Dear all...i happen to see many shares on the walls of college students related to initial honey moon phase of love, demanding and controlling love, crying, sad, frustration, break up etc...the phases in short are...
1. attraction
2. trying to gather details about that person without his or her knowledge
3. meeting
4. interaction on issues of common interest
5. telling everything about ourselves
6. both talk, talk and talk and reach of a state of no secrecy, no privacy
2. trying to gather details about that person without his or her knowledge
3. meeting
4. interaction on issues of common interest
5. telling everything about ourselves
6. both talk, talk and talk and reach of a state of no secrecy, no privacy
up to this phase it is all sweet, honey and yummy yummy.
If it is beyond the body and mind needs then it remains always forever and strong. If it remains at the body level then the next stage of 'why did you not call me?', 'i have been waiting and watching whole day. You were talking to some one else!' 'You have no priority for me, no interest in this relationship!' etc will go on and after wards break up flag will be hoisted if the needs are not met or after the needs are met then the one with body level will peel off silently or giving some reason. If it is at both body and mind level for both then the above will continue for ever till such time they join together. If for some reason they can not join then will remain bachelors. lf one gets married then the other remains alone as a devotee in her own world or gets married after many years or has only friendships but remains unmarried.
There are as many variations, as there are number of people in such relationships. In general it is like this...
In every relationship of this sort there will be a silent phase when both do not interact due to conflicts. That is the time they realise how strong or weak is the relationship, what is that relationship, where it is-mind or body or both or beyond.
Anyway, it is a process of maturing...emotional maturing!..Only thing is the person should not break up because of the relationship break-up!!
Even in the devotee type of state, they should do their daily chores at all places and involve in their passion, adventure, arts etc so that there is no painful pleasure, and only happiness, peace, good health and contentment.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...anyway...every one is born with a destiny...just live it off happily!!
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