Dear all…THIS POST IS MAINLY FOR WORKING/FUTURE WORKING PROFESSIONALS…there are two types of feelings…1. Feeling of acceptance 2. Feeling of rejection.
Every one wants to be accepted in all positive social systems to get the ‘feeling of acceptance’…e.g home, organisation, friends groups, social groups etc. You can make them accept with positive traits, love etc or by FORCE!...when we use force against people or societies or countries or cluster of these three, to gain the feeling of acceptance, control, authority/power, governing then it becomes ‘rule’.
Greed is another reason where you rule people or societies or countries by force.
Wanting to possess people, societies, countries and resources of all kinds is another reason to rule by force.
So, all over the world the powerful people or countries rule the powerless (but resourceful!) for greed, possession and for feeling of acceptance. Wealth, women and other natural or man made resources were/are the targets.
All these that I have explained above are all negative as they are not based on LOVE which makes people to be united, caring, happy, peaceful etc. All the above only makes the ruler pleasurable (not happy, as the fear of losing the feeling of acceptance and getting killed any time is always there subconsciously!!)
A common philosophy which is used since time immemorial is ‘divide and rule’. I.e when people, societies and countries or clusters are united, you can not capture and rule them. So, create hatredness amongst these using dividing forces so that one will kill the other and both will be loyal to you due to either fear or love. This is the universal thumb rule which all use.
Powerful countries use this at the regional level to have area control. At a country level politicians, religious leaders, religiously-spiritual leaders etc use this technique to divide the country, societies and people so that they kill each other on the name of all divisive factors like religion, caste, rich, poor etc but are loyal to the rulers. Women become the soft targets for pleasure and creating division where they get crushed between all these big thighs. E.g the upper community guy rapes a lower community girl to insult a group and create the fight between societies and political groups use this oppurtunity for self gains.
Britishers used this as the weapon to divide our country and people into pieces so that they could capture the nation, loot and rule comfortably. The ‘leaders’ (?) of this country learnt this technique and the saga continues!!!
Even at the organisational level, the managers and leaders use this technique and rule. There is no need of spies here and the boss comes to know all the weanesses and strategies of every one.
This is a bloody bloody ‘f’ all deadly disease that has virally caught the back bone of ‘one’ness of entire humanity at all levels and eating up the piece of all people, organisations, societies, countries, and clusters.
In this damn idiotic philosophy the rulers are selfish, power hungry, ‘witches with loving faces’ ‘goats with wolfy skins’ and are bothered about their own rule, greed, possession, power, authority, control, pleasure (they don’t know that these ‘f’ers can not live in peace and ‘ananda’ state of consciousness), feeling of acceptance by force etc and are least bothered about people, organisations, states, countries, and entire world!!
When people realise this, the revolutions happen and the demons, devils and all evils get destroyed and love blossoms on the dead bodies and graves!!
One day this damn philosophy will destroy the entire world and only earth will remain without any life on it!!
So, the crux is…
1. Those who follow ‘divide and rule’ copying their seniors/predecessors/history are real devils who can only enjoy pleasure/hunger of promotions, power, authority etc for a brief time, screw up their health, peace, contentment and in the longer run get isolated as people know their true colours and live in despair. Such people will always live in a state of fear, will not believe or trust or have faith in any one and obviously can not get sleep and rest, consciously or subconsciously.
2. They are shameless people who have no values or morals. What is the point in gaining all that listed above by spoiling the peace and health?? Truly they are personality disorder cases!!
As they are always in a state of fear, they are god fearing too, highly religious, go to temples, do prayers, offerings, perform superstitious rituals and believe that God will save them, the only invisible source of support to their souls, bodies and mind!!
In fact the feeling of insecurity and negativity, feeling that people can cheat them, feeling that ‘people are cunning, lazy and strategic’ (personality disorder traits!!) is what makes them to have spies or use divide and rule policy.
How they are born? Who groomed them? immoral, valueless, irresponsible mothers and fathers, bosses, societies!!
In fact keeping people/societies/organisations/countries in groups only makes ‘pockets and islands of knowledge, wisdom and experience’ and can never bring synergistic experience and success of the whole organisation/society/country/world.
The individual groups spend lots of their time and energy in only handling the negativities, are always anxiety struck, fear struck, always in a danger of the unknown, negative perceptions, fear of losing and destruction etc. So, whether the individuals or the group, can never realise their true potential and therefore even the synergy within the group is also lost!! It also breeds suspicion within the group elements.
Do you think all these are positive energies inside an organisation/society/country???...will they contribute for any full, complete, all round and synergistic growth or prosperity ever?...
our country is also in the same state and whether the people or societies or the country is only experiencing spells of only pleasure (small time or spikes of successes in space, science, technology, economy, agriculture, growth figures etc) and truly no peace, happiness or health or contentment here…no wonder it is the capital of Life-Style diseases which are related to the body and mind of people and societies, the way they think life and living as and they behave!!
Truly speaking keeping them united, keeping the love as the binding force, love (positivity) as the back bone of all processes will automatically ensure identification and changing/killing of the negative energies which emanate, if at all, and ensure an unimaginable synergistic growth and success which no one can imagine!! So, truly speaking whether the organisations or societies or countries or clusters are grossly underperforming at all levels due to this deadly disease. So, collectively the world or humanity is not progressing the way and the speed with which it should be!, every one in this system is constantly in fear and therefore the negative evils are powerful everywhere! the family social system and dynamics of relationships at all levels and social groups/organisations also fail miserably!!
3. The people, societies and countries should know their bosses whether they are real and good administrators or managers or leaders or rulers, their intensions, strategies etc and accordingly unite, stand up and take efforts to change them in a positive manner or else destroy the devils with less damages and destruction. But love is the best weapon and may be mix of both can be used.
4. Divide and rule only can help for short time gains but will not help in a long run especially if people/societies/countries become aware about the cruel and irresponsible face of the leader(?).
5. The history tells several stories and examples of what happened to dictators, dictating societies/groups and dictating nations. This is applicable in an organisational context also.
6. Divide and rule only brings imbalance in a system and ultimately The Nature, The god, ensures balance by destroying the evils and ensuring peace!!...but when it happens at world level no world will be left and only earth will remain as the gigantic winner!!
7. Evolution is a natural process but when it does not bring wellbeing to people, societies and countries, entire humanity then The Nature brings in the inevitable revolution to keep the evolution on track!!
So, I only hope the deadly evil of ‘Divide and Rule’ policy is destroyed at all levels and all places on this festival day, the festival which is celebrated all over the world, and the LOVE rules the world, as decided by The Jesus or Prophet Mohammad or Lord Krishna or any other religious god or guru, and this world becomes a beautiful, peaceful, healthy and happy earth!!
peacefully yours....rams!! (this is what happens when you read and gain experience in science, engg, administration, psychology, sociology etc)
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