based on intellect, adventure, achievements and such other goals etc which can reduce or forget the body needs? (truly it is based on BODY-INTIMACY-SEX-CHILD BIRTH-GROWING THE CHILD TO EARN MONEY AND WEALTH-DIE)...truly our culture only promotes sex (animal) and not love (human)!!
10. do we do any damn exercise as part of our culture or grooming for the calmness or cool mind so that we are able to regulate (not control) the mind processes?
Sweet 'f' all we do, our forefathers did, and all these oldies have only left what we see...!! They did nothing other than reproduction!!!...procreation was their recreation, life and living!!
Body needs like food, water, air, sex etc are called 'id' drives and they do not see shame, social status, legal and social implications, money, wealth, the happiness and peace of others etc. 'Id' drives suppress and mask the 'ego' and 'super ego' needs which are the thinking, rational, logical, decision making elements of the mind. So, when the body has high urges, and it does not know coping skills and have conducive environment for cooling down then it is driven to do all these crimes like rape etc. If you notice, after the act they feel sorry, realise their mistake, feel what a blunder they have done etc, because the body need is met, id is dead, and the ego and super ego components of the mind starts functioning!!...but then it is too late...!!
so the crux is...
1. our culture and grooming should have the eating and other life styles which reduce urges so that id is small and ego and super ego are big and strong....exercises, yoga asanas, meditation supported by healthy life style, spiritual learning (not gods and temples!) etc should be part of life.
2. education system and parents should focus on the things i have listed above. Parents need to be taught first (they think they know every thing but 'f' all they know!!)
3. coping skills need to be taught and conducive atmosphere should exist at houses (throw the bloody religions to gutter in this aspect!!).
4. more mingling of girl and boy students at all ages to make them understand each others mind and body needs, the relationships between them, mutual respect for freedom in all dimensions etc.
till these things are done, rapes will continue to happen in this country, girls from 8 days old to 80 years old can not be saved by any one from sexual assaults!!
peacefully psychologist