yes...Nature is The God...it is every where...look at the temples in chennai....in that flooded area...all the gods are also sunk....temples are sunk...gods are also inside the gutter water with all the shit and garbage...so the real god is Nature...it can destroy you, if you destroy that!!...it can make any one a big 'No One!!'...Nature god does not see the temples and gods you have created...because it knows it is not real place where gods live...it knows that it is a creation of you for your own urge and happiness to create an identity, symbol to worship and get peace and wealth and what not...so, worship the real god, The Nature...as long as you have temples and such identities, sensitivities of all related things, you will water religions, caste and all dividers and pour poison in your lives...the politicians, religious leaders and media which spread negatives make use of you, to sensitize you and drive you mad with negative emotions...!!!...see, when the nature got furious it has eaten away and washed off all the gods, houses, temples, gita or bible or quran, your negativeness, religiousness in our minds and hearts and all the muck, ie all the things we have created against nature which are wrong, and made us Null and Nil and made us to get united, bonded, with only LOVE, SERVICE, SACRIFICES!!!....this is what the real temple is...the real god is...the real world is...the real peace is...the real happiness is...the real heaven is!!!
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