hmmmmmmmmmmmm....see the video at the link below...brave elephant!!...Did its father or mother teach how to be brave and fight against sooo many lions??...when the body is healthy, the brain is healthy...the healthy brain forms the healthy, strong mind of high will-power, self confidence etc which powers the body with phenomenal energy to fight against any/any number of odds in life!!...rams
Dear is actually a medicine...for our health, growth and rejuvenation!!...but if we hog like a dog, then we will end up eating handful of medicines like food at 40 and later!!
similarly the temple prasadam is also a medicine...not a food!!
Dear all...see the pic of a special person below...only such 'special' people know the value of life, the value of each moment, value of people, value of relationships etc and they treat every one and every thing 'special' and God's gift in their life!...For Ordinary people everything is ordinary, they are not sensitised about anything, they take anything and everything for granted...for them everything is same and ordinary, they treat every day, every moment, every person, every relationships only as 'ordinary' only!!...rams

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