Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Why we don't listen to others??

Dear all...why we don't listen (i am referring to only listening with ears, eyes and attention (the first step) and not converting into behaviour and following in life as habits or culture, which is the second step) to others?
1. when the person is some one on whom we have some 'needs' and 'expectations' for our happiness, health, peace etc and one or more of the needs and expectations are not met fully or partially etc. Under these conditions we are not in a position to even listen to that person...even if we love him or her the most...because of our loss of trust that our needs and expectations will get met through that person...because of the frustration we get due to needs not met...because we perceive we lost our trust, faith and belief that we will be better off and our needs will be met through that person...we perceive that the person has cheated us etc...
2. the other reason is that we have learnt some time in life that some thing is right...may be because it is giving us happiness, peace, good health, pleasure and success...all these or one of them...or may be that we are obsessed with it...we have become a fanatic of that learning...or that belief...we have become over sensitized about it...we feel warmth...we feel cozy...we feel we are secured...and when hear something new we feel and fear that it might take away that secured feeling...the source of happiness and peace...we believe that only that is right and everything else is wrong or can not give happiness, peace etc...therefore, we don't want to listen to others...we have closed our minds...we have closed ourselves in a cage...we are happy being in that well...we don't want to grow...we don't accept that there are many things which can be good...may be that we are in a 'pleasure well' and other things can give us relief or help us to attain different levels of peace, happiness, divine status etc...allow us to expand...allow us to grow...allow us to mature further...to become a real expanded noble human being....equivalent to god...the way god wants us to live!!!
so, the crux is....
1. love all and every one and let the love be beyond the needs and expectations so that we will listen to all, capture those which are truth, and we expand, grow, mature etc...
2. let us not cage our selves and live in wells of limited knowledge, freedom, pleasure, growth, maturity and die...as...as...as...as....The Nature has not created us to be like that...therefore, though we might appear or perceive to be peaceful and lived the life to the fullest etc, but actually NOT!!
peacefully yours....rams

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